God Eater thread. Post your Eaters
God Eater thread. Post your Eaters
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Best girl.
reminder that Livie is useless
She gets carried
She's fine for me, I even gave her defense up on aid since she gives so much.
Playing god eater right now with a mate.. online is bonkers tho.. iv yet to find a server.. if anyones down to join a game that would be awsome
i am rank 4 and hes rank 2.. gonna be playing for a while
Does anyone know if each character's voiced lines are eventually available in the archives in rage burst?
Friendly reminder that you can use OP reserve in melee by pressing weapon change + jump midcombo.
You guys doing 2 or Resurrection?
post your steam id and il friend request you and invite
Be straight with me Sup Forums:
I want to play MH Generations with my friends but it's almost impossible to twist their arm into playing it because "it's on the 3ds and it gives me hand cancer".
On a scale of 1-10, how enjoyable is this game as an alternative to MH that I'd actually be able to get my friends to fucking play?
Jesus christ, just tried a +50 survival mission with +30 rank15 gear and got absolutely shat on. Mukuro Kyuubi with respawning Yaksha Raja is a nightmare, I don't know how you're supposed to solo these missions other than spamming blood rage with meteor bullets.
So what do you get from doing data transfer from resurrection to rage burst and visa versa?
....I don't really know what I'm looking at here.
It just let's you change your character's appearance and name at this point.
There's no save data load from the previous game if that's the thing you had in mind.
You don't transfer data between games. Data transfer lets you recreate your character and start the storyline over.
It's much faster and easier to get into while having a fair amount of depth to it.
But if they don't like the genre, they're just not gonna like the genre user.
Oh ok. I could have sworn I heard that transfer between the two games was possible. I probably just misinterpreted what they said.
Asking again because nobody seemed to know the last thread.
Does anyone know how weapons with multiple elements work?
Let's say you have a weapon with Blaze1 and Freeze1 on it.
What would happen if you attack something that's weak to both Blaze and Freeze, would the weaknesses stack?
What would happen if you attack something that's weak to Blaze but strong against Freeze, would it cancel each other out?
I'm wondering whether to focus on and use my 4 skill composite god arcs on this Reinforced Spear or just stick with the Kurogane that has no elements at all.
>look at GE pixiv
Soma and Gil are REALLY popular with girls
Data transfer was possible between PSP version of Burst and PSP GE2. Once PS4 got added to the equation it was dropped.
They do like the genre though, they just don't like playing on the 3ds. We all have hundreds of hours in MHTri and 3U.
Then they're probably like it. I'm in the same boat.
I love MH but I fucking hate playing it on an inferior handheld.
I remember using a spear called Javelin in Resurrection. It had Frost and Divine. When I used it against a polar gboro, the damage numbers weren't grayed out and I did okay damage against it. If an aragami has weakness to both, it doesn't stack.
why are they wearing wedding dresses?
how do I date Soma irl?
>Venus keeps a Gboro-Gboro up her butt
now that's my kind of lady
Yeah there's a bunch of artworks of these two with the FeMCs
>Soma is homolust for Yuu
>Gil isnt interested in love after Kate
Gonna ask again.. anybody up for ressurection?
Remove Venus
Why? She was pretty much the only DLC monster from GE1 that was unique (ironically speaking since she's a mish-mash of various aragami). The Type 2 Deusphages didn't even come back in the ports because they were only used to make Collaboration gear and unlike Type 1's, they were just recolors
Where can I get some of these goddamn Draconic Flippers?
I like six to finish upgrading all my weapons, and there don't seem to be any good Ghoro Ghoro farming missions that I can see. :(
>shio steam background is $19.00
>i'm both turned on and terrified, is that wrong?
Haru reaction to venus is fantastic
>ctrl+f japanese audio
>0 replies
oh wow
Is there a steam group yet?
There are two that I know of, Far East Branch (from the steam forums) and Sup Forumsenrir.
user, I want you too look why I posted a Gina image and said that, go. you can figure it out.
The dub gets a pass
I gave up on it and got used to the English voices.
>Blood Rage tutorial
what's happening aaaaaaaaaa
What kind of personal abilities should I be throwing on my teammates? I just hit the point in difficulty 5 in resurrection where a bunch of new abilities have opened up, so now I'm kinda lost as to what to spec which characters into.
>Notice: You won't take damage
Till now I've been running around like a headless chicken while activating it trying to dodge potential incoming damage.
I feel retarded.
>equip all npcs with defense skills
>try the +50 Mukuro Kyuubi mission again
>use Disperse command to get the NPCs to distract the Yaksha Raja and Yaksha Tivra while I active Blood Rage and burst down Mukuro Kyuubi ASAP
>Gilbert and Ciel instantly get oneshotted by the Yaksha Tivra
>Julius runs back to me moments later with the Yaksha Raja in tow while I'm activating Blood Rage
>I tell him to disperse again
>he somehow gets spotted by Yaksha Tivra
>die to Yaksha Tivra shitting out fire AoEs while Mukuro Kyuubi spams his charge and tornado attack
I haven't been this mad at the game, it was comfy before, now it's just giving me big fuck you's.
holy shit i just realized she is a mix of a quadriga, borg camlann, chiyou and who knows what else
I just bought this shit because I've always wanted to try MonHun but have never and likely will never own a handheld to do so. Also I like the source material. All I really want to ask is are the weapon types balanced? I like the hammers just because they're fucking hammers and the short blade seems like a fun weapon with emphasis on combos. Scythe is also fun if I can get over being an edgelord.
Apparently it uses Sariel's eye too, not sure what comes out of the blisters on its legs (the tentacle things) but those might be a unique thing to it. And as mentioned it has a Gboro-Gboro head in its ass
I wouldn't said all of them are balanced but all the ones you mentioned are good
i wouldnt use 1 weapon exclusively, i have a spear set for vajra types and a hammer set for kongous/quadrigas
Aren't tentacles a ouroboros thing?
Yes, every weapon is viable.
Some monsters are just easier with certain weapon types because different slash/pierce/crush hitzones.
They are pretty balanced overall, yeah. Certain weapons are good against certain types. Nothing is really bad, every melee weapon type has its place and is completely viable.
Guns are a disaster as far as balance goes though, Shotguns are completely worthless and Blast Guns are quite a bit stronger than Snipers and Assaults.
I I got both, which one is the most recent and has the most active online?
Rage Burst.
if Livie needed to use the original God Eater's arc to kill him in his transformed state (which was a Susano'o), how are we killing Susano'o prior to that?
GE Resurrection is technically newer, however it's an updated port of the first game with some stuff from GE2 added to it (such as the new weapon types). It also has a new story arc and some old aragami are updated to be more interesting. Still, I suggest playing this first at least through the burst storyline to understand what's going on.
My first reaction was laughing because she can't even walk.
They haven't really elaborated on how Infected are dealt with. We mostly have info on a highly unique chase, we don't even know how you're supposed to kill someone with their God Arc when Livie has been the only person shown who can use different ones with being rejected by them.
As for why we kill a million Susano'os and Corrosive Hannibals, once the originals are killed, new ones can sprout from the residual Oracle Cells left behind by the original.
It says in one of the billion hint screens, if there are multiple strength/weaknesses, the strongest one counts.
I'm pretty sure I was watching Huey all over again
That 5 part consecutive story mission was the best thing to come out of Rage Burst 2 so far.
>Massive horde of Aragami enroute.
>Really hot new Silky.
>All the remixed Area themes finally show up.
>Doing all 5 while only using 2 Healing items.
>Those radio transmissions from your friends helping fight them off.
>Ending the last fight with Magna Gawain and friends using Blood Rage.
>Romeo saves you again.
I was severely disappointed when I found out that they're missile pods, not speakers.
Is it me or are the controls really fucking janky in this game? Playing on the PS4 and none of the control-schemes seems good.
Also is there a way to control gun-mode better? Can't fucking aim for shit!
Well we know that God Eaters that become Aragami have some mumbo jumbo protection that prevents them from being killed by anything but their original God Arc, which in most cases would mean that Aragami will be impossible to kill with exceptions like
>the MC from the first game using Lindow's God Arc for that brief moment without getting devoured
>Livie because science
>A new God Eater who fits the compatibility test with that old Eate'rs arc
Anyone know about a fix for controllers not being picked up by the game even though they work on other games? I hate having to restart my computer every time this happens, and I see no other posts on steam with solutions other than "works for me :^)"
>playing through Resurrection to prep for 2
>get recommended to use the Dyas Pita shield, Borg Camlann sniper and whatever melee I want as long as I use HDH bullets
>mfw this ends up making the game a complete cake walk except for Bestial Twilight
I'm going to assume that they nerfed all this shit in 2
even if GE2 has more snowflakes with super powers and massive super powers like Hiro, it sure feels tense in some scenes.
technically Julius can do what Livie can but without any draw backs
so can Yuno but she chooses not to be a god eater
I'm currently at Difficulty 12 in GE2, is there any way to farm Chrome Gawain without doing the Survival mission?
pc or ps4?
Which online is still alive?
What's the best hammer blood art?
Also what's the most efficient way to kill chi-yous with hammers?
Both are pretty empty. Blame the way the lobby system works
There's a Chrome Gawain+Polar Gboro-Gboro shortly after that survival mission.
I'm not 100% on the details, but it's a story mission so you can't miss it.
we having a good time
It's such a simple joke but I laughed all the same.
Sounds good enough, thank you!
I take it there's no way to mod the HUD because of Denuvo?
>Blood Rage tool tip says that Longsword perk is that Y attacks ignore defense
>my preferred blood art is Tornado Rush
>first real opportunity to use it is against the Tsukoyomi
>kill it 10 seconds after Raging with tornado rush spam
Nope, Blast Bullets are hilariously OP in RB. HDH bullets are still devastating on a number of Aragami, mainly Borgs, Garm clones, Yaksha, God Arc Soldier Zero, and Gawains. IODs usually cover whatever HDHs are so-so against such as Vajra, Sariels, normal Kongous, Gboro Gboros, Ukonvasara, Demiurge, Hannibal clones (includes Caligula), Ouroboros, Kyuubi, Tsukuyomi and God Arc Soldiers. Divine Saber obliterates the entire Chi You family. Light of Ruin to the head or back slaughters Fierce Kongous in seconds.
The +99 missions will still push your shit with those bullets though.
Holy shit the game stopped fucking around.
>fight Pita for the first time
>turn into a sandwich between it and that frost Vajra
Fucker won't sit still for a good cleave/reap.
Marry fuck kill: Aragami edition
Hard mode no Venus
Post cards. Who /hammer/ here?
I don't know if it's the same in RB but in GER it's best to hit their hands or face. Chi-yous are one of the more annoying enemies to fight with hammers though, so good luck.
Marry :_____
Fuck : ________
Survival missions are brutal without traps or stun grenades. I don't know how I survived. Also these Vulpine Livers are bullshit. I still don't have one, and I need 3 Plat-A tickets to get one. I need some more survival missions to show up.
Marry Silky.
Fuck Tsukuyomi.
Kill all Chi-You.
I can waifu an Aragami right? I'm pretty sure Hibari would just give me the Tatsumi treatment.
Unless your name is Yuu or Hiro, probably.
I need a Reynard Liver and have gotten 4 redstones instead.
How is this single player?
Kinda pointless like MH?
>Fighting a psion for the first time
>The minions dissolve so you cant devour and get materials from them
Fuck you Yan Zhi.
>Multi Aragami mission
>They're all in a mosspit of fuck you
>mfw I light of ruin their asses and see 4 different 12k damage readouts with every shot