About Warhammer 40k

I don't know a shit about this fanchise, i only have read the Wikipedia.
But Sup Forums seems to love it.
Why is it so beloved?
Are the videogames any good?

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Lots of armies with both serious and stupid lore.
Lots of customization, different playstyles.
Check out Dawn of War 1-2, Space Marine.


>Space Marine

I don't understand why Sup Forums likes this 6/10 so much. It was repetitive and felt like poor man's GOW.

You got to play as a space marine that actually felt like a real WH40K space marine badass.

I mean, the game's fukken tag line was "Cover is for the weak." You just went in jetpack screaming and cut niggas in half with a chainsword.

Also, the AI survival mode was pretty challenging.

The game experience was a solid 8/10 back when the servers were full.

Damn the rts sound really interesting.
I have to give then a try.

thats Hellboys gun
you should probably return it

Pirate dark crusade and find for yourself kid.

I googled warhammer weapons, and like i said i'm a plebeian that doesn't know a shit about the series.

I've never played a Warhammer game before, but I know a ton of the lore, and a few days ago, I preordered Space Hulk: Deathwing
Did I make a good decision?

You could just watch the DoW 1 intro over and over
or that insanely high quality animated youtube thing

It's property of the Blood Ravens now

>dow 1 intro
>high quality animated thing
The 2 main reasons why i made this thread.

just kidding, its just a custom nerfgun

desu senpai it looks like it is gunna be real damn good, so you did good preording dat shit. For up until then, I recommend Battlefleet Gothic, Dawn of War 1 or 2, or even Total War: Warhammer, which is a different universe, but the principles of humans dying in droves and chaos being mean with Orks being funny all remain the same. Fuck, even Space Marine is a good intro to the lore game-wise.

If you do roleplaying then I would recommend you try to play some Dark Heresy too. It is legit my fav rp and the amount of grim dark provided is quite substantial.

Its called The Lord Inquisitor, you fucking waste of air.

overpowered everything
zealotry and insanity
the combination of technology with archaic worldviews

warhammer is a story about flawed beings taking themselves very, very seriously

its the most completely human setting I'm aware of

It's a nerf gun

jeez git
i'z only seen a small bit o it
cant be boved to rememba them stupid humie names

the MP was fun as fuck

and not only the killing, the dying was just as fun

I've been meaning to check out TW: WH
I love total war games and I've heard this one is the best yet
Was thinking about Battlefleet Gothic, can it be pirated or is it multiplayer?


Never cared really. Tried to get into it myself but could not be asked.
But from what I understand
> crusades time period in space
> everything is ridiculously OP
> a single life means absolutely nothing, there are trillions of trillions of being of several species

>crusades time period in space

Actually, the Crusades already passed, it's more like the Reconquista with tons of killing innocents because their loyalty to the divinity faltered.

If you know Warhammer (Warcraft), it's just that in space.
If you don't, then just mix the usual fantasy with ALL OF 80s sci-fi and heavy metal... and that's Wh40k.

Also OP you should give WH40k a try, it's real good and it has massive amount of lore

If you want to understand why people love it then you should watch If the Emperor had a Text to Speech Device. To put it simply it's about the shenanigans of a personal guard that for thousands of years protected the God Emperor's undead corpse. There are two lore episodes later on which helps newcomers after they get comfortable with the current cast at hand. After that you can play the vidya such as Dawn of War I and its expansions, Dawn of War II and its other goodies, and also Space Marines so you can get the feeling of how a Space Marine truly fights.

Yes OP I agree you should spend money on plastic soldiers despite the fact that 40k veterans themselves say the game is not worth it, also remember to play only Space Marines because GW favors them just like in fantasy they favored Warriors of Chaos.

>Why is it so beloved?
Because it's the most over the top grim dark sci fi out there, the armies are so different from each other and none of them are the good guys
You got yourself commie weeabo blueberries, S&M space elves, 8ft tall superhumans that all have shit loads of different traits, space orks that can make anything work by sheer BELIEVE alone, ancient Egyptian terminators, xenomorphs

>none of them are the good guys

Tyranids do nothing wrong

>that can make anything work by sheer BELIEVE

Chaos is shit, Tyranids are most interesting faction

and the will of the emperor is infallible

It will never happen. Such a game could be amazing. But GW is too stupid...

>the tabletop is incredibly unbalanced, with some factions being impossible to win with
Who in their right mind would design a game like this?
I'd be more interested in playing the tabletop if it didn't mean I'd have to pick one of the few meta-favored armies rather than what I found interesting


Funny you mention that. GW actually killed off Rogue Trader and also that Heresy RPG yesterday.

Like who? My guess is Imperial Guard.

There's fuckloads of mods for Dawn of War 1.

Also check out Battlefleet Gothic: Armada for space battles.

The universe is huge, there's lots of shit that caters to many types of players.
Warhammer Fantasy also have great games.
I'm looking forward to SpaceHulk: Deathwing

Good thing I have the rule book in PDF on my phone

In the lore, they're unstoppable eldritch horrors that can only be delayed, not stopped
In the game, they're dumb bugs that get slaughtered by every faction

Imperial Guard is actually pretty good

If you want a TL:DR version of the lore check out Lexicanum, if you want a more light hearted version, check ''If Emperor had a text to speech device'', if you want to play every army but don't feel like spending a ton of cash on toy soldiers play Soulstorm with Ultimate Apocalypse mod, if you want to play mostly campaign play Dark Crusade.

Also I like how Eternal Crusade didn't deliver despite not even being out yet, I really enjoy the fact that a setting with guns and factions already stated can't get any decent acton games.

I stopped playing when the third edition was released. They nerfed the fuck out of my nids; the most unforgivable thing was taking a whole third off their movement.

Have you thanked the emperor for this? I hope you did, his will demands it.

Top tier are Vanilla SpacecMarines, Necrons, Eldar and Tau. Bottom tier are Tyranids, Dark Eldar, Orks and Chaos Marines. Everyone else is roughly in the middle.

Nids looked like shit back then.

>big goofy shootan weapons
>slashin chainsaw swords
>psychic powers
>ERE WE GO orks
It's goofy and has a cool edgy setting.

Space Hulk: Deathwing looks ok.
Made by the guys that made EYE. Looks to have better english, though.

The one thing I hate about Warhammer is how goofy some of the art looks
Like, the setting is supposed to be grimdark and horrible, why do you have these goofy technicolor Tyranids, what the fuck

Newer art is grimdark.

Because while DoW is good in its own way, this game actually lets you play as a Space Marine mowing down Orks.


I loved them, the models had character and you didn't have to paint them in neons.
Now they all seem to look like identikit spiky worms, despite different castes having evolved for specific purposes. Just seems a bit strange.

I would rather be a Nob mowing down Space Marines.

>love derelict spaceships
>love power armor
>love character movement that feels weighty and deliberate
Thank you based Emperor


The first trailer for the game was fucking odd cause of the music choice, hopefully they'll release a proper gameplay trailer soon.

That said, I am hyped.

The music choice was great man, what are you talking about

Alright boyz, I just got Eternal Crusade, someone give me a referral code because it feels stupid to go on without one.

It was good music, it just seemed kinda strange for 40k.


Are we talking about the same?


It's a really odd choice for showing off terminators, aswell as SpaceHulk in general.

I want a horror game where I play as a guardsman who tries to survive on Chaos/Tyranid infested planet after his squad got wiped out.

1d4chan has a "for dummies" version.

So you want a five minute long game?

>start game
>you lose
>play again?


>The one thing I hate about Warhammer

you mean the one thing you hated 20 years ago when this was standard shit in the 80's and 90's and that the nids have dramaticly changed since then to modern sci-fi body horror swarm based aliens


eh i prefer the modern versions

they feel like an alien race that could actually exist


instrumental was wonderful the haunting piano at the beginning was great

then the singer went from a nice melody to brutal manly voice and killed the whole thing


Karskin could survive, so would a Catachan.

looks like he has slanesh the dumb fuck

>tfw no catachan game



Reminder that this exists


Can't fucking wait for Space Hulk Deathwing, it's gonna be amazing.

Also excited for Eternal Crusade full release. It might not be that polished but it's still fun to participate in huge battles in the 40k universe, I don't need a huge level of polish. Hell I still enjoy DoW 1.

>huge battles
>Eternal Crusade

Mechanicum, not even once

New battle nun content, never.

As of just like yesterday it's 50v50 on some maps.

i shall weep for it

Is GM sexist?
It seems the only time they show up these days is when they're getting slaughtered

>tfw no 40k game that includes the modern Deldar.

Eldar are for ______


Fucking Kitten.


>knife ears

disgusting, I'd rather fuck a Carnifex

Why do you post this same post with that same crap art in every fucking thread about 40k?

How heretic can one be?

Maybe Dawn of War 3's third expansion will have them.

Sleep tite, caimer.

I wonder if Female Eldars could be used for Daemonculaba

t. Fabius

making my bone sing

>GW removed the Duke because they're shit writers

God Eldar are the fucking worst, I wish they would all die

This faggot can only draw one face. And eldar eyes are supposed to be pitch black so fuckoff with your shitty art

Eldar don't even look like that anyways.
Picture related is what sort of faces they have.

No they removed him because of the whole Chapterhouse affair.
GW removed all units from dexes which they had no models for.