No Skyrim/Fallout 4 mods for PS4!

No Skyrim/Fallout 4 mods for PS4!

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Sony is going full Konami
"We can force you to leave, but we can make you want to leave"

You guys still play Bethesda rpgs?

"We want the PC crowd!"
>increase online fee
>having an online fee to begin with
>kill mod support
>bring PSNow service to PC
>losing/failing to keep exclusives

This. First the PS4 Pro without an U-HD player and only upscaled 4K, and now this.

There is no reason to have a PS4 anymore. Switch to PC/Xbox.

but why would i play fallout 4 and skyrim on PS4 when i can play it on PC
i;m still getting a PS4 tho

No one cares about mods on consoles, just stop this meme.

I bet PC modders are to blame for this somehow, those fucking elitist assholes! They just want mods for themselves!

I am actually glad that the ps4 doesn't get mods. All they do is ruin the atmosphere, break the lore and cause crashes.


>No sex mods

Nothing of value was lost



>mods -> exploit -> hack
no thanks

oh no you can't fill bethshit games with terrible anime mods what a shame

Are you sure?

>Be 4 the players
>Get 40 million sales and everyone loves them
>Suddenly be 4 the money
Sony getting greedy with power. I don't remember them going full jew with the PS1/2.

People play Bethshit games without mods?

Why the fuck would anyone get an Xbox when all the games on it are going to be multi-plat with W10?
Hell why bother with the system in the first place when there is nothing on it to play?
Hope the Nintendo NX does not turn out to be a piece of shit but judging from the rumours that is going to be another shit gimmick.
Thank fuck for PC gaming and emulating.


I'm sorry
I just can't hold it in

Hilarious how fast Sonyggers do a 180 on the subject.

>implying Bethesda games are the only ones that could benefit from mods
>"no one wanted them anyway!" ignoring all the "PCucks on suicide watch!" when mod support was announced
>stupid enough to think the flood of mods on PC would be on PS4

you forgot
>no early access
>longest update testing

Delet this.

Not even sure what the thinking behind this one is.
Sony champions user created content by having IPs literally devoted to that. They allowed Steam and cross-platform play with PC for example.
Now they're gimping games on their system when the compeition allows it.

>I'm glad that where there were options before, now there are none.

Understandable. MS don't "want" mod support either, but they're doing everything to keep the bone relevant.

>bethesda dumping the hot potato on Sony

Nice, these assholes are starting to eat each other.

>Be 4 the players

Son, corporations don't give a shit about you, and they never did.

>b-but this one-

No. None of them.


>no mods on games
>mods confirmed on fallout and skyrim
>mods are kill again
every single time

>the screaming children that damn near killed the PC modding community with their bullshit is finally going to fuck right off
>PC modding can go back to normal now and modders can return to do their thing
>console kiddies assmad and fail to understand how modding even works or why shit like SKSE could never work on consoles

I was waiting for this.

You think you could still do something with 1gb as max storage capacity for ALL mods?
I was waiting for an actual disaster, but they stoped it.

xbox one users still have mods. they're still going to be there begging like they were before.

It's a win-win situation.


>t. someone who doesn't know how Elder Scrolls and Bethesda Fallout mods work
Might as well worry about that skeleton inside of you[/spoiler] trying to kill you.

>that screenshot

dude the scorpio is a better machine than literally 99% of the plebs who play Beth games on PC, and they increased the limit to 10GB, sure like 60% of mods aren't available but by now pcfats and xboners have made peace


Take the fucking xboners with you while your'e at it Bethesda. It's like introducing technology to a primitive race too soon.

please bros sign my petition to get sony to change there ways if you unite today we can beat them!

>Greatness awaits

I thought PC was supposed to be the petition race. So what petitions have they started so far?

>Petition to have a game removed from PC
>Petition to have mods
>Petition to have scores removed

What else am I missing?

>217 signatures


So this.... is... the power... of the Pee ess 4...whoa... 4... the players...

petition to have playstation plus removed
this one actually has my sympathy though, the lad who made it is australian and they have to pay $70 a year for online on the ps4
that's just fucked

>50k people that want a game
>meanwhile 10k to have a score removed for Uncharted 4
>15k signatures to not make GTA V for PC

This is the only sympathetic one. Because they're finally standing up to Sony shoving it in their asses all the time

>and they increased the limit to 10GB
when did that happen. or is that for scorpio?