So what's the verdict on Legion from a vanilla player's perspective? Have professions been fixed...

So what's the verdict on Legion from a vanilla player's perspective? Have professions been fixed, is the game social and massive again?

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It's not an MMO and it's not an RPG, WoW hasn't been those things for a good while.

So is it worth buying?



I'm from BC.
Best. Expansion. Ever
Worth it.

Im still leveling, it's pretty good so far.
The zones are cool

No it's just a meme right now threads will die off in two weeks and everyone will say its shitty don't fall for Sup Forums verdict

They're always worth buying. The absolute minimum enjoyment time I got off them was WoD and that was 4 months. A worthwhile purchase by any gaming standard

Rate my Darnassus ASMR :3

t. havent played it

get a better mic.

Professions are back on track, but handled almost completely through quest progression. Problem is it's like the old days where the gear is useless by the time you can make it. The social factor is improved by world quests, and there's no real reason to keep yourself parked in your class hall when not doing anything related to it. Dalaran is pretty busy with stuff to do. Constant world PVP in the underbelly. The only thing that sucks is the garrison mission table with mandatory missions that take fucking forever, but it thankfully stops being a thing once you finish the campaign.

It's fucking good. I'm having more fun than I did with WOTLK despite the fact that dungeons are easy and LFG/LFR exist. There are mythics though which require you to form your own groups and are about as hard as BC heroics/dungeons.

I'm still in the honeymoon period, but so far I'm enjoying it a lot. More than WoD, Pandaland and Cata so far.

People are excited because they either haven't played in a while, or experienced the content drought of WoD. It's a singleplayer game at toddler-friendly difficulty. People will grow bored of farming artifact power and class hall missions in a few weeks.

Define 'back on track'.

I gem cutting still the WoD abortion?

Yes, retards think that 7.1 is just a raid but there will be more content other than raid

Is grinding the artifact a daily thing? I heard it takes a really long time to finish. Do you have to do a thing every day for that really long time?

Plenty of stuff to do in the open world, there's a casual world pvp hotspot literally under the hub city, artifact weapons and world quests mean there's always something to do, and people are getting minted with gathering professions. All in all, great for people like me who lack either the time or computer specs to enjoy raiding

It took a year non-stop to finish all the slot for your art

And it's a daily thing? Or weekly, like a raid lockout?

I loved vanilla, but Legion is fun too, just in a different way. I'm genuinely looking forward to keyrune mythics, and the way they're designed, I feel like the game is taking cues from things like Diablo and Path of Exile, which is the logical evolution to MMOs when raids are such a massive hassle to coordinate.

Vanilla will always be a magical experience, but Legion is a better overall gaming experience. It's tailored toward aspies like myself who enjoy character optimization, always having something to upgrade toward, and making sure there is always something to do.

>Have professions been fixed

Professions right now are the worst they've ever been

Depends on what you want out of them. I make way more gold now than I ever have but gone are the days of making stun hammers or unique items it's all been gutted

> So what's the verdict on Legion from a vanilla player's perspective?
It's not "back", if that's what you're getting at. I mean it's gotten better, but not that much better.

> Have professions been fixed
Hell no. As a tailor, I have to make special cloth using this expansion's cloth and enchanting dust. That much is fine since I'm an enchanter (most tailors usually are, right? Makes sense). But then to make one stinkin' piece of armor I need something like 80 ore or leather on top of all the cloth I need. It's ridiculous. The system's maybe "more fixed" than WoD in a sense, but shit's still broken.

> is the game social and massive again?
It's fucking WoW, even when tons of people left it was still god damn massive and social. Are you just retarded?

its shit

I'm a vanilla player and it's definitely enjoyable. Much more then Cataclysm, MoP or WoD.

yes, even more daily quest for grinding, thats what actual players want and blizzard will deliver

t. shill

as a jewelcrafter, I don't know what was wrong with this profession in Cata. It was the best time for me. Now there's no gem slots anyway

Been playing since vanilla.

So far it's more fun than WOD was in the first week. It feels a lot more fun to be thrust out into the world than chilling in my garrison waiting on queues. Seeing other in my class hall feels nice, not as isolating. Dungeons are fun but too much trash in them. The first major patch has more content in it than WoD got b the same potential point in time.

Does the expansion have longeveity? Probably. I have no idea how people can do alts in legion though, one character feels like too much work as it is, I have no clue how people can already be gearing up alts. Legion could be really good, but it might also flunk really hard when it comes to be six months in.

>being this big of a shitter
I've already crafted two perfect pieces of maxx'd obliterum gear

Get good

Yes, better than BC and Wrath, more vanilla-like than ever

Oh and the new DH is fun but spartan on abilities and specs. Hell, one of their DPS talents removes your builder and makes you auto attack reliant. Which means one less button.

Gliding and double jumping around is fun though and if you ever wanted to be a DH it feels a fucking lot like how a meme hunter would play. How they designed a class that feels that good but fucked up shit like demonology warlocks confuses me.

How the FUCK does anyone find Demo warlocks fun at all? Tell me. Please I know one of you faggots plays demo. How is it fun?

>better than BC
Don't get ahead of yourself.

Maybe when people aren't putting the bracers needed for the forge up on the AH for LODES I will.

Maybe then.

So you didn't play during those, did you?

>privateservercucks on full suicide watch trying to bring down legion

at least you tried

>responding to shitposting


>Sees a shit post
>Responds to it anyway


I played tbc and wrath, quit during cata. I did try pandaland and wod but they were shit.

Legion is much better than I expected. I see myself playing again atleast for a few months. Definately worth the money imo. I think its more social but i'm playing with some old mates.