Ace Attorney

>they actually made a worse game than Dual Destinies

>No physical release

Never played this series should I buy the original trilogy and then quit after that?

>listening to IGN
Spirit of Justice is much better than Dual Destinies. There's not nearly as much handholding and there's not a grammatical error every other sentence. My only real complaint is they tried too hard with the pun names this time around. They're all way too fucking cheesy.

Play the original trilogy then try out Apollo Justice. If you don't like it then it's a good sign you're done with AA.

Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is the best game in the series, though.

>play through 4 long ass games to see if you like a series
Nigga thats too much

The original trilogy is great, so i would definitely recommend it. Apoollo Justice is a major tone shift from the original games, it's much darker, so it's good in it own right, just different. Dual Destinies is worth one playthrough, but it's pretty disappointing overall, and I'm enjoying Spirit of Justice so far. Ace Attorney Investigations is good, just don't go in expecting the same game, and Ace Attorney Vs. Professor Layton is a good mix up to both series' formulas.

Is Apollo Justice when Ace was a hobo?

Well, disgraced ex-attorney, but yes, basically

More like Spirit of JUST

why do Sup Forums believe IGN is the most reliable vidya media?

So far I think it's much better than DD, but ok

this nigga is right, but you'd better play the original trilogy and aai1 before playing aii2

buttmad Phoenix fangirl hates this

This. AA will never be as good as the original trilogy, but at least it's clear they learned form their mistakes on DD.

hobo phoenix best phoenix

>actually caring about IGN

this is why other boards make fun of Sup Forums

It's not like those are valid criticism they are throwing there, especially when they give a pass to other games for the exact same reasons.

But why am I arguing anything here, all you wanted was your (You), so here, knock yourself out.

Yeah, it was called Apollo Justice.

Ace Investigations II never got an official English-language release. Hope he knows Japanese or has no qualms with playing some fan translation.

Also, Spirit of Justice has a good score (81) on Metacritic. OP is cherry-picking one of its three mixed reviews.

currently playing Dual Destinies and so far it has been pretty boring. Does Spirit of Justice require too much knowledge of what happens in DD? I just want to see grown up Maya.

Well, the fan translation is perfectly adequate so why would he have a problem with it?

Is AAI still worth it if most of my love for the AA series comes from loving the main cast (i.e. Phoenix, Maya/Mia, Pearl)? I've been avoiding it because to my understanding it doesn't have those characters.

>implying AJ was bad
Pleb taste detected. Remove thyself.

AAI1 fucking sucks bad. I never played AAI2.

You have to pirate the game, for one.

Dual Destinies sucks really bad. Haven't gotten my paycheck yet, so I can't say about Spirit of Justice.

Skip DD, though. It's by far the worst game in the series.

>brings the sequels made by lesser team
>don't bring the game made by the original author that even had life based animation because Meiji era is way too hard for westerners


You and them are both retarded

whats to be expected of this milked out franchise.

they censored dialogue that mentioned how something weighed too much for a female or something

pretty funny that this triggers the translators so hard

What are the chances that this guy was an analpained Mayafag?

Does Phoenix finally fuck Maya in this? Spoil my shit up