Mother 4

Will they ever release Mother 4, Sup Forums?

Well if they do now it'll only be released for a few seconds until Nintendo DMCA's it.

It's almost like naming it Mother 4 actually WAS a bad idea.

Yeah, maybe they're holding off on releasing it because of what happened to stuff like AM2R.

After Undertale's huge success? Nah

Soon, I hope. I've never played the Earthbound series and this looks like a fresh accessible point for first-timers to jump right in.

they should've went with stepmother

or you could just play earthbound now and appreciate/hate it that much more when if it comes out

never, and that's for the best

don't know but i hope it will be good

Just play Mother 2 it's not hard if you have a guild handy for the easy to miss bits.

Might be bait, but I doubt it will have the same feel compared to first 3. Mother is a personal game by Itoi and it shows while playing through them.

My God shill harder why don't you.

>shill for a non-profit fangame
Fuck off with this retarded meme

The second they do, Nintendo is gonna shit all over it and make themselves look like the bad guys once again (cause they are at this point.)

>not played any game in the series
>"thinks" a mediocre fan game is the best entry point for a first timer

just kill yourself and stop shilling your game on this board

Or, hear me out on this one, you could play the actual games?

in this case they'd be heroes. been looking forward to the day 'Mother' 4 burns

When was the last progress update for this anyway?

It was supposed to be released 2 years ago at this point

I never understand why people chose to put all this shit out there.
>"Hey I'm making a fan game using the name and likenesses of a companies intellectual property AND posting about it all over the place on the Internet"

This has always bothered me though. I understand you want to brag and market out your fan project, but technically it's not your IP to be doing the project with. Work on it in silence and then release it and disappear.

I think I remember first hearing about it and being excited it was coming out in December 2014.

Actually, it makes Nintendo look bad because a "hero" would kill it quietly before it ever saw the light of day and not waste so much of people's time developing it.

here's hoping they just cease and desist the shit out of this meme pandering abomination before they finish it

fuck i can already see the tumblr/imgur motivational memes saying how fans saved a dead franchise by fearlessly continuing it themselves with thousands of upvotes, hold me Sup Forums

uncreative garbage like Mother 4 needs to be made an example of

>Cant attempt to advertise something that's being released for free.

You fucking spastic. Yeah. Youre one of the devs with that retarded logic.

Shill harder.

Easiest way to get attention for yourself. I'm pretty sure people are now willing to work with the AM2R guy now that he is well known.

Yes, by telling them "Stop that" when they hear about it, not when it releases.
Now, they're just saying, "We're attention whores, so make fan shit so when it releases we can make a big show of killing it and if you don't, we'll take everything you own in lawsuits!"

tfw a humble respectful remake of a game no one gave 2 shits about gets immediately shut down but a pretentious piece of fan made garbage literally called 'Mother 4' is allowed to continue existing

Every Mother 4 thread there are always these pathetic losers crying about "HOW DARE THEY NAME IT MOTHER 4"

lmao who cares get a fucking life?????

Face it the brazen shit pile that is this project is as toxic as it gets. It's been a car crash from the start and nomatter how good it may be the filthy shilling has put many people off.

Shill harder cunt

Your anger only makes my errection harder

imagine having a panic attack over a number

Of fucking course I'm one of the devs

Shill harder

Been looking for this pic for months, thank

I wouldn't gain anything from shilling this game since it's completely free


Im playing earthbound now and its a pretty good game, id be down for a 4th mother


Why can't I be as epic as you

Well meme'd, reddit.
Well meme'd.

It isn't made by Nintendo though. It's fan made so it probably won't be as good.

>White people?

>*crowd starts getting upset and heckles begin*

>Listen, listen my brothers!

>White people should be fucking ENSLAVED!

>*crowd starts slowly applauding*

>Every single fucking subhuman white man should be strung on meat hooks

>*crowd starts standing and giving a standing ovation*

>The white man should then be anally penetrated with not black cocks, but black dildos...

>*crowd is stunned and is getting slightly violent*

>Why you ask? These privileged white men don't deserve the dark chocolate cock!!!!

>*crowd ferociously yells in approval*

>These white men will only lick up the creme filling after their women are chained up and rammed by the giant chocolate yodels that are the BBC!!!!!

>*crowd is making tribal chants*

>We will hunt down the white man!! We shall castrate them all and sacrifice their women to the black man!!!!!! The offspring will be brought to the interracial breeding grounds!!!! I will clean up the remains with my white boy tongue!!! I shall serve the black man's cock with my white boy tongue!!!! The black man will have his way with me and my people!!!!

>*crowd is erupting and stampedes the theater as the white men are hog tied and dragged to the cock chambers and the women willfully submit to their black masters


Only a dev would be so adamant about saying someone else is a dev. You're the dev, faggot

Reminder that NOA are the ones sending the DMCAs and doesn't represent Nintendo as a whole.

You do understand that most of the time they're doing this to build up a community that can help with ideas or smaller work, with the possibility of attracting additional people to help in making the game? Why does Sup Forums always think it's all about wanking, when that's the last thing they want.

Does Sup Forums think these people, who make these projects, don't know about the take downs and Nintendo's policy?

I think they're holding off because they haven't made anything yet


Why didn't they just name it something else?
Isn't the mother series an anthology for the most part?
If I get this right its just an old school RPG that takes place in a world somewhat like our own. Why couldn't they just name it something else and just say it was inspired by Earthbound like Undertale and all those other games are.
To be perfectly honest I would be interested in this game if it felt like someones own unique vision (like the mother trilogy was) rather than some weird fan fiction. NOA is just gonna shut it down right away and everyone is gonna look at like its some fan game rather than an artists own IP

will mother 4 be connected to the previous games or have they gone full reboot

>Isn't the mother series an anthology for the most part?
There's actually continuity between the games. Giygas carried over from 1 to 2, and Porky from 2 to 3, with appropriate character development in each case.

Well one is a free game that a money minded company might view as substitution for a product they are already trying to sell while the other is a totally unrelated thing.

Why should Nintendo give a shit about anything calling itself Mother.

Yeah in Pokey's case maybe, but even that is kind of pushing it outside of some nods like the Friend's Yo-yo.

Gig seems to be two seperate versions of the same character.

>even that is kind of pushing it outside of some nods like the Friend's Yo-yo.
Didn't finish the game, huh?

so what does 4 have from 3?

No and faggots should kill themselves already for shilling it.

Story details aren't numerous right now. Whenever they put out updates it's usually regarding flavor stuff.

Because the game seems to take place during the 70s I would think that it wouldn't have much to do with Mother 1-3 plot wise.

This board surely has become paranoid with this shilling meme

If we had a new 3D Mother title that aimed to be more accessible to newer players, how would you feel?

both, seeing how mother 3 ended

This Western-developed trash is a disgrace to the series.

Naming it mother 4 was a good idea because of all the free publicity from autistic everywhere

It would all depend on the new writer/director.

we didn't even get to see the dragon

Maybe you did, but didn't know it.

Starman would be a okay name


You did get to see it, just its silhouette though

Never I hope.

You now realize that Nintendo DMCA'd all those mobile-tier games because they're releasing mobile-tier garbage of their own

Okay regardless if they know about it or not, the point is like 95% of the time it's going to result in a takedown. So while doing all this networking and building communities, do they just think they'll be lucky and not have to deal with any possible consequences?

>naming it as if it was a real sequal
>Its a fangame that uses the number 4 like a real sequal would

>mother 4
>not brother from another mother
What were they thinking?

Truly a tragedy.

I honestly wonder how Itoi would react to Mother 4 getting taken down, especially after Sonic Mania started being a thing.

He's probably the most appreciative over fangames or anything that got inspired by his works over any of us
and I hope he'd at the very least send the devs a letter to make them feel better about themselves if Nintendo ever takes it down.

I know he never literally said "please make a sequel to Mother 3" but you should at least expect
that some people are ambitious enough to try when you say "I want fans of the mother series to make their own 'Mother 4'"
no matter how figurative you meant that when you said such a statement.

I'd feel terrible in his position.

>mother 4
You mean Undertale?
Sans IS Ness, it's confirmed.


Is there even anything that connects this to any other Mother game? If so then it's honestly just the name that would get them a takedown. The game uses original sprites and music. The name Mother 4 is the only controversial thing about this. Originally, naming it Mother 4 was the only reason people started to talk about this game, and now it might be the reason it dies. It can't even be called Brother from another Mother because that has the word Mother and makes it seem like a Mother spinoff. I'm pretty sure with the release of Earthbound Beginnings recently, Mother 3 will come to America too eventually. If that's true then this would be direct competition like AM2R was.

People here don't realize how cancerous that community is.

Who gives a fuck. It's not by the real creators. Go read some fan fiction.

Hope it does. Looks pretty good.

>It's almost like naming it Mother 4 actually WAS a bad idea.

Naming it anything else wouldn't have helped its cause. Look at AM2R and Pokemon Uranium for example.