What the fuck....it just ends. What the hell happened!? Everything was so good then it just ends, just like that!

What the fuck....it just ends. What the hell happened!? Everything was so good then it just ends, just like that!
Is this what halo 2 fans felt like?
Jesus Christ, it's like someone took some scissors and cut the film while the movie was playing in the theater.

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don't worry goy
you'll get another one next year for $60 plus $40 for the DLC and another one the year after that


Are you serious!? I didnt know about another new deus ex for next year, I was avoiding all news related stuff for MD to avoid spoilers because I already knew I would love this game, and I did but that fucking ending, wtf, that's not even an ending, the game is on pause.
Why would they do this? Did people freak out over it? I'm out of the loop.

Yeah this is the first part of a trilogy.
Square Enix saw a cash cow and decided to milk it for all its worth

You mean like the next one is the third in the jensen trilogy or there's 2 more fucking games being pumed out?
Is this eidos' work or square?

2 more games
my first post might have been trollish but it wasn't inaccurate

If Sterling is to be believed, then it's Squeenix Europe that seems to like doing some executive meddling and questionable strategic decisions with their titles.

>game just ends
>game includes an "episodes" section

It's like people aren't self aware enough to know they're getting fucked.

Crack when?

"Soon" - CPY

probably 2 weeks
or 4, or 6.
Depends on the order CPY is doing the denuvo games.

order of popularity, really. It's why DM will get done next and Sherlock Holmes will never be cracked.

Why ruin a good thing, it's not like deus ex is a cod tier selling franchise they can't expect much. Man I feel so disappointed in eidos/square, I still loved the game but damn...
That explains why there's a store where you can buy praxis kits and other stuff, why dont they do that garbage to their ff games and ruin their games with that shit.

Well, there is still FC Primal, and Just Cause.
Not to mention they should wait for more patches to the game, it doesn't even have a proper DX12 support yet, just a beta.

>halo 2

Halo 2 ending was far, far worse than DXMD

Yeah, the ending was shit and the story didn't have as much substance as HR. It just didn't engage me. The levels weren't a lot of fun until you arrived at that facility in the swiss alps. But that was already towards the end of the game.

Now, wtf is that Jensen Stories shit? I tried starting it. Are they just random extra missions that arent part of the main story? If so, that does mean there is some additional content, which is cool. But.. yeah, what is it anyway?

not confirmed.

The real story is told in the hidden parts.

>Are they just random extra missions that arent part of the main story?
Yeah. More or less. Think something like the Missing link DLC before it was added to the main story in HR's Director's cut version.

What would count as confirmation to you? If it came straight out of the mouth of the publisher?
I guess by that standard it's not confirmed and it won't be until the next episode next year ends just as abruptly as this one did.

>FC Primal, and Just Cause

I get the feeling that these were released a little way before they figured out a crack to the latest iterations of denuvo, and they decided not to bother so they could focus on more recently-released games.

But then, I don't know about the cracking process. maybe it's easier to find a workaround for some games?

I'm no expert but it's all about finding Denuvo triggers and patching them. All the games so far had about 250 in them, even Inside so there shouldn't be much more difficult to crack one or the other.

>calling him "bob" on official documents


Does Reed actually show up in the new game?
I still don't get whether DXHR is trying to tell me she's a bitch or not. Like, at first she looked nice with keeping that toy car and all, later the game showed me this.

Interesting. I guess maybe it is just popularity, then. though that doesn't explain why they bothered to crack Inside.

No. She does get mentioned though.

Is Square-Enix run by Jews or something? Because they can stop Jewing up shit! I can't wait for Final Fantasy tards to get fucked by Squeenix's latest abortion they're wording on!

probably because it was recent
and it is a nice game

She has voiced lines in this scene She has good intentions, like giving everyone the kind of aug compatibility as Adam has, but many of her ways end up causing harm (using Adam to get gene samples, developing Orchid and Grey death)

I am perfectly fine with more deus ex games and faster releases.

As long as the hours per 60 dollar remains solid i don't mind cutting it into three games.

So you're ok that they took one game and split into two, possibly three, and are selling you one each year for $60+40 (+microtransactions if you want to play Breach)?

>I still don't get whether DXHR is trying to tell me she's a bitch or not.

It's ambiguous. Nicely ambiguous, too. She started a relationship with her guinea pig test subject, but that could easily have been amorality or compassion. She's obviously bitten off more than she can chew, but we don't really know if that was through a genuine desire to help people, or for power.

personally, i hope we never see her again. it would be nice to have her remain ambiguous.

This desu. People who complain about the story never paid attention to the shit that goes down behind the scenes

>personally, i hope we never see her again. it would be nice to have her remain ambiguous.
No, it would be nice to punch her right in the fucking face. Really put her through a wall. Worst part of DX:HR is no comeuppance for her.

Mankind Divided wasn't really Deus Ex because they scrapped all the cool conspiracy shit from it, in order to put in more social justice.

The fact that Augs went from being the haves to the have-nots, to better suit the story these idiots wanted to tell, was enough to make this latest game a bit of a joke.

>wanting to hit a woman
>in 2016


>the fact that Augs went from Haves to Have-Nots
literally wat
no seriously what the fuck is this for real? they're making the people with augs the HAVE-NOTS?

Did you never read a single email, pocket secretary, or at least listen to civ dialogues? MD has far more conspiracy shit in it than HR, nigger.

Lots of illuminati imagery too.

Thanks for buying our game, suckers. we spent more time shoehorning diversity quotas, white guilt, and progressive ideology than actually making a good game.

Oh, you want a Steam refund? Ha, maybe you should have done that 3 hours ago!

>clean lines through skin where hair should be growing
>no scar to indicate previous cut

So Adam just shaves lines into his hair like a negro trying to look tough?

They've all been herded into settlement zones, and there are cheesy as fuck segregation references everywhere. It's...horrible.


>naturals only


No, she's just an ambitious cunt and cares more about her research than anyone else.

>over 1 full minute intro of cringe

Thanks, I'll pass on the rest of the video.

She lied to her mom about being dead, that's a pretty clear definition of a Bitch.

That Angry Joe for ya

There's a reason I timestamped it at 2.39 for you, bruh. I'm sorry you made the same mistake I did.

The big choice in the next game when they're all in Cali

Started right from the beginning for me.

Bros before Ho's.

Switch Sarif to Hitler and maybe it would be a choice.

How is this even a question? I'll save Sarif even if his VA is changed again.

Can I have my writing job at Eidos Montreal now?

If Megan dies no one can cure grey orchid, except illuminati Bob

>cure grey orchid

It doesn't get cured. The grey death is prevalent in the first game. And only illuminati Bob can cure it.

Grey death or Orchid?
Former is still present in DX, unless you mean Ambrosia

Adam wouldn't know that

OK, so official canon is clearly bros before ho's.

Sure, but it couldn't happen. Because Neuropozyne deficiency >Orchid > Grey Death.

And the grey death can't be stopped because it's a major factor int he first game, and key to the power of versalife and bob page.

>finished a regular free roam run
>finished foxy pacifist run
>finished permadeath run
>starting completion run to get the plat

So who were Adams real parents? Lucius and Beth?

"After the Aug Incident, Megan has chosen to work for Bob Page on a nanite-virus chimera - the D Project."

So, does that mean that canonically, the entire populace of the US is given the D?

Well fuck me, I clearly remember one of the first marketing materials saying that MD is the ultimate unified hurpaderp experience (which hinted at the MMO).
And I actually enjoyed that mobile piece of shit The Fall both on PC and the tablet, and that never ever got the 2nd episode...

testtube A and testtube B

>yfw even HR Jensen was a clone among many, and his real parents were Megan and Sarif.

Two nameless Versalife scientists

Did MD officially fuck the canon of Deus Ex?


No? You can actually see how it's setting up the pieces for the events in the first game.

Should I skip side quests when doing no alerts run? Cause I spend double checking everything and I still didn't get it, even hack fails I reloaded my save
The only times I got non alert promote was on that Eliza bit when she blows up a turret on the red light district and that cop that kills the checkpoint fake cops.
Also which unavoidable choices are best to avoid losing foxiest

>Should I skip side quests when doing no alerts run?
Easiest way getting Foxiest, sure.
Don't call Miller at GARM.

Everything looks to be on track so far, replaying it should clear this up.
I'm wondering how they'll be able to make it less grounded over time seeing how the Jensen's DE is more grounded than Denton's DE.
I wonder if we'll ever see a continuation of the story that's not a prequel, hopefully do something to brake the shackles of IW so it can finally move forward, something DMC has been stuck on as well.

>hopefully do something to brake the shackles of IW

A setting like this would eventually have something like the Omar, though..

They literally wanted to pull off a MGSV

That's not a good thing.

>not letting dorfs settle in dorf holds

It's his company, he can have his documents call him whatever the fuck he likes.

Not to mention that's also what he prefers people to call him


the worst thing about Deus Ex lore BY FAR

They've been pretty good about not contradicting shit, even if stuff like the aug incident are strangely unmentioned in the first game.

You daily reminder that Invisible War got a 100/100 perfect score on metacritic

what was wrong with it's ending?

Because it was an awesome game? Unfortunately, following one of the best games ever made was a tough act to follow, especially when it was intended to be stylistically different and end the storyline.

I think it did perfectly well, and was a little deeper even than the original, which kind of fell to pieces at Area 51.

Is IW canon?

This isn't even a choice.

Megan fucking sucks.

>Has good intentions

>Developed the Orchid and Grey Death

>If Sterling is to be believed
Yeah right. As if I'd believe anything that fat cuck had to say.

B-b-but she was manipulated
Megan didn't do nothing, she is PURE

Should've added "seems to have"
Dunno about grey death development, but Orchid is accidental poison.

Megan is a tragic character. All she wants to do is get rid of aug rejection so that everybody can get all the augs they want without a Neuropozyne dependancy.
She was close to achieving this at Sarif Industries, then they got attacked and kidnapped.
Forced to help Darrow develop a method to turn augs into mindless killing machines.
Finally gets freed by Adam and encourages him to stop Darrow, which results in Adam almost dying and being missing for over a year.
Can't deal with all the guilt and decides to leave Detroit and everybody there behind to join Versalife.
Finally gets to work on her aug rejection drug again.
Page perverts her research and uses it as a poison to kill people.

I hope we get to free Megan in the next game and Adam and her finally get to settle down together.

>read up about the original's endings and Invisible War
>all will to continue is now lost

>it just ends

Do you really need a IQ of over 140 to play this game?

>Developed the Orchid and Grey Death
>Grey Death
Source for this?

>Dark souls gets praised because most of the story is in the world
>Deus Ex does the same, its suddenly bad.

Deus Ex doesn't have a Vaati that neatly explains and makes up all of the lore, so Sup Forums can't follow it.

The orchid is explained in-game
The Grey death part is speculated

>Megan's reed daughter works at unatco
>just because she worked with bob page 20 years ago

That pretty much means that megan is still working for bob page in Deus ex 1 and she made the grey death.

>megan is still working for bob page in Deus ex 1
She'll die in the next game.

>Make a prequel
>Pretend that you can finish it with a definitive ending
>they have to make multiple endings because its a deus ex game
>they fail hard because they make a sequel to a prequel
>they can't just keep on making definitive endings so they pick the "destroy panchea" ending and go with that
>make the ending of MD where they just tell you what happened to everyone you helped/killed the entire game, making it a true multiple choice ending
>slightly hint DX5