Japanese-made game

>Japanese-made game
>literally everyone is a manlet

Other urls found in this thread:


>Tfw 5'11
Literally perfect height

When will they learn?

>T.King of manlets

Lol manlet don't ever even look at me

Hello? I thought I heard someone talk right now. Hmm, must just have been the wind or something. Maybe it was a fly.

Better king of manlets than a hobo of lanklets.


>tfw 5'7 and dating a cutie 3.14
>used to care about my height but now I don't give a single fuck
>graduated, got a job, traveling
Take it from a real manlet: don't worry about your height. Whether your short or a giant, it doesn't fucking matter. The people who will care about this are not worth sticking around with. Worry about your fitness and your career, things you have control over. The rest is just background noise.

women literally can't tell the difference at that point
Just try not to stand next to someone who towers you


She's talking about his dick

>when she has had more than 5 boyfriends


>It's a meme thread
wew lads

I see where she's coming from. People who are 50 cm or 500 cm tend to stand out.

>tfw 5'6
Kill me, Pete

What game

>not wanting an alpha gf

t. Cuck

5'4 here. Thanks user

fun fact : the dark woman behind seinfeld in that scene was charged with conspiracy to murder in 2002

>implying anything you have is worth shit when you are sub 6'


>when you realize Big Boss was just a butthurt manlet

The only Sakura Wars that got to west.

>tfw 50m

I'm 6'1 and still feel like a dwarf in my Country (Norway)

Where are the videogames

>tfw 1.85m
Feels good to have the perfect height senpai

do you have a fun source?

In another thread


5'2" here and can confirm

If you get yourself together and learn how to talk to girls without being a complete sperg, it's not all that difficult. Ladies that use height as a mating requirement are the most vapid, self-absorbed cunts on the planet


Faen... I'm 6'1 from Norway as well...Feels bad senpai

easy there little guy


The more men a woman has been with the more messed up she is.

5'9 is king of manlets, 5'10, 5'10'' and 5'11 are caught in a limbo between being short and tall.

193cm Master Race reporting in. Other "males" need not apply.

>tfw your height starts with 4

how cute is your penis?

Prove you are grill
Or at least cute trap

Well I'll be damned. that is pretty cool, thanks m8

It's just a meme user relax, the average height is 5"8 for a man and non-retarded people know there is nothing wrong with being around this height especially given most women aren't over 5"6 that you'll meet. I'm 6"0 and I can count on my hand the number of women I see that are my height or taller in a week.

It's just memes user.

More like the more successful she is.

>when she had a boyfriend

>He thinks 5'Anything" is tall
Keep dreaming manlet

oh shit

You're not just a manlet at that point but a regular dwarf.


prostitutes aren't were successful.

thanks for posting that, too lazy to find it on my own

>tfw 6'2"
Gotta admit, towering over people is nice.


>rich without working
>not successful

You pretty much have to find a woman living in eastern europe or asia at that point.

>tfw you could spit on most of Sup Forumss head
must be awful to be a manlet

go ahead and sell your boipussy, see if it's not work

Literally the only true chart
5'7 master race here

Sakura Wars V: So Long MY Love

It's like 30% Turn Based Strategy and 70% Dating Sim.

>you can't get best girl on your first playthrough

Doesn't feel good.


>they tweeted back at the wrong guy
Always funny to see lard leviathans get triggered.

5 men should just all become sissies

>when her age starts with 40

I can only imagine the feel. I'm gonna go back to my hobbit-hole now...

>tfw could punch you in the balls without a sweat

I am 164cm. Am I a manlet?

I liked her robut.


Thanks senpai

Short people got no reason to live

yes unless you're underage


Why is it no board other than /fit/ can meme manlet right?

So what does this thread have to do with video games again?

>be 6'3"
>fetish is girls with high heels

well I guess it's time to kill myself

>>rich without working
>Getting fucked by loser pigs who roam on Sup Forums
>not work

>implying any of you fuck or leave the house enough for your height to matter
lmao get real cuckbois

I'm 6' tall but this manlet shit is probably the most annoying thing I've ever seen posted on this website. Even ponies were better.

Why are muricans so obsessed with height, anyway?

>someone got triggered by the height charts this much

>tfw 6'2"
it's hard finding guys taller than me
at least where i live

>when his weight start with 1

it's just a novelty.

Oh well.


Honestly it's just what said.

Sup Forums can't into /fit/ memes, it takes all the fun away and just makes it annoying instead

>when his height starts with 5
I agree, 5 meter tall giants are unsettling

I was that when I was 12

Im so sorry

What's "Gear"? Slang for steroids?

Literally euthanize yourself if you don't belong to the glorious 1.85m masterrace

They're not.
It's just Sup Forums where everyone is 6'7, a 10/10 and have a 12 inch dick apparently.

Girls in general want tall guys though.

I've seen Netherlanders brag about/talk about their height more often than not.

>being mad enough to make this chart

Pretty much this

Which would you rather date

>Girl had 3 boyfriends


>Girl only had one boyfriend, but he was black

6'5" master race.

>MFW I'm 5'5
I don't really get the whole "manlet" meme, desu. Maybe it's just different here, but my dad was a "manlet", my two grand dads were "manlets" and I'm a "manlet" too. Hasn't stopped me from living a relatively happy life.

Apparently I get less of a salary gain or some shit? I dunno, I think I'm doing pretty good for myself, can't complain.

I think "manlet" is just the excuse angry bitter short people use to bitch about how they aren't successful. I'm cheering for all of you.

>slut or slut