Should I wait for PS4 PRO or buy New Look PS4 on Friday?
Get a PC tbqhwy.
Wait for games to come out before you buy it.
fucking clean your place nigger
I think I'm just gonna get one of the slim ones when it comes on sale and there's a few decent games worth owning.
Right now all I want is Doom, Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne and one of those is multiplat. Not really a strong case to buy a console.
Since you found the picture you used relatable enough to ave and post it, don't waste your money on PS4 at all.
You're lucky man, games what you want to play has been came out already
wait for the ps5 to be able to play ps4 games.
this generation is a scam.
Yeah but 3 games isn't a sufficient reason to buy a console imo.
>Buying consoles
You're an adult. Get a real computer.
ps4 owner here.
Will provide timestamp if /r/ enough.
I'm jumping ship.
>PSN+ Price hike
>Neo is weaker than Scorpian
>can't mod Fallout 4 on PS4
>No Man's Sky is fucking G A R B A G E
Yeah I'm saving my money and building a proper PC. I'm fucking done with consoles.
why the fuck would we want you to post a timestamp you mongoloid
incase Sup Forums would do the typical >HURR FALSEFLAGG
why didnt you get a PC in the first place then
Why would they do that? They've seen that sony ponies will gobble up their shitty plastic boxes regardless of backwards compatibility and they can make money off of selling their games to them again.
Just play games dude, who gives a fuck.
Gee, waste money on something that's planned to become obsolete or wait and waste money on something that is current and has backwards compatibility with said obsolete system.
Wait until the end of the generation
This is the last true console generation. Either buy it knowing it'll be your last, or get a good PC instead.
Fucking faggots answer the question, there's only two choices:
a "slim" or a pro?
There's no reason to buy a pro unless you own a 4k hdr tv
Consoles aren't supposed to move, dust just means you're a dirty faggot who doesn't clean his shit.
It's metaphorical
1080p games are probably going to be supersampled, so there's that. Confirmed for Shadow of Mordor and For Honor so far
>getting scammed by the console jew this generation.
top lelaroni.
Nioh soon too and FFXV. Plenty of reason right there.
assuming you have a 1080p monitor:
-Do you want most new games to be supersampled from a higher resolution to 1080p? (aka no more jaggies and a clearer image)
-Do you want some new games to be 1080p but with higher serrings?
-Do you want some new games to be 1080p but with unlocked framerates (higher than 30), or 60fps?
If so, spend the extra $100 on the PS4pro.
However if you don't mind 900p in half of PS4's library and you don't mind the not-quite-30fps framerate of some games, then go for PS4slim.
2 extra points:
-90% of older games will run just the same on the PS4pro without improvements, only games that come out after October are guatanteed to have a PS4pro version
-HDR is available on both models, it's not just a PS4pro featture. You probably don't have a compatible TV though so doon't worry about that.
This is probably the only unbiased post ITT, enjoy.
And we're telling you they're both bad choices. Get a pc.
>wants bloodborne
>not interested in NioH
come on son, don't lie to yourself.
?? I don't understand.
Fuuuuuuuuuuck. That was hawt.
I have a feeling FFXV will be abysmal. Squaresoft turned to shit a long time ago.
Casual reminder that if you buy any console, you're a fucking goy.
>PC master race complain about jews while console players enjoy fun games
You do you m8
>console players enjoy fun games
Yeah, all 3 of them.
suuure it's only 3 mate. Whatever makes you sleep tight at night, pupper.
Underrated post.
>Literally a flash game
Isn't this the thing console facts say all PC games are like?
Well, you guys were licking Disgaea's cock when it got ported to PC earlier this year (a 13yo game). So I'm not sure why you're so smug about the latest entry.
I'm going to buy a pro, an used one.
But that's the thing. pc has millions of games and many different communities because it isn't own all owned and controlled by one company.
>Pkek saying Disgaea is a flash game
Pkeks were creaming themselves when it was ported to steam. "SONYGGERS BTFO"
Personally thought it was shit.
do you care about muh graphics?
If yes, pro. if no, slim.
What the fuck are you talking about and how is that related to anything I have ever said ITT?
What a non-argument.
And I'm a "PCgamer" too, you don't need to come up with that wonderful-community bullshit.
curry slut
It means pc gamers aren't one person, Special Ed.
sure seems like it, blatantly shitting on a game you have no idea about simply because it's not on your platform.
I know it's just a phase, you feel superior, and you'll grow out of it one day and become an idort, but it's still frustrating.
>blatantly shitting on a game you have no idea about simply because it's not on your platform.
PC has shitty flash games too. Thankfully we have other things to play.
I hope Deep Down hasn't become vaporware
I need only copy/paste the last part of my comment to reply to you over and over until it doesn't exit through the other ear.
"I know it's just a phase, you feel superior, and you'll grow out of it one day and become an idort, but it's still frustrating."
It was in a recent "leaked" document of upcoming PS4pro optimized games, there is still hope, brother.
Would you mind linking that suppossed leak? I wasn't able to find anything but leaks about Neo itself
No man. The 'phase' was growing out of consoles after realising you buying redundant hardware for padded prices, to play games that have no reason for being exclusive, other than to sell said redundant hardware.
It's a scam far worse than any kickstarter or early access game.
PC is a free market. People are free to play any game and build with whatever parts they can afford. No online subscription or 'gold' memberships. No content control. There's a lot of crap but like reasonable adults, you look past it for the gems.
tl,dr: Grow up and sell the children's toy already.
saw it on a couple of threads here with a link, but didn't save it or anything, it was a news blowout at the time around Q2 I think. Even then it's just hopes and dreams, but at least it's not dead and buried I hope
>No man. The 'phase' was growing out of consoles
Whoever says that is still in the phase, sorry mang.
You don't care about enjoying vidya, your are more of a consumer activist than you are a gamer sorry for using that word but it fits. You have never played Nier, you'd have never played Dragon'sDogma if it didn't get randomly ported (which I did enjoy for the second time at 3K60fps, fantastic PC port), you never played MonsterHunter or EtrianOdyssey. I could go on and on with the console-only list.
You are stuck with PC games because you are stubborn and that's fine. But please don't feel smug over me when it's you who doesn't get to enjoy the zeitgeist of gaming, you'll forever only enjoy a small part of it.
I do like my PC games, hopefuly BattleTech will turn out fine even though I was hoping for another Mechcommander sequel. I still play Settlers3 when I have an hour to kill and zone out. XCOM2 was pretty shit but BattlefleetArmada and the new homeworld were neat. But no way in hell would I leave my PS4 and 3DS behind, as well as any chance to play the best japanese games, just becuase "tuh exclusive hurt muh feefees"
You honestly can't be THAT naive to think "exclusives are evil" and end it there. You MUST know it's not that simple, jesus christ.
Anyway I'll just keep quoting what I already said after this.