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>in stock
Why does it cost so much? Is the disc made of gold or something?
It's a digital purchase for an early access game.
Am I supposed to know what game this is?
fucking hell, I've spent less on vidya over the course of my entire life
That's literally my year and a half salary.
It'll come out some day, right guys?
having battle.net on PC was a mistake.
No, what costs that much is the ship itself.
Wow I'm glad it's in stock.
I'm surprised they haven't added a "ONLY FEW REMAINING!" red flashing warning actually.
I don't see what the problem is. A clan could pool their money together to buy their leader the most powerful ship. Then they'd be unstoppable on raid night.
It's $18,000 Zimbabwean dollars.
Whoever made the Star Citizen patcher/updater is insane. 569 connections.
I can't comprehend why the developers made it that much money. Do they actually think it's worth that much?
I wonder how mad all these whales are going to be when someone discovers an infinite money glitch, and just starts handing out capital ships to everyone.
Gosh who needs a down payment on a house when you can own 1's and 0's!
Doesn't it run peer to peer?
You know I understand people defending it with "well some people have everything already, yachts, islands, many luxury cars, to them this is nothing"
But why would those people even play fucking video games
Newfag plz go
>Making $1k a month
Where the fuck do you live, Africa?
I could buy hundreds if not thousands of games with that money
They need money for pre-stressed and pretentious furniture and $10k coffee machines.
>cucks spend their years worth of autism bucks on this
>game turns out to be shit or never comes out
top kek
If you have enough money to waste on shit like yachts and private islands you have plenty of time to waste too.
the fuck, 3rd world?
The average income in a lot of shitty Eastern European countries is like $400 a month.
With how the instancing shit works, would there even be any room for anyone outside of their ship to share their instance? I could see those big ships being PvE only.
What autist is spending this? This is for millionaires that would rather spend $18,000 on a cool game than a watch.
average is $80
I wish I only spent $45 though
plenty of games have huge kickstarter packages for whales
>In stock
>Digital product
Stupid goys, hehehehe...
Yeah, fuck that. Of course, fuck that price tag, too.
i cant wait for the inevitable class action lawsuit and the sweet interpol manhunt for this fat autistic faggot. It's gonna be tits.
you underestimate the power of autism my friend. I bet chris chan has spent more than double that on kids toys in his life
>1k a month
is that bad?
fuck asldmsalmdalsdmalsdmalsd
It's super cheap to live there aswell, so it evens out.
I'm going to laugh so hard when the game gets so delayed that it can launch on consoles too and CR sells out.
I'm a PCuck - but god that would be fucking glorious.
Christ the Roberts would do it in two seconds too if he could - he only cares about $$$$.
will I be able to use this 18,000 dollar ship offline via mods?
no rich guy is spending that on a fucking virtual ship.
most of the whales in gaming are kids/teens using parent's credit card or average joes who empty out their savings and wage checks.
Make fun of it all you want but people actually buy this shit.
This is god tier jewery
I went to the site and it says $15,000.
A magical place call Europa
I get paid that as an CAD engineer
It's basically a donation to help get the game made. I don't see the issue. Without this shit they would probably run out of funds.
You can use any ship offline for free, because CIG will allow people to host their own custom dedicated servers.
I'm confused, can't I just get it normally in game when the game launches?
Where do you think this money came from, retard? If people want to buy virtual ships for insane amounts of money I don't care as long as I can still get them in game. I mean, the core gameplay loop of SC is doing missions to get money to upgrade your ship / get a better ship. Buying stuff for real money undermines the game for you.
There are going to be several retards who buy this.
It's literally a donation. All the ships will be able to be purchased with in-game currency, plus this shit is more like a clan pooling money together.
You can, see It's less pay to win and more like a thank you for keeping the lights on. According to CIG, they are going to close the shop after the game is done and will only sell credits for real money with a hard per player cap, so individuals can't pay to win. The remaining p2w elements are meant for organizations who want to buy bengals to go to war with other orgs.
Nobody can fucking defend this. If I had that kind of money lying around I'd buy a used car instead!
And if you believe a word of that you are one grade-A sucker.
Man, you can get a NEW car for that much.
>they will only sell credits for money
holy fuck kill yourself.
And you're an edgy cynic 16 year old twat who is only here because he wants another tortanic.
With a hard limit. And in exchange the main server is free. If you don't like it, go host your own dedicated server.
This show was cute.
Joke's on you, it's currently 15,000. Just over a third of my current yearly salary (after taxes/deductions).
What a nice deal. I'm getting two!
pft hahahah fucking poorfags
I live in NY and make 8.9k each month
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
>$80 million budget
>90 employees
>3 years to full featured game release
>Star Citizen
>$140 million budget
>130 employees
>5 years and there is still no game, just a steady line of shovelware ships being excreted off an assembly line to raise Chris Roberts more money he can spend on $25,000 espresso machines and paying B-list celebrities to pretend they're his friend
Sounds like an averahe American mcjob to me. Every time you hear about job growth it's just shit like part-time garbage at Wal-Mart or McDonalds.
which = about the same standard of living, kek
>Star Citizen
Most ambitious game ever made.
Derivative dumbed down console rpg.
I'm amazed at how the fans found out about the espresso machine AND DEFENDED IT
This game is turning into a literal cult
people who buy that don't need more cars you fucking dingus retard motherfucker. They're not poor like you.
>b-b-buh i can't afford a car so they should buy more cars
>350 million
Where did you get this figure from?
Have you ever been to an office space? How is a coffee machine misappropriated funds? Fuck off DS.
>Most ambitious game ever made.
No, user, you see, it's the most ambitious game ever promised. That is a very important distinction from 'most ambitious game ever made'.
The difference is that I, sitting in my chair here, can promise a game that will be more ambitious than the one Chris Roberts is promising. A promise itself is no accomplishment. The results matter, and with $140 million dollars and 40 more employees and 2 additional years, Chris and his team have failed to produce a tenth the work the Skyrim team did.
desu I have a CS degree and I would kill to have a comfy office with an espresso or latte machine. Spending some dosh to make a nice office that will be around for a decade or more doesn't seem like a bad thing to me
I'm more concerned with the weird stalking behavior and threatening lawsuits against a video game. it's retarded
>Forum dads lining up to be scammed
At first I was disgusted by Roberts, but now I hold him in the highest regard. He's milking retards for cash while they sing his praises, and I can't fault him for that.
Wait what, what the fuck happened?
>so it evens out.
Except electronics and vidya all cost even more than in the US.
And then people wonder why almost everyone east of Germany pirates shit like crazy.
>Mark Hamill
>Gary Oldman
Yes,but why wouldn't you waste that time wiTH YOUR YACHTS AND PRIVATE ISLANDS
they didn't spend all that money yet and they are still hiring employees right up to new
the only complaint is that it's taking years to make which isn't really that surprising when you look at the design of the game
I just wish they'd focus a bit more on the earlier ships and basic career mechanics but they will be coming online this year
A former Cloud Imperium Games employee leaked the fact that Chris Roberts spent $25,000 on an espresso machine for his office, and he's spent in excess of $1m+ paying B-list celebrities to do voicework for Squadron 42. Chris Roberts is a failed Hollywood film maker who is now paying celebrities to befriend him.
Did you see the gamescom demo? Fucking hell, I wish I could gas all of you Derek Smart shills.
>games are derivative shit and made for the lowest common denominator
>game comes along that challenges all of that
Again, I wish I could gas all of you.
>they are paid for voice work and motion capture
>>payed to befriend him
You are more delusional than third wave feminists.
I love when things like Star Citizen happen. I get to sit back and watch a company extract millions of dollars and kiloliters of tears from retarded Sup Forums teenagers.
he is the wing commander guy. He outright says his games are about making them feel like you're in a movie
>this surprises anyone
that's what people bought and the cutscenes and NPCs demo'd so far look really goods
why would anyone pay the money for a ship then?
Is the game even out yet?
Reminder Chris Roberts was already a millionaire thanks to actually succeeding at life beforehand.
He can afford the construction of new offices let alone a single coffee machine with his own money.
except it's a lot of older people on average who spent the big bucks while teenagers on Sup Forums are amazed that a video game could take a quarter of their lifetime thus far to make
>did you see the gamescom demo?
A scripted demo featuring someone landing on a procedurally generated planet which was just a textureless array of peaks and valleys.
A russian astronomer coded a better procedural planet generation system, over the course of 6 months in his free time off work, than a 130 man team funded with $140,000,000 dollars
Where's the rape option?
>Reminder Chris Roberts was already a millionaire thanks to actually succeeding at life beforehand.
Chris Roberts had ~$500,000 USD in the bank prior to Star Citizen from, ironically enough, crowdfunding a movie, halfassing it and running away with the rest of the funds.
My entire social circle is 40+ year old people who've been playing games for over twenty years. Believe me when I say that no one who is not a teenager is spending money on Star Citizen.
Well the official servers are going to be MMO server clusters. No matter how much scratch you might have, getting privately owned MMO economy going for more than 100 or so players is going to cost you, in addition to only running a simpler version of the official servers
Private servers:
>Won't have any undiscovered/recently discovered systems to prevent private servers blowing all the secrets with tools that legit explorers need to find for work
>Won't have GM run events and politics affecting the economy
>Will have a limited number of players and by extension greatly limited number of AI, more "convenience" AI like Elite: Dangerous rather than persistent AI that simulate player actions on the economy
So private servers will let you play ala Freelancer but are not by themselves worth the entirety of the price tag to buy a copy of SC.
that picture looks fucking great and you're mad that the game is shaping up nicelly
kill yourself derek smart shill
Are you really this dense? Has it really never occurred to you that you have to pay your employees and that you need to pay rent to RENT an office space? Without a publisher they are on their own, so people donate to get the game made. That's literally the purpose of crowdfunding. HOW CAN YOU BE SO DENSE?
>implying space engine has a massively multiplayer layer on top
You have no idea how game programming works, do you? If it is to easy, why aren't there games that do it?
>inb4 no mans sky
How old are you then?
I don't believe you or care what your faggot friends think because that's patently false
Rich people don't actually spend money mindlessly. You don't stay rich that way after all
I'm sorry you bought an 18,000 dollar ship.