Skyrim is the best game of this decade

Skyrim is the best game of this decade.

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>of this decade.
Stopped reading right there.

Then what game in your shitty opinion

Me too. What a coincidence.
There's a lot of brilliant games in the last 10 years. Look up some good stuff instead of masturbating to the Argonian Maid r34

None of them better than skyrim

>reading right there.

I stopped reading right there.

But that would be new vegas.

>people who were 13 when Skyrim released can post on Sup Forums now

NV is just Fallout 3 with whitty story and ironsights

Fallout 3 is trash.

Nev vegas is trash, Fallout 3 is great

>you will never be as comfy as this doggo

That's either Dark Souls or Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Both of them changed videogames and the industry because of how good they were.
Skyrim brought nothing new to the table, it's safe bet like Bethesda always does.

No it isn't unless you have some kind of mental disorder or cognitive dissonance

Not when Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate exists.

A normal Devil Jho would eat Alduin and still be hungry. Now imagine a savage one.

Obsicucks are so retarded

Good joke, dark souls was medicore at best (LoL THISNGAYM IS SO HARD XD) amnesia is already forgotten, only reason it was popular is because big youtubers picked it up


Noone cares about weeb shit


>NV is just Fallout 3 with actual story and decent guns

Nv is Fallout 3 with a shitty story and ironsights, obsicuck hipsterfaggots opinions dont matter

You are objectively incorrect.

You're a retard.
Your opinion does not count, no matter how childish you act.
Both DaS and Amnesia were a huge success, that spawned dozens of clones trying to emulate them and changed the standards of the industry.
They're objectively speaking the games of the decade not only because how good they are but how they affected the world.
There's probably more games that did that, but Skyrim is not one of them, child.

I'll give it best open world, but not best gameplay. It's gameplay just amounted to swinging your sword and chugging potions until you kill other other thing.

On second though, I don't even think it has the best built world. GTAV would have that honor.

Skyrim is better than those two, child

By your logic a shitty mobile game is the best because it has 100000000 clones, child

How does it feel to be objectively wrong?

you tell me

Gta 5 world is the worst in the Gta series

I guess what i said was too much for you, not a surprise coming from someone who thinks fucking skyrim is the game of the decade.

Its okay child, stay retarded, child


minecraft is your game of the decade because it changed gaming and spawned ton of copies

Go fiddle lionmakers balls child

Well, this guy Noone seems like he knows what's good.

List of games from the 2000s that are better than Skyrim:
>Portal 2
>Dark Souls
>Deus Ex: Human Revolution
>FTL: Faster than Light
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Spec Ops: The Line
>Alien: Isolation
>XCOM: Enemy Unknown
>Read Dead Redemption
>Elite: Dangerous
>The Witcher 3
>Duck Game
>Shovel Knight
>Guilty Gear Xrd
Any more I'm forgetting?

Actually Minecraft would be up there, i missed that one.
I see you're not completely retarded.


Skyrim is better than all of them

Its okay child, dont forget your fav game, child

Skyrim is still best game of decade you little fag

>skyrim, a mediocre game that changed nothing has more right to be game of the decade over games that actually did something just because you don't like those games
You're indeed a child, even autistic.
Subnautica is better than Skyrim, and it's fucking early access.

>minecraft is your game of the decade because it changed gaming and spawned ton of copies
For all its Infiniminer-derived mechanics and not being the 3D Dwarf Fortress Sup Forums wanted it was a pretty deep, revolutionary and substantial title

A better analogy would be CoD 4.

But MW is not from this decade.

Electricity changed games the most, go play with it child

I would put Minecraft in the Top 5, the only thing i hate about it is the hundreds of clones that came after

I wonder if you'll actually kill yourself when in 2019, they announce something like dark souls, minecraft or the last guardian as game of the decade.
That would be tragic and histerical.

>Skyrim better than Red Dead Redemption, Dark Souls and Portal 2

I sometimes forget that since we're still stuck in its apocalyptic influence.


I wonder if you will hang yourself when Skyrim will be game of the decade

Oh wait it already is, get a rope faggot

kek, you're deranged

>according to some faggots running a web site

Gee son.

Says the kid who considers Skyrim the best Elder Scrolls game, or at least a good enough one to be "game of the decade".

I'd even go as far as saying that Undertale has more chance of becoming "game of the decade". Literally all that Skyrim had was hype and marketing, it all died out within a month

Its okay hipsterfaggot, just accept it

and its bot according to some faggots on Sup Forums

K child

Skyrim died within a month, you are retarded

Undershit died within a week btw

Every time I read something to the effect of Skyrim being a good game this is what comes to mind

Skyrim is best of the decade, if you say otherwise your mom dies in her sleep tonight

>inb4 anything

And its what? Bot? Huh?



>Dudebro's First Sandbox is better than a game with actual story and roleplaying