Every other Japanese developer in on board the PC train except them

>Every other Japanese developer in on board the PC train except them



Because you touch yourself at night


A lot of the time it's the western publishers that are porting it to PC, specifically for sale in English.

"Only on Playstation" is usually true in Japan.

This. 90% of those games are blocked on steam in Japan.

Luckily they dont have any worthwile games, phew!

They are busy making good games instead of porting old titles for quick shekels.

i wan't dragon crown on pc
i wan't ALIVE multiplayer, not some lagging japs

It's the reason why their games retain high market value and why they have legitimacy and recognition as a publisher. By staying largely loyal to consoles, their games sell well and provides and income stream that supplements their need to port games to PC because people know they wont come there so they just buy their games.

Code of Princess is on steam though


>Sup Forums still doesnt understand the difference between a publisher and a developer

This board is 10+ years old and people can't still learn basic shit

I fucking hate this shitty inbred island

Didn't know Persona games 1 through 4 were released on nintendo consoles or SMT 1 through 3, DDS, Raidou

>SMT 1 through 3
1 and 2 are on super famicom.

The worst versions yeah

pc gamers are cancer

Not saying anything about the quality, only presence.

Same reason they refuse to include Japanese voices, they hate money.

That works against you though, since both games have been released on playstaion and cellphones

Because I don't care about their games.

>Sell handheld games $59
>No dual audio
>Censor some games

>Same reason they refuse to include Japanese voices
Making contracts that will null the games profits?

the atlus tax is 10 bucks not 20

Ps version of smt 1 and 2 are the best,still like the snes version but cant go back after i tried the ps versions even if they are not translated.

>wanting English dubs only Japanese games
It's a good thing Atlus is not publishing on PC.

Yeh, they are actually worse than NISA. At least when NISA doesn't censor games they're half-decent. When Atlus doesn't censor games they english dub only and sell them overpriced.

they'll come around eventually

I guess they value their games over pc memes


Both companies heavily alter dialogue instead of doing a literal translation, except atlus at least has the decency to mainly translate things to western equivalent while NISA just lazily adds memes or other dumb jokes.

They both do the same shit, complaining about how atlus doesn't do JP audio like nisa outs you as a weeb EOP that just wants to masturbate to the same generic anime VA they put in every game these days even though you can't actually understand the language

Atlus is late with trends.

Atlus is a rich publisher with steady bottom line though.
So I doubt they will change their business methods anytime soon.
I enjoy their games and think they should only go with PC only for their games that have at least released for two years prior in the console so the pirates won't make them lose any sales.

That's fucking retarded and you know it. WAAAAY smaller games with big-ass voice actors have been doing dual-audio for years.

There'll be a time when they start putting their games on Steam like Square Enix, maybe in a decade. Hell, when NieR: Automata was announced on Steam I couldn't believe it.

>people want jap voices for authenticity
>don't buy the jap version for 100% authenticity

Motherfucking hypocrites


Because persona is a console seller.

Because Jap games sell like fucking shit on steam
It's not worth to put in the effort to make a game for PC when it won't sell

>PC train
>Have to spend money to port shit and then sell it at a discount and pray enough people buy it and not wait for a steam sale anyway


>putting game on Steam

>No effort
Look at Bamham Knight

I have no idea why people think PC ports are effort. If you have a team that is any decent the cost is basically nothing.

The problem just lies with PCs not being a thing in Japan until recently, it will take 10-20 years for them to properly assimilate

t. retard who never work a day in gamedev in his life.

>I have no idea why people think PC ports are effort.
They are effort if done property with optimisation and adding in all things that should be in a PC port i.e mouse control in menus, good graphics options, 60fps etc.
The problem is that a lot of devs call it a day after just getting it to run exactly like the console version with little to no tweaking. They have been getting better over time though.

I just wanna play Nioh on my gaming laptop when I go abroad

I'm so glad that Square-Enix changed their minds on it. A miracle because I never expected it.

Wa not? That's a new one

That game is something else.
Its a highly complex game graphically and they outsource it to an understaffed studio with only experience porting games to 7th gen consoles.

Most of these jap games does not have high end technical graphic shit.
They does not look pretty and all they need to do is make it run decently.
Just look at KoeiTecmo. They have been doing this kind of shit for years and managed to get away from it.

t. A retard who has never done any porting for game development

Catherine, Persona 4 Golden and Persona 5 really should need much in asset replacement to port over to PC

P5 will be pirated on both PS3 and PS4 when it releases. On PC, there is atleast Denuvo that can secure sales.

P5 and catherine looks fine, p4 looks okay too.

>Every other Japanese developer
Do PCucks actually think this just because they've gotten a few dozen Vita ports? KT, From, Sega, and Capcom are not "Every other Japanese developer", you retard.

>Anouther PC pegging thread

Alright this board is worthless I'm gonna do something else with my life.