Can we have a Towa thread, after all she is the best girl in the Trails Series and she totally will be the protagonist for the next game, right?
Better her than Alisa is what I say. Anyhow, let's have a Cold Steel thread.
Can we have a Towa thread, after all she is the best girl in the Trails Series and she totally will be the protagonist for the next game, right?
Better her than Alisa is what I say. Anyhow, let's have a Cold Steel thread.
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Fucking crow man he only did it because he is a commie who hates people making money.
He hates people invading his country and using it to make money, I mean the guy who did it has a train fetish and then used that money to give his son a harem. Seriously, I can't blame Crow.
Do it for Towa.
Towa being the main girl makes the most sense, after all she is the true villain in the series.
So we get to kick her ass in the end? Great.
Yep, then you get to give her the cold steel to make her good again.
Why do that when you pick a superior girl?
That's not Emma, user.
Also it's cool that Rean shouts the name of the girl you picked in CS1 when he faints, it's a small touch but cool.
Who is he talking about? Estelle?
Remember the Carnelia book series, user?
I don't think I read those
>intermission chapter
>mfw Rean's awakening
Do yourself a favor and read those. Read this, too.
So when the hell am I supposed to get the super accessory from the guest characters? I just got past the Courageous cutscene.
you're missing out on some good context, user
Wait you have to read those?
Yeah, that was very awesome.
honestly you don't have to, but it helps a great deal
Will she appear in Sen 3?
>kondo saying sora characters will return in sen 3
Hopefully, user.
So besides the Brights who will return? Will Anelace or Kloe return too?
>tfw anelace is gonna hug the emo outta rean
Well she has to be a good oneechan, and she totally will love all the cute lolis that hang with Rean.
So Millium dies in Sen 3? Great.
Rean will totally use her as bait to escape Anelace. Millium's noble sacrifice will forever be remembered by Rean and Valimar.
what a horrible way to go
To get the accessory from Toval, Sharon or Claire, do they have to be overall highest? I didn't get any accessory at the end of the intermission.
>start trails in the sky with 0 exp in this franchise
>start on hard
>have to go save these little shits from some tower
>plant enemies chunk me for half my health per attack
We can make more of her, so there is no problem.
Check their stats to find their weaknesses and get more orbments to get better arts.
I have no problem killing them, I just take a lot of damage and have to run back to town because Estelle runs out of MP on the way
it just won't be the same, user
can we offer mint instead?
Mint is not as cute, maybe we can offer Elise instead? No one cares for the stupid imouto anyway.
Get more healing items or orbs, also maybe use the Shield orbment to make you more resistant to arts (the plants were magic users right?).
Of course she will, Liberl's old men have gotten bored of her body so she needs new customers.
>Not Estelle who has prior experience of curing edgyness from edgelords who have NBR sisters that want to fuck them
Anelace is Rean's oneechan, she has the duty of making her little brother cute again.
>Mint gets injured
>Makarov loses his temper and fucking melts Soldats into pools of molten iron
>tfw he does that using only a lit cigarette
I'd pay 50 mira plus interest to see that.
Why were the teachers so cool in CS? I would have payed to play with them instead of Class VII.
>there will never be superior duo
But it already exists. Better yet, it doesn't involve that dumb loli.
Why do they bully Thomas so much, he just wants to read books, drink around and hunt for weird relics.
He just wants to help.
Which Courageous cutscene, there's tons? But you should be getting it right after Chapter 2 starts.
I kind of hope Schera does. I want to see her interacting with Olivert in a setting where she can be less composed than he is
The best game is one using the parents.
>edge Rean going around being edgy
>sees Anelace out of the corner of his eye
>crumples to the ground, resigned to his fate
Why is Olivert such a best?
Can't stop someone who's invincible, after all.
Being royalty without obligation to the throne seems to entitle you to a free pass to do whatever the fuck you want.
...or is she?
on that note
What did she mean by this?
On top of being an Ouroboros Enforcer, Sharon clearly also runs a maid school to impart lewd knowledge into the minds of fresh maids.
>mean Rean machine
>not the protag
>Finally got Criminal quartz
Is Thomas a sperg?
I want to help Anton find Ricky. He's so sad without him
Sharon teaching Joshua to be a better maid when?
Just started chapter 6 of the first game. I kinda feel if I had played AO or whatever series takes place in Crossbell it'd help me appreciate that series of events more.
>mint getting injured
user, please, she's the luckiest girl alive
Playable Thomas with his Stigma released when?
What's wrong with Alisa?
Anyone else keep reloading their save file to view all of the bath scenes?
She can't compare to the glory of Estelle.
Anton finally realises that the best girl for him was Ricky all along.
let rein and the gang win the battles with swords and keep towa fighting with the pen.
id hate to see that angel fight and get all dirty.
>Sara and Rean finish a battle with an assist
>you've certainly improved
>well I have this one teacher
He doesn't hate Osborne as he said him and his grandfather liked all aspects of gambling. He just wanted to beat Osborne at his own game.
>get Domination as a Rank up reward
That's the 2x damage for first attack, right?
I won't lie I wanted to hear his voice, if we don't get playable Oliviert in Sen 3 I will riot.
Kevin most likely
CS2 threads are dead, go home everyone
>implying he won't be the MC
People are likely too engaged with actually playing the game(s) instead of posting here. Go figure.
Don't engage with them if you can avoid it.
Focus on getting a good set of orbments, levels aren't as important (you get levels in Sora by farming pomfs, so check out the location of all the pomfs in the game. Before you get KO magic you'll need your S-crafts to kill them).
Don't be afraid of using the retreat option, there's no consequence to running away.
The speed and cast quartz are the best quarts.
Also turn on Nightmare mode you light weight baby.
>implying no. 2 won't be gamebreaking as fuck when even no. 5 trivialized the entire combat system with Grail Sphere alone
His smile, optimism, husband, there all gone.
>his dignity after being beaten up by a Crossbell cop, gone
It's pretty funny that Mr. Coldsteel gets his ass handed to him by an ordinary cop
He wants Class VII as his harem.
Stop my penis can only get so erect
He knows that it's useless to fight against the cute justice.
Go date the cake Rean, the cake!
It's so weird to have them speaking english, I'm so used to his seiyuu screaming shit in everything he's in.
I mean, you can sort of understand that Estelle is a skilled fighter. After all, she's basically Liberl Laura. Even if she's a brainless bimbo she should be able to pick up some moves.
Lloyd though? Lloyd went to the police academy. He's not even a special response cop, he's a detective! He got no business actually being good at fighting.
Don't doubt the power of justice, criminal scum.
By the way, you're under arrest.
Well he also had a legendary assassin backing him up
How many years passed between Sky the 3rd and Zero no Kiseki/Cold Steel?
>comparing my dear noble confidant to a brainless bimbo
Over the line
Even Black Haired Boy doesn't have faith in Lloyd
I agree, they're not even comparable. Laura doesn't even have the ability to hug the emo out of multiple edgelords.
>comparing one of the worst characters in the series to one of the best
Fuck off with your noble confidant saber clone meme.
Considering that non-demon form Rean is one of the weakest playable characters in the series, I buy it. I mean Rean was barely even trained toa beginner level before everyone just gave up because muh self-loathing.
what is this from?
Not to mention Lloyd got over the barrier through training and determination, Rean got over it by using devil trigger and a mecha as a crutch. The guy sucks as a fighter without his special snowflake powers.
He has become the edge, the true Cold Steel. Now to wait for someone to hug the emo out of him.
Crow becomes Ordine's awakener in 1201, FC takes place in 1202, SC bleeds into 1203, the 3rd takes place in 1203 as well. Ring of Judgement might take place in early 1204.
Both Zero and Ao take place in 1204, at the same time as Cold Steel 1 (which also takes a chunk of Ao's time), and CS2 finishes up the main plot within a month at the end of 1204, concurrently with shit getting real in Ao.
Akatsuki apparently takes place during/before Ao, just doing its own thing so far.
Who is the canon romance for Lloyd anyway?