Is 4k just a phase

With the new underpowered and unwanted releases of the Scorpio and PS Pro I can't help but wonder why 60fps and 4k resolution are selling points.

Like the bit wars in the 90s nobody actually gave a shit.

Why do people pretend to care now? I have a 7 year old 48 inch LCD TV and my ps3/4 and everything is fine. Not a single complaint.

I don't understand this 4k meme that's become a selling point. Can someone explain.

Inb4 PC fags.
Yes I understand PCs are virtually better in almost every way. I like to play my games the same way I have since I was 5. And that's not with a computer.

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All resolutions are just as phase. Do you see 240 anywhere? No. I'm surprised she jumped the gun instead of going to 1440 first. Consoles were struggling at 1080 and now instead of stabilizing performance we're making the problem worse.

People see big numbers and think they're awesome.

They don't realize 4k is literally meaningless unless you've got your nose touching your screen.

Nice meme

How the fuck can increased resolution be 'just a phase'? Do you really think resolution is going to stop at 1080p forever and just stay there? Why didn't they stop at 800 x 600 then? The tech will always improve, I can't conceive of any reason why you wouldn't want it too.

4K at 40 inches is only right around 110PPI, you can still go way higher in resolution and get noticeably better picture quality. Those retina displays that Apple makes are around 300PPI, so we have a lot longer to go before resolution becomes pointless in TVs and Monitors.

4K excels at large computer monitors that you sit closer to. Large format 4K computer monitors are fucking amazing.

4K is totally a phase, by that I mean it will be eventually phased out in favor of 8K

I don't know, was 1080p just a phase when it came out? Did we all go back to using 1280x1024 / 720p when the phase was over?

You better get used to 4K, because it's coming. Pretty soon people will be asking if 8K is "just a phase".

To be honest now that I'm older I don't really notice the difference between 720p and 1080p let alone 4K.

Eyesight got worse with age sadly.

Other than that I think sometimes a lower framerate "feels" better. I am a PC gamer and I still think this is the case sometimes. Maybe it's just nostalgia from back in the 90's trying to run DOOM on a shitty ass CPU and having FPS below 20.

My prediction: only exclusives will run at 4k, tech demos, my friends.

60fps, however, should be the standard. It doesn't matter what game you're playing, it plays smoother, you can react faster by being able to interpret motion better, and animations don't look choppy.

60fps is ESSENTIAL for a fighting game or FPS, but every game would benefit from the increased frame rate too.

They should just stop at 1080p for a few years and focus on frame rate and gameplay, the industry has been focusing too much on visuals the past decade, and now we're getting shittier and shittier games as a result.

>1080p is so low resolution that it requires Anti Aliasing to get rid of jagged edges
>"lel anything above 1080p is pointless"

does not compute

4k is stupid and unnecesary.

Fuck consoles, they will always be behind. You can already do 4K @ 60FPS on PC. You can even do it on a GTX 970 if you are willing to play with the settings a bit. It really isn't that hard to achieve.

>all of the most visually advanced games are on the PS4
>"consoles will always be behind"
Boger face

Because 1080p looks like shit. You are just used to a old standard.

In 5-7 years people will say the same shit about 4k to 8k.

Except not really. Even the 1080 card that just came out have issue with 4K at 60fps.

4K is most likely the future but 2 things need to happen. One is GPU has to be able to run it at a stable frame rate which most likely will happen with the next big round of cards but we will see. Two is 4K monitors/TV need to be cheaper. Right now the 4K monitors are too expensive. Just like 1080p until the price is low enough where it doesn't really matter what tv/monitor you are getting (like with how 1080/1440 monitors replaced lower end monitors) not many people will be getting it. The price is lowering and soon will replace 1080 but not right now.

>often sub 30FPS
>no anti aliasing
Truly the most advanced. I should just throw my GTX1080 in the trash.

Pic related, this will never compare to the power of the PS4

It's pointless because 8K will be coming soon and console gamers don't give a shit about resolution. Most people can't even tell the difference between 900p and 1080p and they already own the displays necessary to see it.

I play most games in 2160p/30, some also in 60, with a 980. And if I want higher framerate I can always play in 1440p, which is nice too. Sure, it's not perfect, but the technology is a lot closer than most people seem to think.

Just like 1080p is a phase. We'll go back to 576p soon enough.

honestly we should just stick to 720p and make actual GOOD games instead of just trying to make games pretty, everything is about oh look how much power this game is using/man this game looks like shit not enough power

>Can't even make a console that has every game running at 60fps
>"Fuck it, let's go all in on a resolution most people don't use"

Consoles are a fucking joke and so are the companies that make them.

>1080p is just a phase
4k is shit now, but it'll be good soon when it goes mainstream

That's why I said most likely the next round of cards. But knowing AMD and Nvidia they might just both shit the bed again. The main issue right now is the price for 4K. Until that comes down people will still buy just 1080p thinking "good enough"

Fucking meme resolution. 240p is just fine, people just see bigger numbers and think it's better.

I ran 4K on a GTX 970 for almost 2 years without issue. I think a lot of people seem to think it isn't viable unless you can run every game at absolute maximum settings, which I think is drawing an unnecessary hard line. Stable framerates at 4K really aren't that hard to achieve on something like a 970 if you are willing to look at the options and bump some resource hog settings down to medium instead of max. With my new 1080 I'm able to run most things at 4K 60FPS at max. There have only been a small handful of games that I've had to turn 1-2 settings down on, mainly Depth of Field. Fuck Depth of Field.

1080p has been the benchmark since 2005 bro.

Consoles still cant fucking do it and even alot of ps4 xboner titles where 900p or under with most xbone games rendering at around 768p

the 60fps games look like ass and thats why alot of blithering retards prefer the 30fps games because dey lurk perdy

same thing with 4k they only care about image quality for their shitty cutscene tps games

4K matters for television/film. It's honestly mind blowing to see in person. Shit looks real.

For video games, I do not give a single shit. It'll only reduce the amount of anti-aliasing you need. I care way more about higher refresh rates and will likely stick to 1080p for this reason.

>Do you see 240 anywhere?
Isn't that what the 3DS uses?

>4K is starting to become standard
>tfw you will see the death of anti-aliasing in your lifetime

Feels good. Fuck needing anti aliasing.

I almost forgot lol

enjoy living in the past while we're living in THE FUTURE

>>tfw you will see the death of anti-aliasing in your lifetime
It will always be there along as Microsoft remains in the OS market.
In 2245 we will still have aliasing issues with computer fonts, mark my words.

The only way resolution is going to stop being necessary to upgrade is the day they come up with a resolution that has more than 300 Pixels per Inch on a display that is larger than anything you can fit into your house. Anything after that will be pointless, but we aren't anywhere close to that yet.

Anti-aliasing isn't more taxing than higher resolutions. It's stupid to trade one over the other with regards to performance.

Latest generation $1000 GPU's can hardly handle today's releases in 4k 60fps.
8k is FOUR TIMES more demanding than 4k. That's ridiculous. Combined with Wirth's law and newer, more demanding, technologies in video games; it will require many generations of PC-hardware until it becomes even close to mainstream.

>Forgot the most successful system this generation
Well outside of PC/mobile

I played Doom 4 at 360p/40fps on a GTX 560 and I was surprised how little it bothered me.

fuck that

>been running 4K since early 2014 on my PC
>feels completely average now
>already ready to move on from 4K to something else
>waiting for 8K to be supported on Nvidia cards and for someone to announce an 8K monitor so I can buy one

yall niggas is behind

Outside of Killzone Shadowfall's multiplayer mode and the Nioh Alpha in "action mode" there are no games on PS4 that are sub-900p

No one said you have to play games at native 8K. I just don't see the point in 4K as it's been out for years already and its successor is just around the corner.

>and its successor is just around the corner
You can't really believe that. There are digital cameras which have been able to shoot above 8K for years now but that doesn't mark the resolution as a successor.
The successor is the standard and it's going to be a long time before anything above 1080p becomes the standard.

The lowest common denominator marks the successor, not what is the "best" currently available.

To be honest I'm pretty curious as to what will happen once human eyes can't tell the difference.

Can anyone explain to me why a lot of my Disney movies on DVD look like they're bluray quality when watching on a 1080p TV?

At least you didn't say "just a meme" like every other dipshit who makes these retarded threads.

>hd is just a phase!

Super Hi Vision is already a standard though that is being adopted in Japan. You think the TV manufacturers are just going to be like "oh yeah, I guess we're done now that 4K is out"

Nah, they want to sell you new shit. Apple already makes computers with nearly 2x the resolution of 4K, it's gonna happen before you know it bro.

They invented these things called glasses, you should check them out.

>console baby doesn't understand sampling and anti-aliasing

If they can make 21 inch 8k monitors,

we'll be set for a while with the resolution meme

>an example

samsung, LG, and sony reach 800 PPI, apple doesn't even have their own displays

You will still need AA with 4k.

It's a phase that is inevitable, and an easy upgrade to make all current games instantly look better.

Say what you will about these new consoles, but they'll most likely kickstart the long waited mass adoption of 4k displays

we're definitely approaching the realm of overkill

or maybe I'm just getting old and my eyes don't appreciate the image sharpness any more

What if i offered gaming at 1440p but at 120fps?

Would you still go for 4k@60?


the only game I play that runs at 120hz right now is CS GO
if that was it, then no

120fps at 1440p is even MORE demanding than 40@60. Also, at 110 FPS and beyond you start running into some serious diminishing returns. 1440p at 100hz with 4xMSAA is all I want.

A lot of people just don't like the way it looks.

What? MSAA and SSAA look fucking great. Are you thinking about shitty post process filters?

the same reason people pretend to care about VR (a small bunch of autists care)

and no not Inb4 PC fags. Most people who play on PC don't own hardware capable of 4k if the steam survey is an indicator. If you have a brain you realize even without survey that you need a top end meme card to make 4k 60fps work and even then it only lasts like 1-2 years until you have to upgrade so new games can also work at 4k 60fps.

Inb4 poor.

>higher in resolution and get noticeably better picture quality
He thinks higher resolution = better image quality.
Look at this dumb kid, look at it and laugh.

HDR + 4K is the future

It's not a phase, but it is a bit of a meme unless you're running a screen size that actually benefits from it.

I got a 32" 4k monitor and it's great for that. Playing 1080p on something this size and this close to your face looks blurry as shit.

>Consoles are a fucking joke and so are the companies that make them.
I remember when it wasn't that way. I miss Sega and playing my 2d games.

>all of the most visually advanced games are on the PS4

Not true, I play almost every game at 1440@144 with a single 980Ti and i7 6700K. Not necessarily maxed and not necessarily constant but >100 fps at all times. I'd be getting 30ish fps at comparable settings at 4K.

>everyone hyping HDR
>even a 1000€ high end pc monitor doesn't have 10bit/HDR
Fucking WHHHHHY? All I want is my color gradients to look smooth.

>not necessarily maxed
That's my problem. If I spend 800€ on a fucking monitor I don't want to compromise.

Then spend another €800 on a second 1080.

1080p is as good as you'll need in a living room. 4K is for idiots

this desu.

Higher res solves all AA problems.

more like upscaled 4k, (almost) nobody will buy a true 4k gaming console

the whole point of a console is gaming for a low price

why would I want to buy an expensive device that locks down every option when I can just buy an expensive PC and have every option open

I also dont care about 4k

Multi GPU is dogshit, m8. I hope vulkan and dx12 can do something about that tho.

This. When I watch netflix on my TV I can't see individual pixels. 4k is only useful for PC. Consoles don't need to progress beyond 1080p at 60 fps.

As an idort with basically everything, I can't begin to grasp why people care about 4K so much that they'd buy an interim console for it or upgrade their PC. On any hardware, be it NX or PC, it's underwhelming. I'm in it for good, creative games and don't care if things aren't as optimized as they could be as long as the core experience of a game is interesting.

Gaming has become all about power levels and meaningless transformations.

I will say this, as someone who has a 4K TV and has played games in native 4K with their PC, its OKish. Not exactly the "ZOMG IT WILL MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE" but you can tell that stuff does look crisper. However, it isn't as big of a jump from say 1080p to 1440p like on PC. There are many times I knock it down to 1080p due to framerate still not being great even with a 4790k and GTX 1080.

As far as framerate goes though, I can semi-understand. I am not on the totalbiscuit levels of "30 is unplayable", but it does feel weird going back to it when I am used to games running at 60+ (I also use a 144hz monitor as well). It also does not help that a lot of games on PS4/Xbone run sub 25 FPS, which is bullshit in this gen.

It's all marketing because manufacturers fucked up and made OLED TV's that are fucking expensive but the contrast is really nice and they needed to divert attention from that so they come out with 4K to get people to buy shittier TV's but seem like a better deal.

>30 fps is fine meme
I'm currently playing MGS1 and 30 fps IS fine, however that only applies to games with a simple camera. If the camera only moves left and right I can tolerate 30. But if we are talking about actual 3D camera movement with rotation and all that 60 is a must.

I love gaming on console with my 1024 x 768 plasma.

>120fps at 1440p is even MORE demanding than 40@60.
1440p @ 120hz requires 442 million computrons
4K @ 60hz requires 497 million computrons

>computer fonts

Bigger and bigger resolutions are only worth it if your display is also getting bigger and bigger.

But we as humans and our rooms we live in are not getting bigger all the time.

We're in the same room as before and sitting the same distance away from the TV as before.

At some point, there's simply no reason to go above what we have already. You won't notice the difference.

I'm not saying 4K is that point yet, but it sure is kinda pointless and too expensive for what little it does right now.

It's a way to get consumers to buy a product they really don't need. 4k tv and accessories have been selling poorly, add to that the fact western consumers have been tight with cash this year so Sony and others go on a massive propaganda push telling people they need this.

>even a 1000€ high end pc monitor doesn't have 10bit/HDR

This right here. Resolution is important, but it's only so good if you are stuck at REC.709 color and 8 bit color depth. They really need to start making computer monitors that have support for 10bit color and higher dynamic ranges. That shit is getting put in just about every single TV now, it's unacceptable that computer monitors are falling behind.

It's too early for that butter smooth 4K 60FPS gayman but not like most CoD-playing autists know that

>(almost) nobody will buy a true 4k gaming console
>the whole point of a console is gaming for a low price
For the next few years, maybe. By 2020 they will be shitting out true 4K consoles for $199 and there probably won't be any non 4K TVs on the market. Your crazy if you think 4K is going to stay expensive forever.

4k resolution is a good thing, but not for the reasons enthusiasts typically think for.
Because of the way screen space works 4k res is only twice the height and width of 1080p but gives four times the screen space, this is a massive increase that is honestly unnecessary and very overkill for a standard small/mid size screen such as the 24 in monitor I'm using.
There is a difference in picture quality sure, but not enough for most to give any shits about, and with filters like AA 1080p still looks damn good on it.

Large screen tv's on the other hand is where 4k shines.
A 48 inch screen at 4k can have the same level of quality that a 24 inch has at 1080p, and that is a big deal since normally the picture is just blown way the hell up to fit the large screen.

It will for sure become a standard for large screen monitors and televisions, but even then the stuff is still very expensive currently.
I think it catching on for smaller screens is less likely.

>I can't begin to grasp why people care about 4K so much
It's a drastic difference and worth every penny when you sit up close to a larger computer monitor. Sure, if you have an ant size 27" monitor or if you sit 15 feet away from a TV it won't make a huge difference, but it really shines when you sit up close to a larger screen.

>television manufacturing standardized 1080p

>monitors in 16:10 are specialty items now



AA is why I want it. Also I want to game on my recliner with a 30 inch monitor.

The difference is blatantly obvious but turning a youtube video up to """"" 4k""""" doesn't actually mean shit unless you have a 4k monitor and even then the video might not actually be true 4k. Basically you need the source and the output device to match if you want to actually notice the benefits of a higher resolution.

4k needs more media before it's worth getting a monitor/tv for it.

Upscaling though....

>>the whole point of a console is gaming for a low price
It kinda was, once upon a time.
There have been many changes observed in the audience that the console market serves though:

a) gaming is more socially acceptable these days, and many people who were gaming as children now have grown up and have jobs

b) they're not fucking blind and they can see how much people throw away for really shitty smart phones and tablets, so they can approach charging whatever, up to the price of a solid pc build and face little to no consequence

The vast majority of consumers do not sit close to a computer monitor. 4K at this point is the holy grail for PC gamers and basically no one else. However, TV, monitor, and projector producers need to push it because they don't have any other great tech or even any ideas to increase demand.

>Large screen tv's on the other hand is where 4k shines.
So much this. 4K is completely retarded on anything less than a 34 inch monitor, and 34 inches is almost too small. The beauty of 4K is having a display with the clarity of a 22" 1080p monitor on a 40+ inch display.

1080 with AA looks better than 4K without it.
1080 with AA works faster than 4K without it.
Running AA in 4k ruins performance even on powerhouse machines.

4K will remain a meme until we get PCs that are capable of doing at least SMAA in it and not chug.

Get with the times grandpa, 21:9 is where all the action is now

>Running AA in 4k ruins performance even on powerhouse machines.

Except you don't need AA with 4k dumbass. 4k on 32 inches and below makes jaggies irrelevant.

Yeah I fucking know. Makes me want to kill myself all the more.

I'll stick with 1200p until this ancient dell monitor fucking dies. It doesn't even have hdmi input

A bit of SMAA or TSSAA still gives some nice improvements at 2160p.

Flat screens 720/1080 became standard a long time ago.
4k are starting to get cheaper. Wouldn't shock me if 4k become a new standard.