Localization When? This is the first game Shu Takumi has done since the Original GBA Trilogy, why don't we get it?
Localization When? This is the first game Shu Takumi has done since the Original GBA Trilogy, why don't we get it?
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Never, deal with it user.
No clue. Were there petitions and operation rainfall moves for this one?
what is this supposed to be? a lawyer game about nick's ancestor or some shit?
Too Japanese. Can't make it Japanifornia.
Yes, because Shu Takumi didn't want to continue the series after Trials and Tribulations (Probably why Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies sucks)
>loli watson
Too weebshit for everyone else. Thank god.
This. Capcom screwed up by pretending the series was set in California for the English versions.
Literally never ever because Crapcom doesn't give a single fuck about their fans, especially western ones.
>This is the first game Shu Takumi has done since the Original GBA Trilogy
Didn't he do Apollo Justice too?
>main game takes place in "California" which is just americanized japan
>this game looks like it takes place in England
what color are rayfa's panties
He was Consulted, but not nearly as involved as in the original trilogy.
He DID do Phoenix Wright vs. Professor Layton though.
Shu Takumi was in charge of that Layton crossover as well so I don't think he's done with this series yet.
Is there at least a fan translation happening?
Pink, red, or white.
Not only that, but "East meets West" is a big point of the story.
So good luck Westernizing that.
>Last edited by xz11, Jun 28, 2016
Who knows
Wait, doesn't part of this game take place in London? It features fucking Sherlock Holmes, how does it make it too Japanese for western audience?
I swear, fucking capcom.
That nigger has to do another original IP like ghost trick. Shit was cash
Can't they just pretend that Phoenix had Japanese ancestor, but ultimately lives in America?
After Ghost Trick bombed? He's lucky to still be working at capcom.
>first game Shu Takumi has done since the Original GBA Trilogy
what is Ghost Trick. And even if you move the goalposts and say "first ace attorney" then we have the layton crossover