Even Vita haters can all agree this is the best and most enjoyable way to play PS1 games right?

Even Vita haters can all agree this is the best and most enjoyable way to play PS1 games right?
Games are portables, look great on the small but high resolution oled screen and you can remap the controls for each individual game.

Playing it through an emulator doesn't compare to this level of comfy.

Other urls found in this thread:


>4:3 stretched to 16:9


Looks good though


I enjoy them on my RasPi 3.

No not really.

It looks awful, what is wrong with you?

That's just your (wrong) opinion.

ePS1 hack for 3.60 when?

I agree that 16:9 looks like shit, but this is a setting that you can change.


No, its really awful since you need to scale them.
The vita is too high resolution.

The new 3ds has the perfect low res screen to play psx games without stretching them. Too bad it needs a bit more optimization.

Well, it went from "this is the best" to "I swear is good enough" pretty fast mate.

Is not really stretched to 16:9 since you can still play them with black bars.

The issue is that its stretched to the vita resolution which is 544p.

I've got an old as fuck PSP, the first model they ever released, never did anything with it.

Are those okay for being emulators for old PSX games?

I wouldn't mind being able to play through some of those games again.

It's pretty fucking terrible actually, since there's no good way remap the missing L2 and R2 buttons.

>stretched widescreen
how bout no

Yep, minus the dual analog and extra triggers it's just as good as the Vita.

Install the latest original firmware, install ME CFW and then get your PS1 games from Emuparadise.

The Vita is the perfect handheld, dual analog sticks, pretty good size screen, d-pad and buttons are okay.

The only reason it's shit is because Sony fucked up supporting it (go figure, Sony can't support shit for more than a fucking month, really worried about PSVR)

There's rumors they're announcing a new handheld soon, so that's just more proof Sony doesn't care to support their hardware, they just want to keep hyping people up with new shit and then fucking dropping it once they get their sales.


Right stick.

How is that a cost effective business strategy. Why don't they look at what Nintendo do with handhelds?

Its kinda shit for PS1 because of the fucked memory card prices.

You also dont have easy access to the whole PS1 library because you need an old firmware to get all.

Sony doesn't give two shits about handhelds anymore

Handhelds are the complete antithesis of comfortable. Even at their very best they're merely "tolerable".

How is it not a cost effective strategy? Apple does it, there's a new fucking iPhone every goddamn year and support for them drops off after about 2-3.

Sony provides content for their hardware for as long as it takes for them to get enough sales on said hardware, then, once no one is buying them anymore, they just completely drop support because it's no longer making them money through hardware sales.

Then they release something new.

They did it with the move, they did it with the vita, they're doing it now with the PS4, and I'm willing to bet they'll be doing it with the PSVR (expect a new model of VR headset within 2 years)

Every company wants to start getting you on that upgrade treadmill that apple has had it's users on for years. Buy new hardware every year or two, it's more profitable for them that way.

These companies don't give a fuck about you, just your money.

This. I play my 3DS in spite of it being a portable, not because of it. And I got a Vita TV so I could play it on a proper screen with a proper controller.

Sonybros, I am ready to renounce Nintendo forever and join you.

How do I become one of you? Where do I buy a Vita so I can emulate RE1, 2, 3, and CV on a glorious crisp screen?

Your mums ass

The only problem is not being able to play games that use L2 and R2, because fuck everything about trying to use the back touch pad for those.

I fucking wish. The rest are doable though through psn. Try Amazon? I dunno man. The memory card is the real fucker and they're not cheap at all.
I need to upgrade mine, roms are eating up a lot of room especially since PC-Engine CD and Mega CD games are fullspeed now.

How big are your guy's hands?

And did you ever play Mario Kart DS? Definition of comfy.

Well, help me out. I don't know about any of this micro-tinkering that it takes to run Sony portables and consoles. That's the main reason I've avoided them like the plague, that and planned obsolescence. I didn't want my system to die randomly because Sony wanted me to buy a new one.

Vita is already dead.

It's not about hand size, it's about screen size and constantly either bending your neck over or keeping your arms up.

No L2/R2 L3/R3
Buttons mapped to the screen
May as well just use a cell phone.

Do we have a ps1 emulator on Vita yet? Or at least a way to put pirated PSone classics eboots on there?

>He forgot about the back touch pad.

Don't worry, I did, too.

The PSP emulator that's onboard the vita can run PS1 games, however, we do not yet have a method of booting into it.

We will soon. Henkaku basically gave us root assess to the system, so it's just a matter of time.

Since launch

I'm currently working on an exploit to boot into the PSPemu and crash to it's desktop, from there, you will be able to install the PSP CFW and emulate PS1 games as normal.

Progress is kinda slow going desu, someone will probably beat me to it, but what I'm looking at makes it seem like a completely doable project.

The PSP is objectively better and more stable

Also cheap mem cards

You what mate?
>bending the screen
LOL? When have you ever had to do that? I have a bad habit of bending my neck when I shower because I have long hair. But to play a video game? LOL!
>keeping your arms up.
When I play my 3DS I never have to "keep my arms up," at least that I'm conscious of... I sit on the couch or prop my arms with my dogs/a cushion and I'm good to go. I know what you mean, but it's a ridiculous complaint. It's like complaining that you gotta move your fingers to play a game almost.

For PSone classics yeah, but there's ton of PS1 games sony refuses to port to the vita. This is one of those cases where it's okay to get backups of them and load them into the emulator, if a company refuses to take your money for something, what the hell else are you supposed to do?

What a non complaint no games use L3 or L3 and barely any use L2 or R2

What you did there.

Don't think I do not see it.

Vita's pretty ok. All I can say. Since it got cracked it's gonna be a top tier emulation machine (unless you could already, I dont pay attention). Aside that it doesnt have much that interesting me personally. Literally just a few games.

You can buy an adapter for PSP and use normal SD cards too.

Amazed no one has made one of those for the vita yet. I know the cards are smaller, but still.

Please be autistic somewhere else

Waiting on better emulators currently, GBA one can't even manage to emulate sound correctly.

But yes, it's going to be god-tier emulation station soon enough.

RPG Skip functions, Gun/grenade, run

dumb frogposter

This is what I got about a month ago

I know, >gamestop, but it's actually a pretty good deal if you can't find anything lucky on craigslist.
$150 for a Vita, Uncharted, Terraria, and an 8gb memory card.

Maybe I just got lucky, but when mine came the Vita was practically like new.
Only downside is that it's on 3.61, so no Henkaku/homebrew/piracy.


And I don't care about piracy as long as I can play the Resident Evil games on it. I get the impression from the other user above that they're on the eShop?

Is Suidoken 2 on the shop?

Investing and releasing new hardware is an expensive strategy, particularly when no one guys it. Comparing iPhones which have become almost ubiquitous to handheld game devices is retarded. It's not remotely the same market and as such more limited and releasing constant short cycles isn't going to get you anything hence why they constantly get BTFO in the handheld market.

Yeah RE is on there.
So is Suikoden 2.

Just a heads up, there are SOME PS1 games that are available on PS3 but not Vita for some reason.
What's really strange is that this includes Spyro and Crash. Just seems weird since Crash is one of the most iconic PS1 franchises, but whatever.

Symphony of the Night and Klonoa are available for Vita though, so if you haven't played those I recommend them.

>memcards are still stupid expensive

Cool. YEAH, I haven't.

All the Resident Evil games are there then except CV, 4, and obviously the terrible ones? Is FFVII?

I can't make heads or tails of the Sony site. Playstation Plus, Playstation Now, Playstation Vue. I have no idea what any of that stuff means. It's so counterintuitive.

agreed. Playing on emulators PSX games its shit as there's no way to get them to look good on modern pc monitors.


they actually were pretty cheap right until the hack happened. They went back up in price for obvious reasons.

You can hack the Vita but SONY ALWAYS WINS

Thanks pirates


Yeah, RE 1-3 are all there.
Also all the PS1 Final Fantasies (VII-IX, Tactics, IV-VI)


Give the hacking community a break. It's only been a month since kernel access and the memory card probe boards just arrived from china.

That one day sony fucked up and made every ps1 and psp game available to download.


Why the hell did they change it?

I mean what fucking good do they get out of it?

There are licensing issues.

A few years ago

It only worked for a day

Not if you want to play Crash or Spyro.....

It's a shame that it looks like shit

>He's an Americuck

>no dino crisis

>rear touch screen R2 and L2 buttons


u got it senpai

Yeah, FFVII is there, as well as every FF up until the ps2 era. BUT BE WARNED; don't get castlevania:sotn for ps1, get CV:Dracula X chronicles(psp), it includes sotn as well as it's legendary predecessor "Rondo of Blood" although feel free to play them in whichever order, they aren't extraordinarily plot-heavy

I also suggest Vagrant Story, Spelunky, and all Vanillaware games (especially muramasa's 4 $5 vita-exclusive dlc chapters, they're amazing)

/vitagen/ hasvery helpful roster of games which includes information as to how readable some imported games are here:

Best way to emulateis with a PC

>Got an used Vita 1000 with 3.52 software
>tfw not sure if I should use it for PSP/PS1 or upgrade for Vita
>tfw the memory cards' prices
>tfw micro scratches

I love that no mather how many Vita shill threads you make, none, not even the people who made it, care about this piece of shit. Just let it die. You are worse than the Wii U fags.

ah the shill meme


Laptop + Dualshock, now go away

You should go back:

It's not on the shop but you can still download in your download list

I agree. It's a fine system, especially right now.

I'd still opt for the full on 3DS + Vita lifestyle though.

The why did it sell like shit?

Serious question here. Has anybody else noticed after you play ANY ps1 game for an extended period of time (get more then halfway through it) the buttons start fucking up and won't respond on the vita? Gotta close the game and open it to fix it for a bit but always happens again

And incomplete psp compatibility. And games that look better on an emulator (PPSSPP) so they WANT you to pirate instead of play legit. They dont like money

>Things are good if they sell well


That's never happened to me.

It happens to me on suikoden 1 and 2, final fantasy tactics and resident evil 3 the most

I think your vita dying m8

I don't know what to tell you.
I played those games and it never happened to me.

>no first party support
>disproportionately priced proprietary memory cards
>remote play only works with a handful of PS3 titles, even though with CFW you can play any PS3 game on the Vita

It's a failure in the West but it's the essential portable weeb machine. I'm hoping it's broken wide open and hacked as easily as the PSP was sometime in the near future.

Nah, you're just a child with shit taste.

>few people were dumb enough to buy this
>that means it is good

What model do you guys have? This is oled one I'm talking about

The touchscreen also fucks up if you play it while charging in certain sockets

So only weebs should think of getting this? Any worthwhile games that I can ONLY play on this? Not trying to be a shit, but I'm not replaying RE2 on this, no matter how much I love it.

This is stupid.
I'm gonna stop replying.


You're kinda stupid to just assume something obviously fucked up like that happens to everyone.