Nep Nep wants to grow bigger, help Nep
Other urls found in this thread:
Nep will grow
Nep Nep sees much threads arround here, Nep wants to in the top
better feed her some blueberries
I did my best
Nep Nep is growin
I'll just leave this here.
nice neptune, now show me uranus
Nep is better than other characters, nep will nep everyone
On neps thread, anyone can nep
Best girl coming through
Okay then.
Nepgear is inferior to nep nep!
I fill her with cum. Is her games fun?
Nep will Nep you
Lots of pudding will do the trick.
They are indeed
Nep's best angle
Plutia is a Nep killer, don't help Plutia! Nep Nep is the only true Waifu!
who are you guys
hate nep
Neps, Nep is the only waifu. Nep Nep ftw
They're Nepumainiacs!
Nepumania is running wild, brother!
No, Nep will make ya Nep also
We're Star Fox!
The Brotherhood of Nepu-Nepu.
Mein neger
But will puchiko ever grow?
Nep Nep ftw
where is the nep webm of the dude using the facecam attached to nep and him doing naughty things
What are these called?
Only Neps grow dummy
Nep dolls
These are nep dolls user
Nep Nep moar
Are nep threads going to be limited to a weekly now? I bought a top nep hat and even I think that the frequency of these threads are getting ridiculous.
>even I think that the frequency of these threads are getting ridiculous.
Boy, you must be fucking retard.
this Nep thread will be the only Nep thread! Nep need to get greater!
If I'm as retarded as you think I am, then obviously I won't understand what you're trying to say. Try that again.
Play with a control faggot
There isnt a single pc nep so why would you play MKB
Calm down, this is an Nep thread, we need to make Nep grow on this board. Don't get angry please.
Like I said, before...
No negativity please, just neps
She... she's fast!
All this does is cause over saturation on the board and attracts even more shitposters.
I am talking about performance.
All games have serious technical issues making most of users experience low fps and framedrop even though game has a simple dungeon crawler.
It is also confirmed that VII continuously streams background music from disk, instead of buffering and holding the currently playing track in RAM, which is an atrocious mistake.
That Nep needs to grind more. or at least do the transformation exercises
That is why i created this Nep thread, to attract more Neppers and make Nep grow to Nep we all
I was about to ask a rhetorical question about why these threads don't get fucking banned since they're only so very ya gently related to Sup Forumsideo games, but then I realized that the mods are a bunch of weeb faggot betas who jerk it to anime and love these kind of threads.
>All games have serious technical issues making most of users experience low fps and framedrop even though game has a simple dungeon crawler.
R;B2 is the only one that has performance issues, and that's easily fixed with some file swaps. There are sound level issues with the bgm in some of the PC ports, but that's not performance related.
V-II has multiple issues and is the laziest port, but don't lie about the others.
But it's okay to make shit ports as long CH delivers cute characters, the fans are so fucking dumb and will turn blind eye over everything else.
Nepu Nepu
>i activeley choose to enter threads of things i dont like
>why arent video game thread pruned on a video game board?
Take this (you) and kindly leave
Someone got upset and then started them on purpose so people who like nep threads get tired and so people like you get even more annoyed. Same thing has happened to other threads over many years and now those threads have a stain on them. See
Post Nep Nep images instead of getting angry at each other!
Actually, i meant that i wanted to Nep get more popular as an meme than it is now
Google images is your friend.
I am not gonna buy V-II until my cracked one runs it smoothly 60 fps.
If a the game gets half assed for more than half of audience (PC users), I wish the series truly to die.
Noire has no friends
Naw you don't want that. Sup Forums has shit taste in memes. Look at frog posters.
I figured this would be a good time to ask, but does anyone else think Plutia is always stoned?
Whatever she's smoking I want some.
>Put in zero effort
>But I did my best, r-right guys? hahaha...
>best game in the series is also the worst port
Didn't CH learn anything from Re:rashes 1-3
Is because Nep Nep is the only waifu
Now that OP took the fun out of nep threads, is nep going die in the west?
Just because its the weekend, you shouldn't be neglecting your homework, son. Please get off the computer.
No because most people ignore namefag OPs anyway.
Hey, have you played rb3? Plutia totally sounds like the stereotypical ditsy stoner chick. I was kidding about that second part.
Well, at least i'm the first OP to be noted. But lets Neppify Sup Forums!
Watch your wording
I wanna impregnante IF.
Don't IFify the Nep thread! We will Nep you!
Having a sweet, goofy waifu with a sadistic streak has to be the best combination.
Hey, man IF is cool.
Plutia acts like a common anime girl trope.
Or you could even say that she talks and acts like that because, as a sadist, she gets off tormenting people.
Calm people are usually the ones who turn out to be the biggest "doms."
She can't
Fortunately, best Nep exists
if you consider endless grinding fun, then yeah they are
Nep Nep will grow, Nep Nep will be the only thing on Sup Forums Sup Forums! Nep is the only waifu!
Guys is there any hope left for me?
Which nep has the biggest dick?
too much Nepnep, we need Buran here
>nep games
For what, the achievements? Postgame is grindy I guess but the postgame isn't worth doing on these games anyways.
Don't talk that type of thing on the Nep Nep thread!
Nepgear since she's the only one who has one
Wouldn't be surprised if Noire did though
>he needs to grind
get a load of this shitter
Nep neps
I wanna impregnate Nepu-Nepu.
No, fuck you.
The gameplay is fun but I had to grind for 5 hours straight because one of the bosses was killing me with one hit every single time.
Then I got past it and the same thing kept happening.
Did you just not buy equipment or something? Not fight any enemies at all the entire game?
Also five hours is way too much for a Nep grind session. What the hell are you even doing?