Now that the dust has settled, is Metroid Prime Federation Force a good game?
How does it set up the plot for the next Metroid game?
Now that the dust has settled, is Metroid Prime Federation Force a good game?
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Judging by the reception and dead online/interest I'd say it isn't positive.
That said I hope they use Sylux and the baby Metroid he stole in creative and interesting ways.
Its a solid game.
If the Metroid IP wasn't painted on it, no one would be bitching.
They might just throw Retro Studios back at it, but are they able to work on Metroid again? Not all the devs are there.
I heard Samus was the final boss.
Is it true?
She got captured by Space Pirates, turned huge by a bootleg Mother Brain called Master Brain, and ends up being locked to Morph Ball mode.
It's essentially a glorified round of Blast Ball
She turns into a giant ball.
Did dobson write for this game?
It was pretty fun. Worth a sale price. Especially if you have some friends to play with. I know we'll get more Metroid. Just hope it's sooner rather than later.
yep. And despite what people say, it's an Amazing fight.
She bounces around like a pinball trying to boost ball you into submission. It's a lot more intense than people give it credit for. Especially with less than three players.
>It's the fun with friends meme again
any piece of shit in any media at all can be fun with another person in the room, come up with a new excuse you bad taste motherfucker
As a person who actually bought it and finished it 100%, I wish people like you would quit false flagging to make it appear worse. Like I said, it's a sale price game. It's fun. Don't try to pretend it's exceptional.
It's okay. Graphics are decent but the controls are lacking. It is playable solo but it's a bit of a pain in the ass especially if you want all 3 gold medals. Some levels you need some other people. But the people that I found online were all pretty stupid so I just played through the game solo.
There is a nice variety in mission design but you can beat a mission in less than 10min if you know what you do and it's not really hard do get.
It's a fun game if you have friends and find the game on sale. But it does nothing for the Metroid franchise. It ends on a cliffhanger and maybe they do something with it. But it's just that some guy hatched the Metroid egg that you found earlier and this will bring us to more Metroid shenanigans.
6.5/10 from me
Is Sylux going to be a good parent?
>How does it set up the plot for the next Metroid game?
There isn't going to be a next game since this game sold like ass in Japan (even compared to Metroid's usual bad sales in Japan) and probably didn't move the needle much in NA.
Back to the grave for Metroid. If Federation Force is the type of game that can only be produced for the series then it deserves to stay dead.
>Nintendo literally kill metroid in their now game
Does this mean the series is over?
It's fucking terrible. I expect people to defend it here because we have the 3DS audience that has some sort of weird mentality of "defending it even if it sucks". I think the 3DS as a whole is a mediocre console and with it, brings in an audience that both accepts and likes mediocre and shit titles.
One thing I learned from this board is never trust general Nintendo recommendations because they always seem skewed by this group mentality rather than game quality.
Hey, faggot, that doesn't mean it isn't true. I hate cunts like you that act like they're so intelligent and above the masses because they know the difference between fun and real fun.
It's fun to discuss who will specialize in what and pick a proper loadout. It's fun to try to launch health kits or shields to your teammates right before they die. It's fun to stockpile the missiles and be your team's hero with guns blazing. It's fun breaking into a Metroid lab. The game has fun moments across varied missions.
If it does not appeal to you then that is fine.
You should not, however, tell a person who had some fun with it that they had the wrong fun. If you really want to shit on the game then at least try to do so with proper discussion by asking what the person liked and then stating your complaints with that information. Fuck, you don't even have to play the game because I bet you're readying the "I don't have to taste shit to know it's bad" argument. You just have to do some god damn research to have actual argument points.
Nintendo fans are obliged to defend shit. There were people defending Star Fox Zero's awful controls here for at least a month.
How are those sales in Japan, user?
How is that metacritic score?
Wanna let me check the dislike bar for you?
didn't read your long, probably asspained collection of nonsense
metroid is dead and it deserves to be if Federation Force is all they can produce
>Nintendo fans are obliged to defend shit.
They'd defend Nintendo with their life if they could.
Like how hard is it for a grown ass person to recognize that something you like isn't perfect?
>is Metroid Prime Federation Force a good game?
It would have been better as a full regular Prime game. As it is, it just makes me miss regular Metroid.
The Multiplayer is pointless, the lack of stylus controls in favor of gyro is odd, the art direction doesn't lend itself well to the series, and it feels like a long list of chores rather than an engaging experience.
*sales in general
It bombed in the UK
Not even Female Ghostbusters was this bad
And the best part is that Nintendo will use this as an example to not make any good metroid games or games people actually want.
Meanwhile, SEGA and their Sonic Twitter are asking if a Sonic Mania physical bundle is okay.
Sega is being more based than Nintendo right now.
Nice strawmen. I didn't say it was well-received or worthy of being showered with praise. I didn't say it was beloved by all. I said it was pretty fun and worth a reduced price.
Shit, people like you and this faggot are why we all hate this place. We all come here, but we all hate it because it's just shitposting. No one even cares to discuss or debate games. That's what this fucking board is for, but you people ignore it.
I think it is a fun game if you can get it for cheap for reasons I stated in this thread. If you disagree then learn some information about the game and tell me why you think I am wrong.
No, I'm sorry user. But this time you're wrong. You didn't have fun, you're just being contrarian.
Metroid should never be multiplayer, and this game will never be good because it took everything good about Metroid and ripped it out, leaving a family friendly multiplayer casualized shooter in its place. Where's the exploration? Where's the isolation? Where's the adventure? Where's the bosses that have some kind of original thought in them, instead of just being giant balls, or generic looking godzilla monster rejects. I mean shoot, even Kraid had a unique gimmick to his fights.
Your posts suggest that Metroid needs to be multiplayer, and you constantly berate and laugh at anyone who thinks Super Metroid or Metroid Prime is good, all because they're not "online" or they "lack co-op". You have a thousand other games to choose from if you want a multiplayer experience. Go play Splatoon or Triforce Heroes or Overwatch if you want to increase your gamer score and look at your e-peen. But leave Metroid out of it.
>b-but it's just a spinoff
It's a terrible spinoff released in a 10 year drought where the only other Metroid game we got was the worst one in the entire series. AND to top it off, it was released on Metroid's 30th anniversary without any acknowledgement to any prior game, or any confirmation that we were getting a new game that's actually good.
>b-but the sylux ending
Guess what? Prime 3 had that exact same ending. And guess what game we got after that?
tl;dr with all due respect, stop having low standards.
It's a bad Metroid game. But it's one of the better Prime games.
I think it looks like shit.
Hunters was better than this.
What did he mean by this?
Not him but the game is fun on its own
the only problem being that enemy health and the puzzles which are definitely based around multiplayer.
Enemies take much less time to shoot down (although not too short) when you're playing with more people and obviously if you have 4 puzzles in the room
and you can just scatter 4 people around so each person has their own dedicated puzzle.
The game actually gives you an optional power-up that gives you more attack power that even I ignored because it seemed casual
so I don't know how much it fixes this as it's probably only a slight buff.
The problem isn't that the game becomes more fun with more people.
The problem is that the level design is based around 4 players playing at the same time cooperating
and it shows when you play it all on your own and everything becomes a bit more of a chore.
That being said the game DOES have good level design and legitimately good controls
apart from a few retarded decisions like disabling the right stick during gyro controls
and not being able o switch between multiple targets per button which could've both been easily fixed and slow walking speed
that doesn't suffer enough from the slower pace during single player to make it unenjoyable.
It's perfectly fine as a cute little spin-off.
Literally no one would care about the art-style and more linear level design
if Nintendo would finally fucking announce a new mainline Metroid game already.
It's made by Next Level Games for fucks sake, they're one of the best 2nd party Nintendo studios
and it's kinda sad how everyone just hates on this game because of a bad timing and a stupid name.
Don't judge a book by its cover. Also pirate it.
you were literally asking for this.
And people defend this game.
Even Other M has more Metroid in it. Might just pretend it doesn't exist and that the latest game in the franchise is AM2R.
Holy shit, thank you! Discussion!
Honestly, I 100% agree with your complaints about it lacking the workings of a Metroid game. Metroid is my favorite series, and I adore all of these things we didn't get in FF. I don't think I indicated that Metroid should be multiplayer and so on, and I sincerely hope that it isn't the future of the series.
That said, I still say the game has merits. I think maybe I'm just more optimistic than others about the future future of future of the series. I will say, though, that I hadn't considered that the ending tease is pretty much telling us the same thing we knew before. That does sadden me.
Really, if the next Metroid, whenever it is, is another FF then I'd have to reject it. I don't see t as low standards. I see it as throwing the series a bone and maybe squeezing a little fun from a spinoff. I wholly understand your stance though.
But remember, I think we have the same wish: A real, new, proper Metroid title.
The game is alright.
Though I wish more people had it so I could do this frikkin cart mission
Nintendo C&D it because a fan who spent the ten years of no Metroid Game outdid a company.
He should just email Nintendo and be like, "Here, take the game, it's better."
It means that Prime was a mistake.
Please ignore my typos. Multitasking. But to add, I wish this game had just dropped the Metroid title and coat of paint. People would be far more fair to it. Hell, maybe that's what I've wanted to say all along. Ignore all of the Metroid references, and the game is, again not astounding, but actually pretty fun.
>getting upset over the story in a spin-off
she turns back to normal and survives in the end so who fucking cares
You're playing as a nobody who fights a hypnotized most badass character in the games universe
then she snaps out of it and fucks off.
Literally no damage to the character whatsoever
You're getting upset at literally nothing just because of your own assumptions over the lack of a legit mainline Metroid game.
Here's a little hint: Metroid Prime Pinball doesn't play like a Metroid game let alone a prime game, either
It's a fucking spin-off.
It needed proper single player scaling
Yes, actually. As I was playing through hard mode, I noticed how imbalanced it is for one.
Here's the problem with you two: you cannot tolerate multiplayer in Metroid, period. We shouldn't have done it with Hunters, and that game was garbage too.
If Nintendo's idea of Metroid is chibi family friendly amusement park that's multiplayer only (the singleplayer doesn't work because of the lack of scaling and adjustments in enemy health and AI) then the series is as good as dead. it cannot even be tolerated. As a result, Federation Force must be thrown in the trash right next to Other M. It's sins are unforgiveable and shouldn't be forgiven because "it's okay when Nintendo does it". That double standard needs to stop right here.
>waaah don't ruin my Metroid with multiplayer
it's a fucking spin-off
>stop having low standards.
>stop having different opinions
Only on Sup Forums.
"But I never played it, lol."
Thread in a nutshell. It's Zero all over again.
>ITT: Is Federation force on its own a good game?
>"here's why this game is offensive to Metroid fans who weren't asking for a spinoff"
>"therefore is bad gaem"
>also you're having fake fun
Holy shit this thread is fucking garbage
It's not that it's a spinoff. It's that Sup Forums has been sucking off Nintendo for 6 straight years after Other M, saying "we'll get a new Metroid, and it'll be a good one! Metroid Blast is the only spinoff minigame they'll make! we promise!"
6 years of lies and false hope, and now that Fed Force is out, I'm hearing the same exact thing like clockwork. "We'll get another Metroid, just you wait!". I'm sick and tired of waiting. And I'm sick of hearing Nintendo brand corporate marketers trying to defend their company against any and all criticism, acting as if they've never once made a bad game.
I swear I've even heard people defending Metroid: Other M, like our """"friend"""" cody here.
>ITT: Is Metroid: Other M on its own a good game?
>"here's why this game is offensive to Metroid fans who weren't asking for it"
Like clockwork.
I thought you went by Travis these days?
When on earth did this ever happen? When Tanabe stepped up to defend the game and told people to give it a chance, all I saw were posts calling him an asshole and saying he insulted the fans.
>Sup Forums has been sucking off Nintendo for 6 straight years
I don't give a single fuck about your feelings
Nobody cares
Stop entering threads with potential productive criticism and overall discussion,
acting like a massive retard because of preconceived notions.
You're acting like actual cancer that's making Sup Forums less and less of a place for people
who wanna have productive arguments just because daddy hit you 6 years ago.
Not him
It was more of a reaction to stuff like petitions and dislikes
I saw threads saying the Metroid fanbase was bad because they hated Federation Force from the get-go and that they were entitled or something
But that's true. If the fans hate the game, your job as a developer is to castrate yourself and apologize for not meeting their standards. In literally every other industry, the customer is always right, and the service people exist only to make them happy. For example, if I go to costco and buy a mattress, and after 8 years it gets a low spot, I can return it, no questions asked, and get all of my money back. Do you know why? Becuase they're held to high standards.
But in this industry, it's perfectly okay to cry about the customer being entitled, cutting content out, ruining games with shoehorned multiplayer, releasing unfinished titles, throwing in a bunch of DLC, ruining games with broken patches, etc yada yada, and so on. So when a developer dares to think that he knows better than the fanbase, that's a breaking point for me, the paying customer.
It is good. Nintendo fans are awful.
Metroid fans are somehow worse. I hope they enjoyed killing a great franchise with their tantrums.
I hope to God that you spoiled Nintendo fans actually get to know how it is like when your favorite series die.
>oh no, the new Mario game is awesome but not Mario 64 part 2!!!11!
>oh no, the new Metroid spin-off isn't Super Metroid 2!!!1!1
Stop crying and be glad that your favorite series are still alive.
>waaaah he's not saying it's a below average game
>he must think it's flawless
>also defends Nintendo as a company
Have you ever heard of teh term "death of the artist" you literal retard?
Is Dungeon Keeper alive?
Is Duke Nukem alive?
Is Metal Gear alive?
Why the fuck can't it be tolerated? With the Prime games, they went fucking HEAVY on world building, which makes the universe as a whole more interesting as you learn more about it.
The idea of playing as federation forces and being distinctly weaker than Samus is cool. It makes sense it'd be multiplayer, and it offers a different perspective from Samus's too. It's the same way a game like Gundam 0079: Rise from the Ashes is a fucking amazing concept, because you play from the perspective of oldtype grunts in shitty mechs fighting on Earth and focusing on teamwork, as opposed to a newtype in space soloing armies with the newest prototype gundam.
stop treating the developer like the publisher
Nintendo made the decisions
some of which were really good
some of which were okay
some of which were fucking awful
Next Level Games made a game out of them
>Stop entering threads with potential productive criticism and overall discussion,
Oh, please user. I've heard this spiel several times across several years. You're not looking for productive criticism, because whenever someone DOES give you criticism, it's always responded to with statements like "wow you fucking faggot, stop being entitleD" or "fuck you, the game is fun with friends" or some other assortment of meaningless buzzwords that hold no ground in a logical discussion.And over these past weeks, I've gone indepth with every flaw I found in Federation Force. Not just surface issues like the chibi graphics or the story, but I went indepth with how horrible the gameplay is, how uninspired the bosses are, how unbalance the enemy HP and AI are (to sum it up, they have too much HP, but no AI, so your'e stuck in a stalemate fighting idiot enemies that are bullet sponges).
Do you really think this is met with positive discussion? No, it's always met with "I had fun, therefore you can't criticize the game". Please, do inform me how that contributes to "good discussion".
>This whole thread
Is that you ACfag?
Thanks to everyone for teaching me that in the already terrible niche group known as Metroid fans, there's an even worse subset who defends fucking garbage like Other M and Federation Force
top kek
That has nothing to do with Tanabe defending the game, and frankly, Metroid fans were being bitches when they started up that petition nonsense.
The game wasn't even out yet. You really expect them to say "SORRY, DON'T BUY OUR PRODUCTS" because people were mad? If they think there's even a slim chance of getting sales on it, they'll push forward and say it's good, and if there isn't, then they'll just brush it under the rug and try again later, which is exactly what they did when they realized it wasn't working out.
If you seriously take it as an insult then you're simply looking to be insulted.
>waaaah he's not saying it's a below average game
More like they're praising the game as if it's the best in the series, using strawmen and buzzwords to attack any dissenters.
They're both to blame user. Nintendo made the decisions and then refused to fix the major problems. Next Level Games should've refused to work on it. They should've had some standards. "b-but we should be understanding of them, it's hard work". Look, I understand that developing a game can be hard, but you shouldn't get a participation award for trying and failing. You get a smack in the face and a teacher that tells you to try again. Allowing games like this to be given praise is what lowers standards. I mean hell, look at the sony announcement that PSN was increasing in price, and everyone's response was to attack the critics by saying "what are you, poor? IT's just 10 dollars! Sony needs that money!" Because people don't challenge those things, they just get accepted and become worse over time.
Dude, there was 8 years of nothing between Super Metroid and Metroid Prime/Metroid Fusion.
Following that, the next 8 years? Metroid averaged out to more than 1 game a fucking year.
6 years is nothing for a Nintendo IP, especially after the most oversaturated the series had ever been where they blew their creative load and exhausted reception on the series that much.
>Why the fuck can't it be tolerated? With the Prime games, they went fucking HEAVY on world building,
Worldbuilding means nothing without good gameplay, something Fed Force lacks. I would rather every story heavy game in the industry stop existing forever, if it meant even one good game being allowed to continue existing. Let me ask you this: do I go into a metroid game for the story? Or do I go into it for an interesting gameplay experience, where I interact with a unique world, find powerups, and fight enemies? When you botch the latter, the former crumbles.
>The game wasn't even out yet. You really expect them to say "SORRY, DON'T BUY OUR PRODUCTS" because people were mad?
I expect them to not make bad products. When I'm giving them my money, I expect top quality. What is so hard to grasp about this concept?
>Dude, there was 8 years of nothing between Super Metroid and Metroid Prime/Metroid Fusion.
And wasn't Super a good game? The wait was justified because the series was left on a good note. It's been 10 years now since Prime 3, which was admittedly weaker than previous installments, and all we've had was garbage thrown in our faces. Not to mention fans throwing personal attacks at us because we didn't blindly buy the games. And now we're back to square one with Fed Force.
>"it's a good game"
>"stop being entitled"
>"they'll make a new game, just you wait!"
I was about to respond but
>I would rather every story heavy game in the industry stop existing forever
You're just ACfag, never mind.
Metro have been working on something for years now go check their twitter.
Soon we'll know what it is...I'm hoping for Battalion Wars 3
That's because you don't have an argument. You're just looking for a quick way out of actually discussing criticism.
What happened to this post Didn't you want discussion and "productive criticism"? Why so quick to discard all of that?
>"wow you fucking faggot, stop being entitleD" or "fuck you, the game is fun with friends"
I didn't say that
Also I brought up the HP scaling and level design based off of 4 people being able to scatter around before. this is why I miss ID's
I think look I aknowledge my sentence as being an opinion. this is important
that the controls in the game and the level design really made me appreciate the game much more
and I believe holy shit there it is again that the game honestly has its strong moments that heavily contributed to my overall enjoyment.
Like mission 4 where you have to lure in the monsters into a cage and then have to endure their attacks inside the cage until the time limit runs out so you can escape.
That shit was fucking dope. I honestly think the game has several of these moments and if that outweighs the problems I otherwise have with the game,
I honestly can't say it's an overall bad game. It's not fantastic either and probably just above average.
But for what its worth it was a fun ride and I can't wait for a hypothetical NX Metroid game where you can actually use that gyro reticle aiming mechanic.
That shit was fucking rad.
I always appreciated a game that at the very least brings interesting moments and mechanics to the table even if it's not very outstanding or of the highest quality in other parts.
I'd honestly hope that someday we can look forward to an actual Prime 4 or whatever and then maybe look back at what Federation Force did right
in terms of things that don't seem too out of place and how they build upon it in the future.
I remember having great discussions on game design regarding Mario 64 and why Nintendo should revisit it next time they make a 3D Mario game
and it was some of the most interesting I had on Sup Forums in years. I'd like that.
excuse me, but that wasn't me, I'm still miss ID's
You are one of the most reasonable fellows to grace these parts.
Not as tempered as ACfag, not as brainless as Cody
This is exactly why no one wants to talk to you. You assume everyone who opposes you is the same person. Why even bother talking to you when you'll just say "yeah well you also LOVE Other M I know you do because I saw a post defending it once and surely that was you"?
Also the fact that you're a stubborn fuckhole who's been spamming the same retarded opinions for 5 or 6 goddamn years.
Metroid had two completely different full 3D games last gen, two in the gen before that. It had more main games than fucking Zelda or Mario.
It missed one gen like it has already done before and you're flipping your shit.
>I didn't say that
Oh really? I see posts littering the thread that are pretty much nothing but that. Remember Statistically, at least one of these posts is yours, as I can tell them apart from the writing style and grammar used, and it follows in a reply chain that we've been having for a while.
>I appreciate everything that isn't Metroid, and I think it should remain in Metroid
Yeah, okay. This tells me that you've never touched a Metroid game. At what point in any Metroid game do you sit in a cage and do nothing for 5 minutes, doing glorified fetch quests? Why is that in a Metroid game?
>I always appreciated a game that at the very least brings interesting moments and mechanics to the table even if it's not very outstanding or of the highest quality in other parts.
Okay, now I'm weirded out, because this is the exact word for word defense used for Other M, 6 years ago. The same exact people used these words to say that Other M was "bold" and "daring" and "ambitious" and therefore it was immune to criticism. Infact, you lifted that directly from Moviebob, didn't you? i remember him hearing that in his "Heavens to Metroid" vid. That's why it sounds so familiar.
>and it was some of the most interesting I had on Sup Forums in years. I'd like that.
If you want interesting discussion, then I have a bit of advice: kindly stop implying that your personal fun overrides legitimate criticism of the game, especially when it clashes with the entire series as a whole. Because like it's been said before, the "friends" defense can be used with any game ever made, even singleplayer games. By that logic, Sonic 06 is a good game because the game grumps had fun going through it. Every multiplayer game like Battleborn are objectively good because 10 or so people played it at some point. Even ET was fun because the AVGN played through it, and probably had fun writing any episodes or movies around it with his friends.
>You assume everyone who opposes you is the same person
Am i wrong though? Whenever someone defends other M or Fed Force, its usually the same exact arguments, or the same accusations of "entitlement". For example, people still cry over the petition that was made, as if that negatively hurt anyone in the slightest. It wasn't the smartest idea, sure, but millions of petitions get made daily. And some of them are beneficial. The point isn't the petition itself, but rather, to show that people aren't happy with the product or company in question. But everyone ignored that part and made fun of the fans because they didn't like it. I think the common response was "if you don't like it, don't buy it. Stop whining about it and vote with your wallet." A fair comment, I'll admit.
But as it turns out, Fed Force sold horribly. The fans voted with their wallet, and what was the reponse? "Wow, you fucking assholes killed Metroid, why did you have to be entitled?!" It's basically DmC all over again, except Metroid doesn't have as large a selling base as DMC did, so it's not even a sure thing if there will even be another Metroid. Not like it matters, since everyone now despises Metroid fans because they "didn't buy the game they didn't like".
Isn't that the point of an economy? To avoid products you don't want, and buy ones you do want? When did that become such a crime?
The same applies to Starfox Zero, btw.
I know the game has tons of problems but I heard they were looking forward to making another one before the shitty sales came in
and I can only imagine how much better a sequel would be if they actually consider Zero's problems like
>enough on rails levels
>everything related to the right stick
>just use one screen with an optional cockpit view the game is actually more enjoyable that way as is
>that way when people use the gyro to aim fucking love that shit by the way the reticle on the 3rd person view isn't slightly off
and some other shit like
I honestly think it's worth pointing out if someone at the very least enjoyed a game with little to no expectations
if it's for the sake of telling someone to at least pirate it and try it out
That being said
Whoever you're referring to here isn't me and that the fact that he used the word "fun" like 7 times in one post gives me cancer.
I work in the design department for a development team and we occasionally have this one writer faggot
who keeps interrupting brainstorming sessions and overall design discussion while constantly using "but I think that's less fun" as an "argument".
I can relate.
>Am i wrong though?
You're ACfag, of course you are.
That's very interesting. So if I say that a game's gameplay is more important than any "worldbuilding", then you think that's wrong?
If I say that Metroid Other M is a bad game, then you're saying I'm wrong. How interesting.
My fave series of all time is Golden Sun
New game coming literally never ever
I know that pain.
I guess what I'm saying here is that if someone asked me "tell my why I should pirate this game"
I'd then list a bunch of reasons why I believe someone would enjoy it, since I think
someone who at least approaches a game with an open mind will still be perfectly capable of criticizing a games flaws in a long run.
I could be a bit naive here but I always thought positives are for recommendation
while negatives should be exclusively used in constructive design discussion that benefits a potential solution to said problems
so that when the time comes for a fanbase to be vocal about issues in a game, one could simultaneously provide said solutions for what would hopefully become a better sequel.
This I believe benefits everyone much more than
or let alone assuming a post that would trigger this sort of response in advance.
I guess what I'm trying to say is chill the fuck out.
If your significant other doesn't provide enough counterarguments right away your own response can guide the conversation towards them.
But yea I don't necessarily completely disagree with your arguments.
I know Sup Forums is home of a lot of very intelligent people.
Seems like most of them prefer to lurk threads nowadays.
You know at least Nintendo is trying to make a fun game out of all of this, it could be an extremely blatant corporate cash grab that tarnishes what fans love about the series.
It could have dragged Samus through the mud and ruined her, or tried to actively appeal to the COD audience, or given Samus a boyfriend. Chances are Nintendo won't make a sequel, and if they do they will try to improve on it.
Basically, it's not Equestria Girls
Nintendo doesn't even know CoD exists.
Metroid was killed way back in Super.
The series still went on dispite what happened in the end.
You'd have to be living under a rock to not know what CoD is
Why are you accepting bad games? No side scroller since 2004, no prime since 2009. This is not the time for them to be making a bad multiplayer spinoff on a handheld that has zero multiplayer community. The whole concept for this game is the most asinine thing I've ever heard of. It's not a good game by any stretch of the imagination. Why are people ok with this?
Here's the problem. I'm trying to be sensible. I don't want to delve into shitposting and all caps territory. I do what I can to calmly and rationally explain every problem I have with Federation Force. If you don't believe me, I will gladly link you to an archived thread where I attempted to be reasonable, even going indepth into every problem I had.
Essentially, every single criticism I made was shrugged as "nostalgic blindness". So why should I believe for even a second that Sup Forums wants positive discussion, even when I actively try to be sensible?
>I guess what I'm trying to say is chill the fuck out.
To everyone who says this, I ask that you practice what you preach. Telling others to chill out when you're actively attacking people for bringing up problems in your game? That strikes me as lopsided.
It's but shit but it doesn't matter it didn't sell well anyway metroid is dead
The game ain't good but it's not a travesty, and its existence has nothing to do with the drought of Metroid games. If this game didn't exist, there wouldn't be another Metroid game to fill its place, NLG probably would just be working on a different franchise altogether and there would just be one fewer Metroid game.
It's pointless to just vent your frustrations over a lack of a game you want on this ultimately unrelated title.
Yes, it is a travesty because it demonstrates that Nintendo has no idea what makes Metroid good. A spinoff of a mainline title should retain SOMETHING from the original games besides IPs and names. if you're going to completely change it up and not keep a single thing intact, then dont bother calling it Metroid.
Without a sense of isolation, exploration, an interconnected world, or any sense of intelligent gameplay, your game is not allowed to be called Metroid. Even Prime pinball was a less offensive game because it understood that Metroid should be singleplayer. Even if everything else changed, it didn't try to spit on what Metroid was about. It was about making a quirky spinoff that still respected the series.
I'd say Federation Force is on par with Shadow the Hedgehog. They took this generally lighthearted series and spewed garbage over it until it played Nine Inch Nails and Skrillex every 5 seconds, while Shadow went around shooting realistic guns and killing people because he felt the need to be edgy. That doesn't fit in a Sonic game. What idiiot thought that would be a good idea?
Does anyone remember that thread where a supposed Next Level Games employee was revealing information about Federation Force on here but then a higher up caught him and fired him with that infamous Jack Black stop sign picture? How much did what he say hold up to release?
There was no battle mode, Sylux only showed up in the post credit scene, and there was no Mecha Ridley
IIRC he mentioned Kraid
My response to this is if you can sense a thread is full of retarded people who can't hold an argument
it may not be worth it to argue with them in the first place, let alone getting angry over them.
I don't live in america, but I heard they teach these things in middle schools there.
I wasn't being facetious when I said the sane people on this board lurk for the most part.
If you think trying to have an honest critical discussion over Federation Force is bad because of Nintendo fanboys on Sup Forums
imagine what it's like to enjoy Starfox Zero and then having every single thread related to it being derailed into the same checklist of
false flagging, brainless hate towards it and whoever the fuck this Cody fellow is while trying to share you own enjoyment with the game.
I also wonder how many times someone would say they like a game while also acknowledging their own subjectivity in that statement
and how many times that person gets a reply calling them a "Nintendrone".
By your "statistics" one of them should've been you as well so maybe imagining it won't be necessary.
I feel like this discussion is kinda turning into semantics and then pretty much going nowhere.
I'll probably fuck off soon and just resume lurking, hoping this shitty place shits out another golden turd once in a long while.
>A spinoff of a mainline title should retain SOMETHING from the original games besides IPs and names.
Ignoring the fact that it still retained, more or less, the same kind of first person combat, it really doesn't need anything other than the universe and the characters. That's why it's a spinoff and not a mainline title.
>A spinoff of a mainline title should retain SOMETHING from the original games besides IPs and names.
Have a Mario Spinoff made by the same developer yet having much better initial
reception with literally only characters and a couple items that resemble
the original source.
You're a retard.
Really, the franchise is fine. nintendo knows the Pretendos are nothing but a vocal minority. Just look at how they responded to Stat Fox Zero 'criticisms.'
I love Nintendo, but this is also the company that when making Nintendo Network or Nintendo Wifi Connection ( I forget which one) None of the people in charge of setting up the internet infrastructure had even bothered to look at XBL or PSN.
They literally just went in blind.
Nintendo games are the best in the business, but they're also very very retarded.
>it may not be worth it to argue with them in the first place, let alone getting angry over them.
That's why I hide many threads. I figure that they'll be content in their spaces while I search for good threads. The problem is that every thread eventually becomes overtaken by fanboys.
>imagine what it's like to enjoy Starfox Zero and then having every single thread related to it being derailed
In all fairness, Star Fox brought that fate upon itself by attacking everyone else, saying "haha Horizon Looks like shit! Starfox blows it away!". When you invite vicious and aggressive discussion, people will respond in kind. That's why, even if you don't believe me, I try to be respectful and reasonable in my discussions. You don't hear me calling people "sonyggers" or "nintenyearolds" or "faggots" or "niggers", right? I understand where you're coming from, but I'm doing my best to raise the level of intellectual discourse on Sup Forums, but after 6 years of fanboy lies and shitposting, I'm at my limit.
thread over guys, everyone go home