Have you worshipped your Goddess Lady Palutena today?

Have you worshipped your Goddess Lady Palutena today?


Nintendo has only one true goddess.



Yes, yes I have.

I hope it was a big fat load.

Yes. I offered her a sacrifice of thousands of my unborn children.

Delet this and stay delet or my son ever again.

this triggers the Sup Forums for whatever reason.

Yes. want me to post what I fapped to?





I don't care what Sup Forums says, Akariot's Palutena makes me hard as diamonds every time.



WTF dude ?

I have an inanimate TF fetish, okay?

I love gassy Palutena!

I unironically do. Palutena is the perfect character to project farting / scat onto what with the whole god aspect making it so she can produce as much as she wants.

It's okay user, we can have shitty fetishes together

you've beaten each Kid Icarus game right? are you ready for Kid Icarus NX?

>we can have shitty fetishes together

I guess I'll join in since I like vore

>Palutena will never grab you firmly and slide you down her slippery throat until you're thrashing around in her gut.
>Palutena will never giggle as she pats her jiggling belly before letting out a huge, unlady-like burp.

Why live?

user please I've wasted too much time playing with my dick today.


Ok seriously, what the fuck is with you degenerates making these waifu threads every 15 minutes. It's always Nintendo ones too, Samus, Peach, Rosalina, whatever. What happened in your lives to lead you here and why Nintendo? Also why do you persist in doing this shit here, on Sup Forums, when you could very easily do this on another board and not worry about getting deleted. The Peach and Rosalina threads both got axed before they even hit 10 replies, why do you persist in this shit?

Calm down please

Well, I'm sorry user, but I'm just too hungry to simply let you go. You can do whatever you want once you're in my stomach, user. Now, why don't you be a good boy and come over here so Lady Palutena can give you a kiss? Just don't be alarmed if my lips seem to stretch a bit abnormally wide when I'm pecking your forehead.

Hey mods, instead of eventually deleting this, could you move it to trash

He draws a lot of sameface which is offputting

I ask you some fucking questions and I'd like some answers.

I'm not OP


Ahahaha! You're so cute, user! You're THAT hard just from the idea of me eating you? Gosh, I guess I should just go ahead and devour you then, you tasty little thing~ Where do you want me to start sweetie? Foot first or head first?

If anyone else wants to play out their favorite terrible fetishes, just let me know. If thread goes kill, hit me up at [email protected]

I would really hate for Palutena to transform me into an inanimate, female object. That would be just so humiliating!

I really hope you get cancer

I'd rather be small enough to disappear in one gulp.

Oh goodness, like that TF villager comic that other user posted or something more akin to petrification? Take your time deciding honey. Feel free to grope those new boobs sprouting out of your chest while you think; might as well enjoy my miracle of feminization working on your body~

Goodness, you want to be my little 6 inch high toy then for me to gulp down in one go? Fine by me~

Wow! I forgot just how powerful this miracle was! How do you like the view, hmm? Must be nice looking up at my full breasts while your view gets lower and lower~

I'm a bit busy right now to keep replying, sorry.

Maybe if we get moved to trash though, or later I might shoot you an email.



>only 1 (one) thighhighs
Eh, pass

absolutely no good porn so no

She makes it work.

I want another 2D game