I'm getting a new gaming pc tomorrow after 5 years of only console gaming. What are my top 5 games to play immediately?

I'm getting a new gaming pc tomorrow after 5 years of only console gaming. What are my top 5 games to play immediately?

Well most of the worthwhile games were also on console so I dont think you really missed out on much.

>5 games
user, I...

Russia bleeds

This. You could've just kept old one if it wasn't like Pentium 4 and GF5200. Literally no worthwhile games that require anything better than normal laptop HW.


AA2 Touhou
Sengoku Rance

you'll be good for a while


Are there any good war strategy games in the last 5 years? Command and Conquer or Total War esque?

Total Warhammer is the best online TW

>What are my top 5 games to play immediately?

Console ports. PC exclusives are not worth the time.

I had a mac....

All right here is the list of all pc exlusive games now
Heroes of Might & Magic 3
Civilization 5
Sid Meier Alpha Centauri
Total War: Shogun
XCOM 2 (soon on PS4)

PC had the best exclusive this year so far though. Also the only worthwhile version of what's probably going to get GOTY, if you're into critically acclaimed cinematic, casual experiences of course. Which consolefags generally are

Deus Ex

Then you could've just buy some shitty PC or laptop and you'd be set for years.

>Getting a new PC

user I hope you are building it. I hope you understand what you're doing or you may not be playing any games tomorrow or the next day.

Space Engine (not really a game, free)
Garry's Mod
Next Car Game
Unreal Tournament Pre-Alpha (free)
Civ V

I'm being a fgt and I'm getting a gaming laptop. I need a bit of portability. I'm getting an Asus GL55 2VX

>What are my top 5 games to play immediately?
What genre? What kind? Recent or not? exclusive or not? Fast paced or not? I guess you want game not older than 5 years old?

If so:

Doom 2016
Homeworld Remastered Collection
The new UT

If you're speaking about exclusive only:

Homeworld Remastered Collection
The new UT
XCom 2
Total War Warhammer

You don't play exclusives on PC user, you play tge multiplats which 9/10 are vastly superior than their console counterparts.

>XCom 2
Not exclusive anymore, which I am actually glad. I had a blast with EU and I hope this is going to be fun too.


Deus Ex
System Shock 2
Thief 2
Planescape Torment
Total Annihilation

Unless you're only talking about new games in which case I think Dustforce, EYE, and F.E.A.R. are pretty based

>tfw my catbro had to be put down on Tuesday
What do I do, Sup Forums? I've never had to deal with the loss of a pet, especially when it's life was in my hands.

Actually the best PC game now is FTL
You can play it on phone though

It is still an exclusive for like, two weeks. That's said, I'm also glad that more players can enjoy it. I'm playing on PC but I hope you guys will have fun. Also, I hope you will buy it massively so Firaxis and 2K get more money to produce more Xcom shit. Don't let them down like for EU.

Really, heart of the swarm, team fortress, and skyrim?

Don't you have anything more recent?

He fell for the pc master race meme

An eagle eyed user might notice there is a cat in this image.

Heros of the storm* age≠quality

Are cats good pets?

The best. As long as you get a good one otherwise they're the worst.