I don't understand why people like her ass its not big at ass and its really flat I don't understand she has 0% booty...

I don't understand why people like her ass its not big at ass and its really flat I don't understand she has 0% booty. Why is she the symbol when it comes to big bootys in overwatch?

I thought that was Widowmaker.

She isn't the symbol. The sexy pose didn't match her personality. All the sex appeal is widow

She isn't, that's Widowmaker, Mei and Genji.

people don't like fatties like you
a small tight ass on a small frame is perfect

small&firm > big&bouncy

If you disagree you're probably a nigger.

it looks like a little boys ass

I don't get the appeal of Tracer or why anyone would want to fuck her

When it comes to asses, it's not about size. It's about shape & definition.

Gimme a well-toned booty over massive flab any day

>small&firm > big&bouncy
Sure, if you like 10 year old boys.

>genji is le handsome guy with sexy ass
what is this shitty meme

Left looks better

>'ello m8 'ows about ye ram it in me shitta

whats not to love

>its impossible to like small cute butts

>Why is she the symbol when it comes to big bootys in overwatch?
thats widowmaker

She isn't, even D.va has a better ass.



A good ass has to have a nice, plump shape while not being overlay disproportionate with the rest of the body. Tracer has negative ass, just remove the crack and it looks like her thighs extend up towards her pelvis.

>not liking dick girls

u gay son?

I like boys too so it's a win win for me.


It's all a matter of perspective my friend.

>its really flat I don't understand she has 0% booty
I get autistically annoyed when people exaggerate on a wasted point.

"you did literally 0 damage"
"her ass is flat!"
"0% booty"

Are you fucking retarded or blind? Both?

She still has no ass here, her leg is just raised so the curve of her hip makes it look like she has ONE competent cheek. You can literally still see how flat it is on her stretched leg.

no perspective necessary, these boogaloo's are blind. her as isn't fat but it's tight and plump. I don't want to drown in it, I just wanna hold and squeeze it. Looks great to me

Plump literally means fat.

no you are gay fag

Unfortunately she doesn't actually have a butt, her pants are just so tight that it exaggerates it.

She just have a really defined ass crack.

reminder of how utterly retarded gamejournos are




Nice legs and tight ass.
I don't see the problem here, kiddo.

>not having the anime arse is a fair trade for not being raped as much

How is it exaggerated? Look at this shit

im so glad this issue is being addressed

What do you mean?


>0% booty
Is this better?

it needs to be addressed

Kek goddammit user fuck

>comparing two good things

It's like loving solely one colour or eating solely one meal.

Reminder that west is a motherland of all shit-tier fetishes.

>big boots
>not pic related

I'm not amused

because a dads daughter really liked tracer but the dad didn't like tracers pose.
So he asked if Blizzard could change it and they did.

This spun off the "Tracer has a nice fat ass" meme




that's funny considering japan has a sex industry where vomit, cockroaches, and scat are pretty prevalent

that's a puffy vulva

People whole think Tracer has any kind of nice ass are retarded. It's not about size, it' about shape. Tracer's ass is objectively flat, which makes it bad. A good ass must always been hemispherical, because that's the shape of toned glutes.

You people are stupid and wrong.