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Reminds me of pic related

delete this

Well, a dare is a dare. Don't come whining to me when it doesn't work out for you.

What are you gonna do, stab me?

why is mikasa so perfect?, I'd love to put a baby inside her but she will probably abort because it's not eren's seed.

How are you forcing AA on that? My game looks like a jagged mess no matter what I do.

She's Rei Ayanami only with a family.


So how was the game?

I'm probably gonna buy it this christmas

Mikasa a shit

Berholdt best husbando

I want to 3D maneuver my dick into he perfectly shaped body.

Game is lots of fun despite all it's flaws.

>all dat fucking retarded material names
>I'm at the point where one attack isn't enough to mutilate titans, yet still don't have access to a material for upgrade/purchase
>my most hated character have the best game play


Seems like only one of those flaws is sorta serious.

Huh? Ain't he a fucking COlossal Titan? Why is he getting eaten so easily?

He got fucked

His titan form evaporated, basically

That was after he had just been cut out of his titan along with all his limbs.

This play better on ps4 or PC and why the fuck is it 60 bucks. It looks so much fun but that's a lot of money for a musou game

Can't you just replay a mission to get materials?


Move over, best waifu coming through

PC is horribly optimized but if you have a very, very good PC it's probably better since you can force better anti alias in your radeon/nvidia panel. I doubt you could force better resolution with gedosato since it runs like shit.

We'll know his gender in the next couple of chapters, im sure

I'm glad that tall faggot is dead.


its very repetitive and very easy. but also very annoying due to lock on system not working and the screen being cluttered so you cant see whats going on at all. dont bother.

also the goddamn escort missions. waypoints are bugged as fuck and people just walkin circles. terrible

btw in which chapter does the anime ends? I'd like to resume it because you fags keep spoiling it

So is this good?

B-but poor Annie ;_;

are they at the basement yet
i stopped keeping up with the series around the time where bert and ernie were kidnapping eren


She wants the E.



Eren is for Armin and him alone


Read it all, it's not that long.

Meant for
I'm autistic

Where can I read the manga? Last time I checked it was taken down everywhere



Who chapter 85 reveal here? Shit was so wut.

Has this series sidestepped it's premise almost entirely in favour of typical shonen clichés yet?

Why do people keep saying Hange is a man?

We M.Night Shyamalan's the village now

Not really, the political arc is really good

Yes you can, but I basically S'd all the missions, wipe all the titans, get all materials from a titan before killing it, still missing materials for upgrade/purchase, it's been like this for like 5 story missions already. It's usually a higher variant of the said material where i have like 100+ of its lower variant.
>new weapon available
>can't buy it
>new materials available
>i don't even need it

>Sorry it's licensed an not available

genuinely curious by this

it seems female enough in the show, maybe something in the manga?

It's more ambiguous in the maga.


I read it there

Where are you from senpai?

the manga art is so shitty you can't differentiate between males and females

Probably some manga shittery. I remember them calling hange she in the anime. I'd be mad as fuck if it turned out she was a man since I already nutted to porn of hange.

in manga its gender is intentionally unknown but slightly hinted at being male something like once or twice, but anime decided to make it female like many anime does to gender unknown characters fro some reason

I honestly liked Attack on Titan. If you take it for what it is (an anime for 13-15 year olds), it's good cheesy fun.

i dropped this show after it took eren 4 episodes to move a fucking rock. Too much fluff.
did it ever pick back up?

Wasn't it 2 episodes?

And yeah, I'm enjoying the manga


Japan can't be doin this gay shit.

Musou titles are usually 60$. It does go down in prices if you wait.

they actually are
have you seen The Village by Shyamalan? Thats the big twist

Cuckanada mate

It helps that it's probably the most atypical shounen anime in recent memory. It's full of the same clichés, but they tend to be played as flaws in the characters than virtues.

they just love their waifus more than anything, and if its possible to create more waifus then they take that chance and grab it like a homeless man with booze

Is the manga over yet? I might completely finish it in one or two sittings if so

Well shit.

I haven't. Elaborate in the context of AoT, please?

>Yea right suck my dick Bertholt

I like the way he thinks. I have been waiting for a "fuck you" with a similar reply but it just hasn't happened.

There are much more advanced human civilizations living peacefully outside the walls

We've got a couple of years worth of manga yet

Humans are somehow living outside the walls, and titan shifters (Bert&Co) are presumably sent by them

lol wut

I'm down with the waifus. I just don't want my waifu to actually be a guyfu. I'll probably finally kill myself if it turns out hange is a man.

What, like modern day advanced with machine guns and tanks and shit?

Its was all a social experiment bro!

We've seen a photo.

So late XIXth century

They have a relationship with the Titans like the Flintstones do with dinosaurs.

Advanced enough to have photography

Cameras and shieeet

They are not, because in japan that isn´t gay.

Why my game looks good on screen but when i take a screenshot it looks like this? Contrast is way too high. Only happens with AoT

Where does le monkey face fit into this?

That would be still less advanced than a civ with pneumatic cable launchers that double as maneuvering jets, and metallugically advanced razorblades that can be effortlessly fixed and removed from a grip that is also a highly advanced control method for three dimensional movement.

Which one

What do you mean poor Annie? She doesn't give two shits about Bert.


The big titan with hair?

There's only one

She's amazing in the game. More viable if you get captured in solo than anyone else because the people she orders aren't shit.

I like Hitch the most though. Hitch is top cute.

So what's his deal?

monkey business

yeah Hange is great its especially cool activating that blue super mode thing and being able to keep it going continuously for half the mission
Also hearing her shout in excitement as you swing and boost around is the topping on the cake

Isn't Anime season 2 coming out this autumn?

It's called icing not topping on the cake you fucking spic


that's a big paper knife

>Get prompted to trawl through the AoT wiki to catch up on like three years of progress because fuck reading the manga
>mfw reading all the stupid bullshit the story has introduced up to now

it's a cutscene


So why don't you read the manga ye cunt

85 is the exact sort of intrigue this garbage needed to keep it from descending into the most inane shit

>fucking men isn't gay

Literally perfect

>Micro tits