Fix it

Fix it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>the world ends with you

It was great but the story was only ok and they seemed to jump from antagonist to antagonist for no reason, even unnecessarily killing off the math guy the best character.

add Steins Gate

>no Xenogears
>no SMT3
>no To The Moon


I wouldn't mind seeing literary adaptions in video game form.
Imagine playing through the Iliad and the Odyssey from various characters point of view, and not in a "God of War" power fantasy type fashion, rather, in a down to earth detailed way trying to capture how everything really looked back then, even when it came to the mythological stuff.

There's no need to fix what isn't broken.

Hell no. It's a VN.

remov MGS2.

it's story was not good

>witcher 1

Where is Max Payne 2, sir?

It had some memorable quests but the main story was trash.

I never understood why GFD is rated so high. Is the game great? Yes it is, is it the best adventure game that came out from LucasArts? No. It's not even top 2.

>Day of the tentacle
>Monkey island series.

Bloodborne over to the moon, the last of us, silent hill 3, undertale, Lisa... Jesus Christ

Add fallout 4


Except the main quest was about how exceptional power comes at an exceptional price and how Geralt's powerfantasy is not nearly as attractive as it may seem at first glance.
The humans vs. non-humans were really only a backdrop for that.

The story had it's issues, sure, but it was far more than you seem to have understood.

This famalam

>No fallout new vegas

>ghost trick



What the fuck

>It's not even top 2
And what's at the top of your list?

It's a decent list. I would like to see to The Void included, perhaps also Bastion, Shadow Of Colossus, Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Homeworld and Morrowind since we are already including genre fiction. But otherwise, not bad.


Add Mother 3
along with heed this user

>game only have story if it have cutscenes and lot of exposure

Make me

Too much rpg filler in there just for it's own sake, I mean Vampire? Fucking seriously?

Plebeian scum.

Not a single game here has good story.

Explain yourself.

1. Lechuck's Revenge
2. Day of the tentacle
3. Full throttle
4. Secret of Monkey Island
5. Grim fandango
Bonus: LOOM.

Games have bad story in general. I played many many games and i can't name a single one with good story. There is two categories of games: it's either a good characters and good story but terrible gameplay and pacing of this story that ruins everything, or great gameplay with proper good pacing but standard "gamey" generic story.

Yeah, I'm really curious about your reasoning too. And if you are unable to unwilling to provide it, I'm damn curious why the hell did you post here in the first place...

>lechucks revenge

Worst game in the series, worse than the new one.

I admit that I liked Full throttle almost as much as I liked Grim Fandango. But all of their stories are good. GFD just seems to be the most polished one.

Kind of a sidenote, but:

Great storytelling != great story.

I could tell you about this time I went to Taco Bell and keep you engaged by how I tell it. It doesn't mean the story itself is interesting.

That is not actually an argument at all.
It's a general generic statement of individual sentiment and even unlisted anectodical evidence. Have you played all of the games on OP's list? Can you explain specifically what is wrong with every single one of them?

Also, you just said no game has good story, which you immediately followed by claims that some DO have good story, but not good gameplay. Care to actually explain this pretty damn obvious contradiction?

Since you have Bloodborne on that list you may as well add Metal Wolf Chaos

It's all comes down to the definition of what "story" is. Shouldn't it include the plot, narrative, atmosphere and the characters?

>fallout new vegas
>great story


1. Sam and max hit the road
2. Curse of Monkey Island
3. Maniac Mansion
4. Grim fandango

Hit the road is to this day one of the best games i have ever played.

Yes, although I think narrative is a separate thing. (See my Taco Bell point). Plot and characters are most important.

Deus Ex, for example, is one of my favorite games. The narrative was fantastic. Plot and characters, especially in retrospect, are not really that good. The plot especially is pretty silly, really.

But the way it was delivered makes it one of my all time "kept me hooked" games.

Well, I see your point, but how do you describe all of that in one little word? (if "story" isn't the right one) I am, obviously, an ESL faggot.

This one is much better than the other they posted a while ago. MGS2 and Soul Reaver 2 were really necessary additions.

The only very obvious one that needs now is Xenogears, which is probably my favourite story in a videogame. But I can understand that it may create a lot of divisions of opinion whether to add it or not.

New Vegas would also be another worthy addition.

Also, I liked RDR's story, but I wouldn't put it among the best. The best Rockstar has done that's for sure.

I think of "Story" as what is used to communicate something to the player. And storytelling is one of those things. Even gameplay can be used as a tool for a story, like for example Ghost Trick does.


Don't get me wrong, it's a good story but most of the shit people go crazy for is only brought up outside of the game, I can't really consider it for a "best of" list.

Well because it's a video game, so in order to have good story it must not only have a good story on paper, it also must properly pace this story and properly merge it with gameplay. That way story will have an impact.
I'm not going to brake down every game in the list, RDR is an easy example. Too many side activities and an open world nature distracts the player form the story, characters and their motives can be easily missed or forgotten. On paper the story is awesome, but when you play the game it does not have impact at all because of how huge and dislodged the game is there is a high probability to miss it completely if you sidetrack too much. By the end player usually to tired to pay attention. GTAV is a big big improvement but still suffers from the same issues.

Let's take MGR:R as an example of the second type of the game. Story is bad (on paper), gamey, standard stuff, but the pacing is simply wonderful, the way how story is interwoven with gameplay is just excellent. The pacing and proper meshing of the story and gameplay makes a bad story look good. But it's still a bad story.

Sorry if my english is bad.

Only leave:

Silent Hill 2
Maybe Ghost Trick (it's nice but that's it)

Remove the rest, add The Void

Pause to change camouflage
Pause to apply face paint
Pause to disguise
Pause to set bones
Pause to remove poison
Pause to heal
Pause to eat snake
Pause to regenerate stamina
Pause to pause

>Thoughtless, open, empty jungle with no flow or pacing
>Most anime weebshit of the entire series, least tactical and military
>Looks worse than MGS2 because it has to render large spaces
>Easy boss fights
>Ocelot spins his revolvers on his fingers to slap down wasps
>Slapping wasps nigga
>Only the parts set in the military bases are good and they make up an incredibly small portion of the game


I will take constant pausing over the shit level design of Big Shell

>Not Demon's Souls/Dark Souls.


No, this will cause a big "plz, add this" shitstorm.

Demon's/Dark souls are fairly standard dark fantasy tales.

Bloodborne is easily one of the all-time greatest cosmic horror stories ever, and furthermore it seamlessly combines gothic and cosmic horror together without dropping the importance of either aspect of the setting in favor of the other.

bloodborne has objectively a stronger setting and narrative than Souls

Demon's Souls is worse than every other game in the Souls series outside of Dark Souls 2. It has shit level design, weak bosses that are easily exploitable, and the atmosphere is highly overrated. It gets points for being the first of its kind but it's still one of the weakest entries.

the witcher?
time travel evil mastermind boogloo?
that shit was alright till the end
azar should have been end game

are you fucking serious

Nah, you are a child with shit taste.

the one who created this picture has really shitty sense of humor

Not an argument.


Yours isn't either.

>has really shitty sense of humor

oh course, it's a MGS2 fan after all

the same people who think pic related is worth listening to:

I don't entirely disagree with you, but I think we're thinking in the "perfect" way of making a story in a game, while there are infinite and perfectly valid ways of doing so.
Doesn't mean other ways of presenting a story are optimal or even good, but that's part of the creative process, to experiment and try different styles of narrative.

A game may focus 100% on telling its story through cutscenes, but then we can play a game with no cutscenes at all like Mount & Blade and still have a fantastic example of player-generated storytelling based on your actions and be just as engaging or probably even more. Neither is necessarily better or worse, they are just different and valid approaches and it's up to each person to decide which he prefers.

Also, Ghost Trick is a great example of what you mention of merging story and gameplay.

Can you explain why they have good stories? As far as I can tell they're either pretentious borefests that the developers jerk off to because they think they're "deep" or they lack a story what so ever (Bloodborne, weebshit)

You have no argument yourself though because you're a retarded faggot who should be hung and then shot for good measure.

>on any list for story telling

Yes it was, you failed to provide any arguments and instead responded with shitposting and insults. So no, not an argument.

First of all, that is highly debatable. A good story will be good even if it is clumsily told: you speak of the entire narrative, which involves all aspects of what the game tells and what impact it leaves on the player, including environmental storytelling, non-diegetic elements of the story, the storytelling means etc... It may be a terminological distinction, but it's quite important to make.

Second of all: the example you provided is highly specific and only pertains a singular game (does not apply to most others, as they are not open world). More to the point though, all of the side activities and the open world nature of the game are both voluntary and not required to participate upon. The game allows you to enjoy it in various different ways: focusing on the main story is an option and if you do that, the game will provide focused enough story to have strong impact. It's like saying a story of a book is worsened by the fact that it also includes pictures, which distract you and force you a certain image: it's a dumb argument about something that is not actually integral to the experience, but only an optional bonus.

Finally: your entire argument completely fails to recognize your alleged problem with games like Pathologic, Silent Hill 2, Ghost Trick or Longest Journey which don't actually provide the kind of distractions you speak off and actually utilize the mechanics of the game as meaningful and efficient part of the narrative.

Why is The Longest Journey on this list?

That game is long boring bullshit.

You just stated that things are shit without explaining why. That means nothing.

Add E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy you Jian

I mean at this point it's semantics, really. I think story is fine in a general sense, but really I think when people talk about a good story in games, they really only mean how good of a job the game did keeping them engaged. Which is different from novels or whatever because we also have gameplay, visuals, voice acting, etc that play into the equation.

Also of note is that in a lot of games (especially story driven ones), we have the ability to directly participate in, and even change, the story. I think this can be a major factor as well.

But I dunno shit, really.

FFT is my favorite game of all time but the story went to shit after "WE GOTTA FIND THE MAGIC CRYSTALS, IT'S A FF GAME AFTER ALL. OH, AND THE CHURCH WAS THE BAD GUY ALL ALONG, WE GOTTA SLAY JESUS"

>No kotor 1

I'm not your bruh, fella.

I did explain why. I explained why Demon Souls is overrated and gave reasons. That's what an argument is even if you disagree with it.

Your response is "Nah, you are a child with shit taste." This is not an argument. It's a shitpost that means nothing.

how important is the game's soundtrack when considering the strength of it's narrative? The OST can make or break crucial moments in the plot

add these

>I tried to play a game but it didn't have awesome button so it's shit

I get what you mean. It's just western developers almost all the time approach storytelling as something separate from the gameplay. When in reality the two must be meshed together, they must be aware of each other completely. They write story for game like it is a movie or a book. Japan is better, they integrate the story with gameplay more often than not, they do it properly more often then not, probably because of vast amounts of the experience in game development and highly competitive market (in the past). But they always end up writing a videogamey story, something cliche, generic and simple, maybe it's the right way, maybe story supposed to be like that in games. I don't know.

And yes different types games are different. I'm sure almost any type of game can have a proper story to compliment it's gameplay, because when the two are correctly woven together they produce something better than the sum of it's parts. Take Dark Souls for example.

>new vegas
>not just dead money

I'm not your fella, bruh.

>Not enjoying both kotor games equally for their own respective qualities

Why should I?

What the fuck is that? Are you gay?

Uneducated mokey. It's "not equal".

Wow, what a pleb.

MI2:LCR > SoMI > CoMI > EfMI > TfMI

>It has shit level design

Not saying why, not an argument.

>weak bosses that are easily exploitable


>the atmosphere is highly overrated

Not an argument.

So you are saying the game is worse than every other Souls because the AI for the bosses can be exploitable.

>Can you explain why they have good stories?
Can you explain what makes Kafka, Bulghakov, Dostojevsky, Borges great writers? I can assure you that every single one is great for a different reason. As it is with these games.
Good story is generally speaking one that tells something that resonates with people on a fundamental level. Usually, the easiest way to do that is either evoke a powerful old mythological narrative or present plausible characters in a relateable, but serious dilemma. Usually the aim is to either present a model of behavior that the reader finds valuable, or an angle of perspective that he has not considered yet.

For an instance, Silent Hill 2 is primarily a story about the complexity of possible negative consequences of failable humans being faced with something so incredibly tragic and catastrophic as terminal illness. It explores guilt and self-delusion that hides in every single person, but that most people aren't aware off, or don't want to be aware off. Every person on earth is potentially capable of going through what James went through, and reminding us of that is the game's primarily meaning and message.
Pathologic and The Witcher do the same, although Pathologic also presents philosophical (and through that, archetypal and mythological) problems with that. The Witcher is about your (in)ability to forsee the consequences of your actions, Pathologic about the amount of responsibility you can shoulder and the degree in which you can claim you have faith in your own ideologies.

These games do a lot more than just this, mind you. They have their own microstories as well, Pathologic has some amazing meta-narrative work etc.. but this post is already long enough.

Let me close with this. If you say shit like:
>As far as I can tell they're either pretentious borefests that the developers jerk off to
You are basically SCREAMING "LOOK AT HOW INSECURE I AM" and nobody is actually going to take you seriously.

>Keep Bloodborne
>Remove fucking Legacy of Kain
This board is full of underage retards

>not programming

Well, there's a bit of everything of course, but it's true that Japanese devs tend to be more open to innovation and making risks for creative purposes. It's unfortunate that most of the western creativity comes from indie games.

He never said he didn't. I also like both games but KOTOR 2's story is not just better at everything, it's also one of the best ever done. The story in the first one is just classic Star Wars and nothing else.

Programming nomenclature baka.

while we're on the subject of stories in games, what games pull the idea that the final boss of GAME 2: THE SEQUEL TO GAME was the protagonist of GAME?

that was way too much thought to reply to a shitpost with

>implying Bloodborne isn't one the best story in gaming, and sure as fuck better than LoK

Give it some time, I know you are the type who sees a game as a masterpiece only if at least 5 years have passed and people start to acclaim it, you impressionable weakling.

>>implying Bloodborne isn't one the best story in gaming
>Calling anyone impressionable weakling
I mean, yeah, it's great if you haven't read a story from Lovecraft. Hence my underage statement

I started and finished Ghost Trick, 999 and Hotel Dusk for the first time all in the span of about a month and I'm fucking stunned with how good/satisfying they were, and I'm bummed I didn't play them sooner. Are there any games you guys could recommend that you got the same feeling from?

>dat Obsidian writing

and this game is pegi 12, how did they get away with it?

Oh, since when is Lovecraft gaming?

>implying that Lovecraft was actually good at writing
his strength was his settings, not his writing style

Jesus dude, you can't even understand a single-line post. No wonder you consider it so incredible, you lack the reading comprehension to enjoy something better

>says that Bloodborne isn't a good story (in gaming) because it's not as good as Lovecraft's stories (which aren't gaming)