This is an Hawaiian dragon

This is an Hawaiian dragon.

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Is there a face on that buttfruit?

>Whoever's the owner of the white sedan, you left your lights on


>an Hawaiian

You're a idiot.


i just want to push it over



The fuck?


whoa hey guys

>That new trailer showing you Exeggcute evolving into it and it's head is way off screen
Gave me a chuckle. The more i see it, the more i like it. I may actually use one.

oh dear this is embarrassing.

Wood Hammer

I'd exeggute her.

>oi lookit moi! oi'm a wheh-uw bri-ish tahsuh! an oi soi thoings loik "an uh-wiian" and "yewge peckuh"

I speak an H-dropping English accent and even I wouldn't say Awaiian.

That made no fucking sense.

I know that's why
>an hawaiian
is stupid and wrong.

Nobody says that though

Overpowered did.

just crazy how nature made that

>using an before a word that starts with H as if it were a vowel


If you don't pronounce the H in your accent, it makes sense.

But if you don't pronounce the H in Hawaiian, you're a fucking retard.

Maybe he's jamaican

Sorry to break it to you bud, but those of us in the States pronounce the word herb wrong. For some reason, we bastardized it to ignore the H sound, as if it were spelled "erb".


chicken pteriyaki

I think you and the herb guy you're replying to are on the same page though. Herb is the exception. An herb, a Hawaiian.


No user, I don't think so

Herb is originally a French word, so the silent H pronunciation is etymologically correct.

I came to that realization after I hit Submit.

Don't worry were bastardised English here in the UK as well

For some reason we don't pronounce half the letters yet overpronounce the other half

Our ancestors would be ashamed

>Herb is originally a French word

Literally who?

Do you even read the articles you post

That literally confirms what he said

>assuming I was arguing

Very interesting. British people go on and on and about "correct" English pronunciation and spelling when there was all these changes in only the last couple of hundred years there so it's not like American English actively strove to be different.

Every anglo country does different shit in English and we all mock each other for it

Just banter

Wait, is this shit real?

The French say 'herb' you idiot.


Got any alolan meowth?

Only this.

Do you not know what etymology is? Yeah they say it that way now but they used to say it differently.

Yeah. They bastardized their language.

Welcome to EB games

I wish she would get more porn

I don't want to fuck a cat
I don't want to fuck a cat
Take note, this was uploaded to the official Japanese Pokemon Youtube channel.

Same thing with French countries.
t. Québécois

oh come on, a cat is fine.

>our eyes are up here

I drew an alola sableye girl today, it was an autistic experience.

More lewd pokesluts please especially lopunny

I'm glad I never got into Pokemon, this shit looks absurd.

Is it possible to fuck a pokemon? If yes, where and how much does it cost?

nope, the h in 'herbe' is silent
t. french

I need a backside shot of this holy shit

>2 legs
actually thats a wyvern : )

Copy that

post lewds

This is an Hawaiian flower

Post it

>literally raping our childhood