Who do we blame for all of this weebshit on steam?
Who do we blame for all of this weebshit on steam?
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Why does it bother you if you don't play it?
The users who buy them, of course. If there wasn't demand, there wouldn't be a market.
I bet most of them are retarded playstationfags.
I think you meant who do we thank.
The answer is Recettear btw
This guy
Depends on how far back you want to trace the blame
Scientology and/or Fox news circa 2008
This takes me back, I remember when recettear was the only good game on steam
It bothers me that weebs play it.
Then you must be pretty miserable.
Blame me.
why do you come to Sup Forums if weebs bother you?
you realize this is a home for weebs right?
Sup Forums is why weebshit is on steam
Steam should get even more weeb games
I don't play JRPGS, but is it really a problem? I see nothing wrong with JRPGS.
They're all better than the EA crap that plagues Steam.
This sale is not this weekend, is it?
It was quite a while back.
Demand, then Supply.
weebs should be sectioned off on their own subpage on steam, where normal people don't encounter them
>no sale
Thanks for getting my hopes up asshole.
Please contact Jeep Barnett and let him know that allowing weeb games on steam is a mistake.
because they're cancerous, vocal degenerates on par with bronies and such, yet far more prevalent
they and their games should be sectioned off, because it's making the site worse, and throwing off reviews for those unaware all weeb games are shit that weebs hype up in reviews just because it caters to their fetish, no matter their measure of objective quality
that and having to suffer the expressions of their mentall illness really sours people's mood
>hating weeb games
How can you stand playing nothing but games with dark and edgy looks?
I don't play those either.
> Who do we blame for all of this weebshit on steam?
normies get out
>there are people who unironically think normalcy is a good thing
Normal things are the most boring shit on this planet. If you're normal, you're a boring, ordinary person
People with good taste buying it
>implying e-celeb shit has anything to do with this
Fuck off to your containment threads
>because they're cancerous, vocal degenerates on par with bronies and such, yet far more prevalent
So liking cartoons makes you cancerous? I don't understand
>no matter their measure of objective quality
Why the fuck does this matter so long as you're having fun with your shit, it's all niche games anyway
>that and having to suffer the expressions of their mentall illness really sours people's mood
So you're just complexed about people liking stuff you don't, ok. Doesn't sound like too much of a fun life.
Good I'll continue playing it just to spite faggots like you.
If you play western games, then yes, you do
Unless the only western games you play is "so quirky xDD" indie shit
Just imagining that every time I load up a weeb game on my Vita this guy is somewhere shitting himself with anger makes me happy.
I'm going to get my Vita now
>get more games
>doesn't get games
>cry and beg
Reddit and Sup Forums
It borther me that retards play Overwatch but you don't see me making autistic threads about it
Turn off adblock and realize what website your on.
But I'm already in a containment thread for your autism user.
Your mom?
But user, you are the Reddit
>he smugly posts this before switching over to his open /d/ and /cm/ tabs while clenching his loli pillow tightly against his grotesque 250lb body
Oh, a Sup Forums poster
How nice. As if this shithole doesn't have enough already
You seem upset. How about we put a smile on that face senpai.
Yeah, you wish
But even the fat neckbeard with degenerate interests is funnier to watch than the normal-looking guy with his normal interests
Is that girl face sempai? Pretty good meme.
I want you to bully me
People who are into anime over the age of 18 are definitive manchildren. The medium has nothing redeemable about it, and neither do its followers. 95% of anime at this point is moe blob self insert shit that's targeted toward lonely virgins who've been failed at finding a place in society so they've grown to resent it and now prefer the comfort of 2D animation where their waifus and the other losers they meet online sharing their same pathetic interests won't judge them for their imperfections (of which there are many). Thus you have Sup Forums, a board that used to be the most popular on this site but now it and all other anime related boards only account for maybe 10-15% of traffic. That's because even other loser nerds can't stand weebs and have grown to dislike them, and now that weebs know they are the minority on what was once weeb central they feel threatened and proceed to spam their shitty anime reaction images throughout the site in completely unrelated threads. All in a vain attempt for attention and recognition from anonymous people.
Honestly it's really sad. I genuinely feel bad for these people.
>admitting to posting on Sup Forums
Don't you have some school homework to do or something?
>Normal things are the most boring shit on this planet.
That way of thought is normal though. Aren't you a special little snowflake.
As is always the case, the people paying for it.
It's ok user these people can help you. They understand.
Anime is a fucking bad meme, 90% of anime is pure pandering to the viewers.
On the other hand, sometimes anime can mean something, but not exactly intentionally.
Let me explain, remember when Beelzemon saves the little girl in Digimon 3? That was a really emotional moment, but not deep in the least, the feelings are there without any need to search for a meaning.
Most weeb cartoons try so hard to make a anime different. For instance, death note.
Death note is the most pretentious shit that has come from anime.
If you really want something deep read a book or watch a good film, even fucking play a videogame like Stanley Parable, but don't watch chink cartoons please.
I love pasta too, user
>not DR2
I know this is pasta but this is actually true. TV, film, literature and even vidya have great works that represent their mediums well. What does anime have? JoJo? Cowboy Bebop? LOGH? Lmao all these shallow derivative shows that barely count as art. Weebs honestly have shit taste.
Got u covered.
Wait so there isn't an actual sale? Yeah, you can go fuck yourself.
Here's a hint, you only think anime doesn't because it's not widely socially acceptable to think so yet.
Japan is literally saving PC gaming and pkeks complain
>grouping TV and vidya with literature and film in the discussion of art
opinion diregarded
I couldn't even finish DR2.
I've been stuck in chapter 4 for 3 months now and don't feel like continuing. DR1 was more interesting.
Top tier girl
What the fuck is there to be stuck on?
>it's bad because it's a cartoon
>Open up steam after seeing these thread, looking forward to picking up some stuff I've been waiting to go on sale
>It's not actually an anime game sale
Why would you do this to me OP
Stuck as in uninterested in continuing, not actual difficulty.
the only one to blame is sony
all this fucking weeabooshit is released because sony allows and funds this garbage
Sale in the OP was pretty disappointing though so you didn't miss anything.
>y-you only hate them b-because they aren't c-cool to like!
On a serious note, everything anime has tried to do to make it a serious artform has already been done but better by other mediums, including Japanese film itself. The only reason that people cling to anime is the art style; manchildren have some sort of attraction to the virgin pandering designs that must've started from childhood. That's the only reason I can think of because there is absolutely nothing else redeemable about the medium.
Fuck you OP, I really thought they're having an anime sale.
You made me check steam. Fuck you.
how come?
steam isn't for anime
If you don't like anime, you really should consider suicide. You should also consider leaving Sup Forums forever. This is an anime website.
>I only watch stuff so I can talk about expressions of "art" and how sophisticated I am.
I don't give a single fuck about art, I watch what's fun and enjoyable for me.
>The only reason that people cling to anime is the art style; manchildren have some sort of attraction to the virgin pandering designs that must've started from childhood
Wow people like aesthetically pleasing things, what a surprise
You people are always bitching about anime where the artists at least put some effort in yet never criticize all the awfully poorly drawn western cartoons where the characters all take 5 seconds to draw
>watching Disney cartoons is a ok
>watching Japanese cartoons is wrong
let it go amirite :^)
Watching something different looking for the sake of looking at something different is nothing wrong.
Live action has yet to compete with crazy visuals animated industry can offer.
In anime you can have giant robots fighting in Hong Kong for couple of episodes as a sub plot, but if it's done with live action actors it must be a high budget one in years movie if you don't want to settle for rubber suits.
>anime sale
>sells games rather than anime
? ? ?
>some effort
>Wide eyed, same-faced, featureless abominations
Kill yourself weeb
Damn it, OP. I actually opened Steam hoping I'd be able to get Danganronpa for a good price finally.
Considering how many movies Steam is selling, I doubt it won't happen.
>buying games on PC
All of you fuckers who hate anime should really try watching some modern cartoon network/Disney channel/Nickelodeon shit.
It's not the 90's and early 00's anymore, when stuff was actually good. It's absolute trash that's worse than any generic moeshit anime.
They're both technically aimed at the same age group.
>being a literal waste of life
At least Netflix is going to sponsor some shit to do something about it.
Before Voltron last action cartoon we had was fucking Korra.
Good thing it revealed Studio Mir to the world, those Korean fuckers are on crack.
>animation style equals quality
I used to think like that too when I was 14 and my only experience with anime was pokemon, digimon and dragonball.
I don't see this on my Steam
>>Wide eyed, same-faced, featureless abominations
And yet these still take more time and skill to draw than whatever shit airs on cartoon network these days
This. Adventure time and Rick and north such shit. Same with the JJBA adaption and OPM on the anime side (fanbase makes them worse than it already is).
inb4 butthurt responses
>Rick and Morty sick shit
Fixed. Guess the stupidity of their fans rubbed off on me.