> Steal a car
> Get shot at instantly

> 'Historically correct'
> Speak like a bronks 20 century black man

> Casualised to hell to pander to simpler audience

> Get in a firefight
> Literally run towards an enemy while getting shot
> Beat the living shit out of him to just shoot him in the face from up close anyway

> Meanwhile the comment section is filled with damage controlling millenials that call this GOTY 2016

Where were you when they even managed to fuck this shit up?

Other urls found in this thread:

Newest gameplay video for those interested;

> Be a heavily trained army veteran serving multiple tours

> Not using actual tactics and taking cover

>That shitty camera zoom every time he breaks
>Only becomes worse when he turns

Whose idea was that shit? Looks like it'll quickly become annoying af

It already looks like shit.

> Drive a mile down the street
> See 5/6 cars and maybe 10 people walking

Why are they even trying to mimick GTA ?

It's not going to work.

What op said, also
>x-ray vision
This is going to be so bad

I remember Hitman Absolution, and how every one hated the xray function.

Now we have some nog shooting up a warehouse in his own to 'capture' it.

this looks like the Godfather 2 but with blacks, and more GTA-isms

GTA is better than this.

>I was ok with last 5 games I played using this, but this one is the last straw!

You are a retard.

What he never said he was okay with any game using it.

Fuck off.

> Have an army veteran known with guerilla warfare

> Just watches through walls to scout a building

The last game i played with this feature it was because of a magic spell you could learn late in the game, so you should probably play better games anonfam

I'm conflicted, some of the gameplay videos looks really good, but some looks really shitty. All I can say is it looks like a better game than 2, but still no where near Mafia 1, well nothing is really. I can get that game for a pretty good price so I'll probably get it, but I'm still scared.

That X ray vision though and those gunfights...oh god...

No, he's known for gorilla warfare

No it's just shit overall.

> Have an AK rifle, one of the heaviest assault rifles of that time

> Enemies take 5 shots to die

>Casualised to hell to pander to simpler audience

Remember when the Mafia franchise was a real hardcore game (tm) for hardcore gamers (tm)?


could you literally just, like...........NOT!?!?!?!? ugh I cant even right just fuck off back to Sup Forums ok????


>open world games

Couldn't even get real critics to praise the game.

>all these mad whitebois

we really should have just killed all whitey

why is there a mirror on top of the screen? kinda shitty.

I feel bad for the Czechs that struggled to make Mafia 1 and 2 and see their work turn to SJW propaganda. Vávra must be fuming.

Not really, no. It was always pretty straightforward. The difference is the first one was heartfelt and played its Mafia themes straight. It was also significantly more finished than the others that followed (but not completely).

It's honestly hardly even a 'series'.

So you're not denying it? Alright.

He's busy masturbating onto swords right now

I just remembered I never finished Mafia 2. I'm getting it now. Is the DLC neccessary?

did they attempt to make the open world that they were trying to make in 2? thats my only interest in the game

>honestly one of the best games I've played in years

>tfw you will never earn easy shekels by praising corporate giants games

Not even slightly.

No not at all.

>that sound design

>Where were you when they even managed to fuck this shit up?

Right from the start because I knew the PC police would have a fucking aneurysm if the game actually depicted what it was like to be an African American in that time period, especially one who is a 'Nam vet.

It was never not "casualized". If you struggled even for a second in any of the Mafia games (other than with the clunky menus/controls that frankly could use some streamlining), you're a certified retard.

There are a million justified complaints against the new Mafia, but "wah it's casual now" is not one of them.

> Mafia 2
> Get shot
> Die

> Mafia 3
> Get shot
> Run around while getting shot
> Beat some one up while getting shot
> Take shotgun pellets to the face
> Beat him up

What about Joe's adventure?

Has very little to do with the actual story.

>Mafia 2
>play as a skinny white boi

>Mafia 3
>play as a strong african warrior

I don't see the issue.

it's a bunch of missions tied together with jpeg + text mission briefings and a dumb score system attatched to it. Not really worth it.



>shitting on Vito
you deserve to get chink'd like Henry

>Mafia 2
>Stay behind cover
>Be invincible

I can't understand people defending that game, it was fucking shitty and and dishonored to the first game, it was a shitty cover shooter with shitty gameplay mechanics and a shit story, nothing redeemable about that game.

>defending Vito

> Discussing realism in a game made almost 10 years ago

> While comparing it to a game not even released yet, containing one of the worst AI ever seen

>First thing he does is steal a car, ram into the police, run over a police, commence a high speed chase, then goes and rifle butts and murders innocent bystanders


Mafia II is 6 years old

Yeah average white cock = 1 inch
Average black cock = 13 inches

No, but i remember when a Mafia game had the fucking Mafia as its main story vehicle instead dindu nuffinton

Didn't even talked about Mafia 3, it doesn't look good also, but it doesn't mean the 2nd game is better. They should of never touched the licence again instead.

looks like it could still be fun

You have low standards.

Sure, but there's much better stuff out there. I'd rather play GTA V than this.

>get shot point-blank with a shotgun
>wait ten seconds
>good as new!

So let me get this straight, they took out the only thing that made the mafia series interesting (the mafia) and made the rest worse
Why would anyone buy this trash

>That screeching noise when you move in place with the wheels that sounds like it's a global sound
>That NPC that stops saying its line mid sound
>Instantly shooting cops
>Clipping when hitting a solid object

Why are American devs so uncreative and cynical? They just turned Mafia which was fairly original series into GTA with SJW propaganda.

Shotguns are not as damaging as people believe. You shoot loose pellets that individualy do almost no damage. It's the combination that gets you. But even then you won't die instantly.

But this game looks like shit.

Because you're a racist if you don't buy our low quality GTA clone.

>Open world game
>not inherently casualised

Consider suicide OP

> I like eating shit :)

Then please keep doing so.

>Why would anyone buy this trash
Because it's like totally topical and such to stuff like Black Lives Matter and inequality in videogames dude.

Looks like a low budget mix of Godfather 2 and Assassins's Creed

That's if it's loaded with birdshot shells. Buckshot will shred you at that distance due to how tight the groupings are.

No, I don't play open world games.

Fuck off then

It will never be a real mafia game until we get this back

The Mafia games were never great.

>that awful sound design
>those ps3 graphics
>teleports into animations instead of transitioning into them
>completely boring and lifeless world

Why are you talking about Mafia 2?

>that one across the top bridge with bombs and shit everwhere in the slowest car in the universe
I never managed it.

>Czechs make the first two games based on peas for budget driven purely by passion
>They are, despite their flaws, great and unique games that are well-remembered with the passing of time

>Americans makes a Mafia game with AAA budget and bloated marketing scheme
>it's just another GTA clone with some nigger pandering to get easy review scores

America should never even have attempted to make games.

But I'm eastern yuropean, thus not white.

OP, how old are you? I can guarantee you're a dumb millennial.

>Fairly original

Only an underage who never played GTA, Godfather, Scarface, or Sleeping Dogs would make such a stupid claim.

If you can guarantee why even ask?

Kil yourself.

Mafia was before most of those games you shit eating cocksucker. Go kill yourself.

You're deluded if you think the Mafia games were anything more than GTA clones.

john carmack

Silly underage, the original Mafia came out before most of those, with the exception of GTA III, which came out about 9 months earlier.

Struck a nerve, I see.

The exception that proves the rule.


What the fuck is it in games where they all seem to look blurry as fuck and everything blends in to one? This game has it, fallout 4 had it, is it a fucking shit anti-aliasing technique like I think it is?

And also everything seems colourless, it all belnds in to just one sort of mish mash of greys

>That "fight" at 2:15
>Voice lines sound like some weird loud noise and has no difference in volume depending on what theyre doing or how far away they are

The world also looks dead as fuck, theres loads of parked cars but no fucking people or driving cars

>BLM simulator


Mafia was in development before GTA3 released, which is why Mafia 1 was complete trash, it didn't have GTA to copy from.

I bet Mafia 3 will be better than Mafia 2.

Why is it so hard to look at? Everything looks really washed out and it all falls apart when there's some distance. You can see civs 20 feet down the road with no shadows.

BLM simulator?

Ain't that Watch_Dogs 2?

Are people so desperate to bring this narrative to videogames?



These retarded San Francisco devs have never made a proper game before. Their liberal arts degree didn't cover the basics.

I remember pushing the car all the way across the bridge with another car, starting the mission and then speeding through the bridge with another much faster car. Then you just get into the slow car and drive that last meter to the point.

Will 2K Czech ever make a game again?

Oh my fucking god.

ok, I'm not saying this game won't be lackluster, just like Mafia 2. but how is it not realistic that they shoot at a black guy who stole a car?

>looks exactly like Mafia 2 but with better graphics

I'm fine with this. As long as the story is decent like the last one, this should be a solid 7/10 game. It's not like Mafia game play was ever that good.

>unironically using millennials as an insult
How old are you? 40+?

It looks shittier than Mafia 2 on every front. Even the visuals are worse. Mafia 2 had a cleaner look.