Good or Evil?

Good or Evil?

Has a vagina
So evil

You don't know that.

I want Mercy to poop all over me.


Neutral, obviously

>What happened to you?
>You tell me Doc

Clearly evil

>One of the reasons why Overwatch disbanded
>She is the reason why Reaper is the way he is


Transwoman here. Do you guys think I can pull off Mercy cosplay?


Kind of cute though.

No, fuck off to tumblr.

Mercy is a good third of the reason Overwatch disbanded. Though I have to wonder does she herself even know that


But yes.

All Germans are evil

post butt first

Definitely not. You really should just kill yourself it would make things way easier for everyone.

Gay game

consider killing yourself

Well, she's involved in a slightly predatory relationship with Genji, is that evil?

no, kill yourself.

Not at all, but could pull off that hacker guy from Danganronpa

I don't know why but when I look at this picture I smell cheese.

>wake up
>come to Sup Forums
>first thread makes me question my sexuality

I hate you people

Get lost attention whore.

>dat neck

Could you fart in a jar and send it to my house?
My address is 437 Sumner Street Akron, Ohio 44304, Apartment H.

kill self, but yes you could pull it off.

That's smiles, a 15 year old that posts on lgbt, that's definitely not her posting considering he/she is homeless atm

Yes, but only if you post butt

Evil obviously

She's probably sucking dick at the moment too just to survive lol

>blonde hair
>blue eyes

Obviously good.


Good. Her being evil is a meme made up by people trying to add depth to Overwatch's story (lmao)

If it looks like a woman, it's a she to me. That only changes if I see dick. You got dick pics to share?


I wish I did.