An now, Sup Forums?


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Multi track drifting

Do nothing, it's just going to clip through Todd and do nothing anyway.

You dont get to decide the solutions

The train is just a hat. It will not kill anyone.

Todd is much, much too pretty to die.

I tell the trainman to just stand up and take his colossal noggin somewhere else.

>Make train go over the Todds
>Punch Sean to death while he's still tied up

Considering Skyrim can't even create moving vehicles or levers that work properly. No matter if you pull that thing or not its going to hit sean.

Put Sean on same track as todds



>implying the trolley wouldn't just glitch out of the tracks before hitting anyone



If there's that many Todds, who's to say there aren't more, untied Todds in existence?
What's 5 Todds in the ocean of Todds that can be produced on a whim?
Todd will always exist. Now and forever

But I like All Star. And Smash Mouth in general.

All star, obviously. Just time it so that the train hits on "-BODY ONCE TOLD ME"



I'm sorry, your open world choices don't matter in either game. It railroads you to the same ending either way.


I actually Todd and his lies.

My sides dear lord

Can I switch Todd with Pete Hines. Seriously, fuck that guy in particular


I want to fuck that floor





Audibly kek'd

hello Sup Forums i wanna play a game
would you rather kill EA, PC gaming and /d/ or Ubisoft, consoles & /mlp/?

If no answer comes in two minutes both groups cease to exist

I'm lazy, so make one where its todd on each track and titale it 'fallout 4 dialog choices'

the latter

the latter option

wait a minute

The latter

The only downside to the latter is that it doesn't also kill the posters is /mlp/.
But it will have to suffice.
I don't want to go to other sites for /d/ stuff. They don't have kinky CYOAs and overall good taste, fetishes I'm not into aside.


I'm retarded, is the point of MULTI-TRACK DRIFTING to kill everybody, or save everybody because the tracks stray too far apart and abruptly halt the train?

what'd /d/ ever do to you

i like this one

all star is a good song though

>tfw I unironically enjoyed All-Star and Smash Mouth in general and still do, yet I'm tired of how overplayed it got at the same time

Sean. Or exchange 5 Todd with one Pete Hines.


The Todds are lies, they are not really there
Trust me

Shoot the guy.


Use the bullet to kill myself, divorcing me from any responsibility for what happens next.

EA's not that bad. just a dumb question since they do so many console games

Still need to make the attempt to save all six.

Shoot the train

I shoot the trolley, look at the size of that gun it should completely blow it off track.

The farther target.
Any civilian casualties is a mission failure anyhow. And nothing says you can't run further over before the trolley arrives.

>You cannot kill yourself.

>kill one bad company, the most powerful and innovative platform, and a porn board

>or kill a company that has not released a finished standard game in years, a group of systems that have held back innovation and game extent for 2 decades, and a board dedicated to attention whoring




All the jigsaw traps where the person themselves wasn't suffering are fucking stupid.
>Cut open some random guy to find the key to the jaw trap
>Some woman you don't know is getting scalped, better help her quick
>Which of these people will die you have to chose!

I get the idea that it's supposed to be a difficult ethical choice but come on, even in the first film he says he's all about the persons own will to survive, sawing your own leg off or crawling into an oven/needle pit is putting yourself through pain for freedom


shoot the 1 bullet


Floor tile guy, is that you?

Left for sure

the music video for All-Star is honestly very confusing why is Ben Stiller there? Why pencil head? Are they having super hero auditions?


SJWs, Sup Forums will never stop being shit

Save 4chin.
The SJWs are annoying but really quite harmless and the only tards who care about them are the faggots shitting up this place to begin with.
When you fuck with my favorite basement shitposting service however you've gone too far.

nigger do you see any fucking tiles in that image?

>either track solves both problems



Per Kant, the most ethical thing to do would be to shoot the far target.

Killing SJWs wouldn't stop console war shitposting.

>I'm retarded, is the point of MULTI-TRACK DRIFTING to kill everybody, or save everybody because the tracks stray too far apart and abruptly halt the train?
Kill everyone

save Sup Forums. shitposting has gone too far.

Removing shitposters removes SJW shitposting.

>attention whoring board
not true friendo. Just because you're Tsundere to us doesn't mean we attention whore.
Lets let the most innocent kind of person decide

Good analogy for Fallout 4. But that's probably the point.

Nothing will stop console war shitposting but no SJW means that posting will die down some.

Pull the lever, Todd at least delivered some good games in his life before Fallout 4

O fuk

/mlp/ has polluted /k/ far too long. /mlp/ must die.


>unironically disliking /d/
>unironically disliking /mlp/
>unironically disliking Ubisoft
You are a meme.

Hahahahaha too funny.

Smart kid.

Shoot the one guy on the right and then let the trolley be on its way.


why in the world do you like Ubisoft?

I didn't know being a normie was a meme.

It's nostalgic.


>>unironically disliking /mlp/
>>unironically disliking Ubisoft
End your fucking life


Apparently my choice doesn't matter because cloning exists in that situation.

>tfw I'll never be able to draw/color that good

It's a movie. Google "Mystery Men".