What will be TF2's definite death?

What will be TF2's definite death?

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It's Valve, when have any of their major multiplayer games died? At best TF2 will eventually die down and then TF3 will get released.

Not cosmetics for sure. What I mean is that your picture really means nothing. People who dress up like that are few and far between, and literally only do dress up like that specifically to irritate others.

TF2 isn't really dead per se, but its that old person that keeps refusing to go into the old people home even though they are going senile.

It's dead already

You can't kill a God.

Why would you want to? Just leave them to it, and go play battleborn like the REAL gamers.

Community mods ensured the game will never die


Valve made their own bed since now TF3 can't have an actual art style. If they made it, they'd have to think of some other way to monetize it.

Haven't played this in a while, but have they still not added in an Original Mode, which has only the default weapons, and disables cosmetic effects? That's seriously all I want to play this game ever again.

>Grey Mann pulled the plug on his brothers
What the fuck are they still fighting for then? Is normal tf2 gameplay even canon anymore?

It already died. It's just undead now

I'm betting normal TF2 gameplay still takes place when the two brothers were still alive.

Maybe right before both of them got murdered.

>implying you wouldn't buy it the moment it came out

> ywn be that duck

at this point the game is just unoptimized trash, and the comics are the only good new content coming for the series.

it died years ago
all that remain are 3rd world scum and autistics who cant move on with their lives

but valve has no incentive to move on while they can continue to milk these people till they die of natural causes.

That's MvM, normal gameplay takes place before the comics.

Yes it is so dead it's the 3rd most played game on steam. Pro tip: You not liking it doesn't make it dead.

>didn't have a gaming pc when TF2 was starting out
>get one a few months after all TF2 threads turned into shitposting
>get the Orange Box a year later
>I like it and see what I've been missing out on, but eventually run into hackers and trade spammers/afk assholes
>stop playing
>new ranked mode comes out

I suck just as much but now I can't play the way I want. Way to go, Valve.

When valve pull all support. There's basically only a couple guys still working on it, eventually they'll get bored or sent to another project in Valve's development. They've already shown they have no interest in trying to compete with overwatch, and are content with letting the game slowly wither away. They'll likely keep pumping out cosmetics as long as they can still make money from mann co store and community market sales. I imagine there'll still be a small playerbase of hardcore fans as long as there are servers up.

What do you mean you can't play the way you want? It's the same except you can choose your map and there are ranks.

Last I checked you couldn't choose the game mode you wanted to play. You had to set a list of multiple maps and modes or some shit. I actually haven't played in several months, except the one time I played right after the ranked update.

barely though, it often gets beaten out by rocket league or ark, also its number is likely bloated by bot accounts.

>b-but muh active players
yeah okay let's pretend thousands of bronies, furries, russian children, people who just utter garbage at the game, and everything inbetween aren't worth considering.
if you whittled it down to people you'd actually want to play with it you'd clear off 99% of the current players
Most longtime players have already moved on

>couldn't choose the game mode you wanted to play
>I actually haven't played in several months
then how about you go and play it? Now you can select whatever you want.

It died circa 2010.

Do you know what that word means friendo? I can play TF2 on a fucking chromebook.

You could say that for literally any popular game. Stop being retarded.

Stout Shako for 2 refined

How could a game like this have had such a god tier soundtrack?


The best hat combinations are the ones that fit the character and the game.

Meet Your Match

Let's hope the Heavy and Pyro updates bring it back like Gun Mettle did.

>time signature is 4/4

delete this

When OW dies TF2's scrub base will triple.

TF2 is such an extreme case of it however
but sure fine
How about the fact that there's currently 2 MAYBE 3 people still actually working on the game. People that don't even play the game themselves and just throw in shit that sounds good to them.
People that thought a completely intentional mechanic of a weapon, one that even had it's own tooltip, was a bug and made it complete garbage for no real reason other than their own incompetence. And that's only the tip of the iceberg

So what? That doesn't make the game dead. Maybe it will die if they do something incredibly retarded or if they just decide to stop making updates but we're not here yet.

sure do. the game performance continually degrades over time with the addition of more particle effects and LOD-less new models.

also, the silhouette at respawn feature tanks fps as long as it's active.

the game feels like it needs an engine overhaul.

>I main pyro

Reminds me they said there was gonna be a performance update like a year ago. Still waiting.

It will only ever truly "die" when everyone stops playing.

>Disable the way money is made on the game.

Ok retard.

>Join pub yesterday
>Enemy team being carried by kritz pocket beggars soldier
>Bottom 4 players on each side just congaing or idle in spawn
>Muted 7 people bind spamming by the end of the game
Nah fuck TF2

>Make a server
>Put every objet in the black list

do elaborate on gun

No you can't, look at the actual numbers
>Casual statistics show it only makes up 1/6th of the playerbase
>Game has thousands of community servers but if you want to do anything other than trade or play dumb mods you're shit outta luck

they should never allowed the addition of new/community models without full LOD hierarchies.

The matchmaking shit killed it for me.

They had the perfect system beforehand where you just open up the server browser and choose from a list of a few dozen

Last balance update had pants on head retarded shit. The one he's talking about is the Righteous Bison that could penetrate players to hit multiple time. They "fixed" it.

Righteous Bison actually used to be hella good. I was using it as my go-to Soldier secondary. I racked up tons of kills with it, it was nuts.

Now it's completely garbage.

Source on stats?

>You can't play the map that you want to play and you have to wait upwards of several minutes to get placed into a game
They fixed that. Still sad for community serv tho.

I picked this up a few days before MYM.

I haven't given Valve a penny since.

Start up a casual game and see for yourself. It shows them all on the left.

There won't be a single definitive thing that will kill TF2. It will be slow drawn out death, caused by many tiny decisions both in previous years and many years to come. It will keep going for a long while, while population numbers dwindle until eventually, at some point, Valve sees that income from the game is no longer able to pay for the server costs, and pulls the plug on the whole thing. As is the inevitability of all online games.

I think we'll still see the game hang around for long while, though, even if not remotely as popular as it used to be. It's still one of the biggest games of the past 10 years, it's gonna be a long process.

Nothing. I think both WoW and TF2 will be white dwarves that, while only a shade of their former selves, will remain for eons smoldering brightly until the heat death of the universe.

Go on...

If it ever gets a source2 update and a balance pass, it will instantly get 100k+ players and retain them for years.

But why develop when you can just sit on your distribution monopoly and receive free money?

TF2 itself.

TF2 is stuck in a fantasy coma.
The only treatment is pulling the plug and learning to let go.

Sylvanas' voice makes me cum

I am a primeval warrior long-time TF2 player, and I have played pretty regularly for the entire length of its life. TF2 is dead because TF3 was released, by Betheshda, and it's called Overwatch. It's sad but true. Overwatch is what TF3 would have been, if Valve were still a games studio (they're really not).

When the comic ends.

I get the feeling that the real reason why Valve hasn't finished it is because they want to sit on it for as long as possible, because they know that it's the final piece of closure many fans need before they move on and abandon the game completely. Valve could make a killing if they made a monthly ongoing comic, but they won't for whatever reason. They have these great writers and beloved characters that they refuse to do anything with.


Are you okay, user?


fuck, the other used-to-be-based-but-was-seduced-by-f2p gaming corp what starts with 'B'

Team Fortress 3. But with modern Valve that will probably never happen.

And yet there were enough of them to screw heavy out of getting a much needed update first

>Bi monthly comic

>Stop playing TF2 for a couple of years or so
>Reinstall the game this summer
>All the community maps are all dead
>No more Warpath
>No more Orange X

>Wanting TF2 to die
Why? I get the community is pretty autistic over hats and the overwhelming interest in them lead to the destruction of the game, but it is still fun provided you aren't too serious about it and just play to play.

Every year I go back for the Halloween event just because it has become a tradition. I really don't see why there is such disdain for it, if you hate it that much just quit. If you just hate the cosmetic shit then just play without them, or just wear what cosmetics you have and don't obsess over getting more like any sane individual.

>Giving a fuck about a tf2 comic
>Tf2 having lore beyond a few words in the manual or in game quips

Not defending 'it'll totally be bi-monthy guise..' shit but fuck the comic in general

Overwatch didn't even have an impact on TF2's playerbase. TF2 is still a free to play game, and Overwatch is not. TF2 will always have more players based simply on the fact that it is popular and free.

The comics the only good thing coming out of TF2 anymore

>Stop playing TF2 for a couple of years or so
>Reinstall the game this summer
>Lost another 10 fps
>Stutters even worse than before
>But hey, at least there are a gazillion new hats adn unusual particles to look at


I've never really noticed any lag or stuttering.

TF3, IF and only if they allow you to port over your items.

The artist disagreed with him about it and said she never thought Pauling was gay and even called him out on pandering. So yeah, Pinkerton's full of shit.

Popular No, Free Yes.Anyone beyond third-worlders or the autistic have dropped Valve games entirely.

>"My opinions are fact"
What a special little snowflake you are. Why not go to tumblr so you can be in good company?

t. brazil

>if you whittled it down to people you'd actually want to play with it you'd clear off 99% of the current players
As opposed to 100% for Overwatch since no true shooter fan is going to play that shit.

I don't main pyro, but it's the best class to use when you want to piss off tryhards on comp. mode

FlameThrower + Scorch Shot + PowerJack

Running at the speed of light setting everyone on fire at a distance and airblasting missiles

top500 overwatch player here
can confirm, essentially no one i know intends on staying with this game except people being bankrolled to do so

>by Betheshda, and it's called Overwatch
I know the 3 Bs (Blizzard, Bethesda, Bioware) have become so evil and shitty that they all look interchangeable but you should still know better.

>>No more Orange X
Hopefully Dustbowl and Nucleus are next.

>get the urge to play some TF2
>remember that community servers are dead, especially the ones i used to frequent
>still no option to get rid of hats or at least unusual effects
>cant even play ranked without giving them 10 bucks or my phone number, despite getting into TF2 well before the f2p update
>abort installation
>close steam

Fuck Valve.

TF2 didn't start F2P either. I don't think anyone at Blizzard sees the initial full price point as anything but gravy for the real meat and potatoes which is the microtransaction BS. It will vanish the second they see the adoption rate falter.

It also is a damn good game, and I'm not joking when I say this is what TF3 would have been. It's very clear they've taken a lot of their ideas directly from the TF2 community, their new class/weapon ideas and big-picture ideas of how TF2 should evolve.

more like you're too shit to play anything else
>I go to comp to troll xddd

not to troll, but pyro is the only class that levels me up to other players

soldiers are way too tryhards, I play demo sometimes, I can't hit 2 shots with scout, and medic is only if nobody else wants

snipers, spys and engies are not picked normally