>b-but you can't build a PC for a price of a console

Console fags on suicide watch.


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PCs are great but I wish you wouldn't create "my favorite toy is better than your favorite toy" threads.

but why would you?
you dont aim for 1080/30 at medium settings when building a rig

ps4 cpu is a turd meant for netbooks

Watch the videos, dumbass.

>that shitty PSU

Enjoy your burnt out card in a month.

I thought i3 is better for budget pc than any amd, am I wrong?

friendly reminder you need a computer twice as powerful to compete with a console

>inb4 fags think they know more about the subject than Carmack who literally invented modern 3d games

He didn't make a single good game since Doom.

Yeah, what OP doesn't mention is that this is all predicated on you constantly overclocking a system with no cooling or heat sinks on a weak PSU. Sure, you can run a game as well as a PS4 for about a month or so before you bricked everything.

But for that month before buying a new PC, it'd be really sweet sticking it to the PS4 players!

Hmm i am only confident that Sony first party studios can do optimization at that level.

Third parties have only said that consoles are 60% more powerful than equal pc specs. But then again when you look at PS4 exclusives in comparison to 3rd parties on PS4 and there is a clear difference in quality.

Yeah I think I know better than Carmack in 2016

>wasting that much time on a stupid argument
nah, ill skip it

>implying megatextures isn't the future of gaming as soon as PCs catch up

>1x8gb ddr3
>on a dual channel motherboard
You've never built a computer, have you OP?

>PS4 slim is 300$
>made a configuration with retarded athlon x4 which will bottleneck the fuck out of RX 470
>seagate HDD
>its almost 500$
>made a thread on Sup Forums to boast about it

It works fine though. Not ideal, but there's "room for expansion".

you need a quad-core for modern games

By this logic, if the market price of the Ouya is $100, then the Ouya is better than the PC, since you can't build a $100 PC.

>it works fine tho
Why aren't you using a diablotek PSU then? Why aren't you using a FOXCONN motherboard? Why aren't you using a 16gb flash drive for the OS disk? Why aren't you using a cardboard box for the case?
Understand that using dual channel ram in single channel mode literally makes it TWICE as slow. Understand that you could have picked out 2x4gb rather than 1x8gb for the same price.
There is no excuse for this reasoning; you just don't even know how ram works. And of course you'd be making a "PCS R BEDDUR THIN CONSLELS" thread with your MUH SUPERIOR KNOWLEDGE.
Both have their place.
PC is better unless you have friends/need to play on a couch.
Console is comfort/accessibility king and you fucking know it.

No, you need any Intel CPU. AMD top crap performs worse then lowest i3 except for FX series, but that one is a)obsolete for several years; b)overheats so fucking much you won't be playing on it in summer.

Reminder that AMD is utter trash

>"A high end PC is nearly 10 times as powerful as a console, and we could unquestionably provide a better experience if we chose that as our design point and we were able to expend the same amount of resources on it. Nowadays most of the quality of a game comes from the development effort put into it, not the technology it runs on. A game built with a tenth the resources on a platform 10 times as powerful would be an inferior product in almost all cases."


Only if you're using the stock cooler and OCing/constantly pushing it to its limits. Mine is never hotter than my GPU, always within operating temperature.

The FX series' achilles heel is just its performance. I hope you aren't planning on flawlessly emulating Wii, PS2, NDS etc. at pretty resolutions

>generations old workstation CPU vs brand new gayman CPU
u rly showde thos ayymd poorfags lmao x3

>$600 Intel CPU outperforms a $180 AMD CPU


You forgot the monitor and OS

EVGA isn't shitty

you're just wasting electricity using an oversized PSU. They are less efficient when using a small fraction of their power limit

FX is incredibly inefficient compared to modern processors


No, I'm not wrong. My FX-6350 has never overheated, even when overclocked.

Why bother getting a 470 with a shitty Athlon with no upgrade path? Why not just expend a little more on a decent PC and let people with only $300,00 get a console?

Oh yeah I forgot that consoles come with a tv when you buy them

Firstly PCs and Consoles don't compete. They're for the most part 2 different experiences, apples and oranges. Obviously you can get a better experience with PC gaming but console gaming isn't strictly about 1080p 60fps, when consoles talk about graphics and framerates they refer to their direct competition, Microsoft and Sony to just trying to win another sale. It's irrelevant to the consumer.

PCs strength comes in the fact that it's upgradable, there are no gens just parts. A part can be switch out for a better piece to improve the experience. To aim low and set yourself at the bottom line with a PC to prove the point that you can have the same but slightly better console experience is retarded. because you've invested yourself in something that like a console will become quickly irrelevant. you'll eventually need new parts down the line and you've set yourself up to pay for more in the future playing catch up.

PC gaming is expensive and it's meant to have a more extended life so that you don't have to buy new parts immediately and can wait it out till prices drop.

What you get with a console is a box you plug and play in a living room for a more casual experience in regards to what PC gaming has to offer.

in no way should PC ever be part of a conversation that is in relation to consoles. you don't see god butting his nosey ass everywhere because he's above that shit.

Because people who care about beating console performance for console price are not expending anything, they are teenagers from europe who need to persuade themselves that those cheap PC their parents bought them is almost as good as PS4.

>upgrade path

Is it really worth it to do this instead of just splurging a little bit more and just replacing the whole PC later? I feel as if planning to replace the most expensive parts of a PC (CPU and GPU) is just a waste of money.

>Buy a 4k shit tier tv with latency out the ass for 3000 DOLLARS.
>Somehow pc gaming is expensive.
This needs to stop

yeah, lets throw out 500$ every few years for life-cycle of consoles

Who the fuck buys AMD shit for their gaming rig?

Also ps4 pro comes with a 1tb hdd

And your pc won't do 4x4 checkerboard upscaling

too lazy to look it up, but does that mobo really have 8 RAM slots?

Also your PSU is going to under-run your graphics card, most likely, and you don't have any speakers or monitor in the build.

I'm pretty shure 100% of these people have decent rigs, they just want to cather to the PCMR crowd with that PC vs console bullshit


Needing to actually fish for part online and wait for them to come in the mail and THEN having to piece everything together yourself completely negates the advantage of possibly getting a pc for the pricepoint of a console when you can just buy a cheap 250 ps4 from jamal on craigslist or buy a used one from gamestop. Prebuilt and ready to go.

Also, why is this thread still up when a "pc on suicide watch" thread was immediately deleted yesterday?

>still cannot play Bloodborne

user, but for mere 500$ you will get a PC which will run GTA V at whopping 35-50 FPS with tearing and stuttering! Isn't that worth the money?

I really don't feel like investing 3 hours of your life on research and assembly would negate much of anything? Maybe I just value my time less than most, I don't know.

Are you retard? Everyone has a $400 pc.

What people with rigs care about is whether AMD managed to actually beat nvidia cost-to-performance wise in this gen or should they just buy a proper GTX XX80

the only intel cpu you can get for 60 smackers is a core duo which can't outperform the x4 845

well OP did his research and decided AMD X4 845 for 60 dollars will be enough for 200$ card
he is fucking wrong and his build is waste of money

If you building PC with 60$ CPU the best GPU it will support properly is GTX 750ti and you should just get a PS4 slim for 300$ instead.
Unless you build PC for CS:GO and WoW only.

You can't build a PC for the price of a console that warrants the superiority complex PCfags have.

I think the 470 is an amazing GPU and the best price/performance they have, together with the descounted Furys we're seeing. If you want more power than that, they can compete but in the lower end they're still good

They come with an os, so op is once again a worthless retard, as are you.

they can't compete*

>>p-p-pls buy PC someone I beg you!1

It's the eternal question of whether AMD is worth bullshit with drivers.

I was completely with you until the last sentence.

If you are so "knowledgable" about computers, you wouldn't make such a biased and dumb assertion about how to use a PC OR a console, and immediately assume one can't play the role of the other . There is nothing that would stop you from getting a smaller case PC with a decent cooler and PSU and place it next to your TV.

STEAM has big picture mode and there are plenty of games that can be dual-played. Admittedly split-screen is a dyung breed on PC but it's not much better on consoles anyways.

What a load of shit you just spewed man.

So this works without an operating system? Amazing!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!?!((+++7(!;+!!!!!!!

Until dx12 and vulkan

760k is slightly better than the 845.

>no OS
>ass rock
>no name ram
I like PC but these budget builds always end up being pieces of crap that arent worth the investment

I can tellby personal experience that it's worth it, I bought a 390X one year ago when 8GB of VRAM was considered "too much" and it's nice to see the card is still as relevant as ever considering the chip is 3 years old.
Regarding to drivers, I had problems with them two or three times but nothing a roll back couldn't fix, also this last driver update reduced around 10% of my CPU overhead so I'm still seeing performance gains.

Reminder Windows 10 Pro will cost $199

Suicide watch? PS4 Pro cost 400$, you posted build that cost more you idiot.

literally who?

no different than a console, the only benefit of the consoles are the return policies if they still honor them when that shit breaks

>paying for an OS
to think, some people walk around pretending to be retarded for YEARS

Consoles have OS and better parts.

>no OS
lmfao, enjoy not being able to play any game you fucking retard.

>I'm literally so stupid I can't pirate the most pirated thing in the world

>not pictured: the CPU is 6700k

lol enjoy your driver overhead

>better parts
No, not really.
Between the APU shit, garbage Jaguar CPU, and shit-tier HDD/SATA connections, even this new PS4 still has absolute trash build quality.


>that CPU

That shit has to make DOOM 2 lag.

Nope, PS4 has really low failure rate.

Why not just steal the pc parts and ps4 then?

PS4 Pro comes with a 1TB HDD.

Also, an OS.

Should also throw in a wifi card.

Perhaps a cheap Rosewill HDMI cable, since that would come in the box too.

I really like your post friend but no one else will reply to it: let them have their babby thread.

i made that build a couple days ago... this isn't even a good example b/c there are no deals whatsoever. Wait till November and this PC will cost for around $250-$300

What's wrong with 6700k?

Drops an RX 480 down to 57 avg from 74, and that's in DX11 mode, DX12 would likely run quite a bit better.

>lel be a petty fuck and steal your OS while having the shittiest parts that will break down in less than a year and be completely obsolete before next season and try to convince people to say that PCs are cheaper than consoles
kek i dont own a console but these budget threads are always pathetic as fuck

Most PC parts have low failure rates, doesn't mean the hardware isn't still shit.

I did a similar build. I assume you know what goodwill is so you can buy a case there. or do what some people do and use a plank of wood

user when your CPU is running at 100% while GPU is at 30% it's textbook example of idiot's build. That person should get PS4 or follow Sup Forums guides.

>Should also throw in a wifi card.

Why do people say this like it's a requirement or something.

If you really REALLY had to go wireless you're as well off with a cheapo 10 dollar usb dongle anyway.


He's changed his stance on this publicly due to dx12/vulkan.

Who are you quoting?

>GTX 1060
Your is even more retarded than OP's. Get a proper CPU dumbass.

red ring of death

470 is pretty solid

>while GPU is at 30% it's
That's the fan speed you stupid fuck, you think a 970 would be getting 70 FPS at 65% usage in GTA V on very high?


You forgot your OS.

>That's the fan speed
M-m-maximum retard. Please don't post anymore.

250GB HD?

>That's the fan speed

Morale of the thread: not only Sup Forums can't play games, it doesn't know shit about hardware too.

So when we shave 20fps off the benchmark we are left with the same performance (probably worse, even) as a Pro but $60 more expensive.

>that's the fan speed
ahh simply ebin. rate my build guys i5 4690 r9 380x 16gb ddr3 1333 w10 pro pirated