FPS thread

What FPS game are you currently playing, Sup Forums?

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Fallout NV.

Are there DOOM wads or mods that add new weapons, including the unmaker from D64?

Dark souls 2

FPS games, not RPGs.
> Fallout 4

Currently playing The Darkness 2 and Call of juarez gunslinger.

There's lots of DOOM wads that add new weapons.

>le strafe left and right inbetween shots: the game
why do people here have such shit taste?

You tell me user. Why do you have such shit taste?

S.T.A.L.K.E.R., every now and then.

You seem to have mistaken Blood for Doom. Strafing out in the open in Blood will just get you killed.

sorry for wanting to press more then 3 buttons

>Unironically using ironic memes

casual difficulty cuck detected

still playing doom with bloodstain and immoral conduct. who would've guessed that tear gas was so deadly

Half-Life for the first time.

Hope you're not using the HD pack

No mods of course.

>old school shooter gameplay
← → ← → ← → ← → *mouse click* ← → ← → ← →*mouse clicl*← → ← → ← →

why do you keep making this thread? we already know, you're playing this game.

As soon as someone posts a misguided contrarian opinion that's just articulate enough to come off as well informed to anyone who doesn't know any better, morons like this guy regurgitate it every chance they get like it's fucking gospel.

I played that CZG03 Quake map that someone recommended in the last thread. It was pretty great, but I had to drop the difficulty to Normal because I'm not a hardcore Quaker.

I'm about to revisit some of the Cryptic Passage maps for Blood. I really like that expansion.

>why do people make threads about video games
Gee user i dunno. Next time he should make another chris chan or cosmo thread instead.

It's a damn shame that Dark Forces doesn't get more respect. There are dozens of completely awesome community-made levels, I had no idea until last year or so.


You evidently have never played the game, shut the fuck up.

>Modern shooter gameplay
*take cover* *mouse click*

See? I can do it too.

>why are you making threads about video games HARRAWRRARRWRAWRR


No sourceport means less people play it because they have to configure DOSbox.

Playing Deus Ex and Advanced Warfare. I'm treating DX like a straight-up FPS, no stealth bullshit

Plus I'm waiting for ffa deathmatch to come out for the new doom

They're fucking ridiculous, they said it'd come out "later this summer" and it's now september and only 2 days ago they announced... a fucking livestream of deathmatch gameplay

>in the future when you select "multiplayer" from the main menu it will take you to a selection of twitch streams instead of a server browser

Just finished this today actually

I don't know how fans decided that stealth/nonlethal was the "right" way to play Deus Ex. And yes, I know there are other popular styles, but that one seems to get most of the attention. I guess because not a lot of games give you that option, especially at the time Deus Ex came out, but I never had any qualms about blasting my way through guards with dat 10mm headshot cannon.

Try Russian Overkill wad, has a metric fuckton of new guns all with up to 4 abilities, heavily unbalances the game tho

I've been playing nothing but Terrorist Hunt mode in R6 Vegas 2 for the past two weeks, shit is addictive as fuck.

The only time I took a break was to try out Aftershock, an unofficial commercial addon for Quake, which was interesting but the levels are very short and their quality just got worse as you progress.

Have you played the official expansions? They're really good

Not true really. NOLF, SoF, and RtCW all came out around the same time as Deus Ex and featured stealth mechanics of some sort. Emphasis on stealth is what killed the new Deus Ex games for me. The whole point of Deus Ex is being able to complete objectives however you want.

This masterpiece. While it's aged graphically the game itself is still 10/10.

Because HR and to lesser extant MD both favor nonlethal plays more often.

Rainbow six gold


Barebones port and I already played it multiplayer when it came out.

Crysis is an underrated af game 2bh. people dismiss it as a tech demo but for some reason forget that it plays like a fucking gangstar shooter

let me ask you friend, how does one get an xbox controller to work with that game?
there are no expansions for the r6v games

They're good but don't hold a candle to the original levels. I liked Beyond Belief way more than either of them.

because it's shit

>While it's aged graphically
Name a game with more TECHNOLOGY


because unreal tournament exists and quake wars existed ;_;

Still wish I would've gotten into DF2 multiplayer scene in it's heydey.


Use the link to skip the initial duel if you want. Also Maw is one of the greatest concepts for a boss fight as far as I'm concerned. Even Sion ripped off of him a little bit.

>go invisible
>hide behind cover to recharge
>repeat until you reach the objective
its a shit game

Half Life 2, except I'm playing it as more of a first person crowbar sim, because I figured it would be a nice challenge.

I got to the point where you have to shoot the gunship and I think I might have to fire some bullets for the first time, because It's impossible to progress otherwise.

Drop your plathrough and play through the original campaign with SMOD and have a better experience.

You're playing it wrong.


Squad, maybe? and if you mod it it it doesn't look too bad, but you can see glaring flaws like the textures.

Halo Reach SP

you're playing it on easy :^)


Blood: Death Wish

Red Orchestra 2

Exodus From the Earth

I modded my difficulty to make it harder, dumb sonygger.

I just beat Zeno Clash last night.

I liked the art and some of the character designs. The story was weird, but that's to be expected. I was reading some comments and people said the game was too short. I thought it was just right about 4 hours. There wasn't enough variety in the gameplay to justify it being any longer; it would feel like it dragged on for too long if it were significantly longer.

How was the second one?

Somehow I find it hard to believe HL2 is a game that could be improved with mods.

SMOD turns it into FEAR: combine edition

Playing neo tokyo with almost full server

in that thread yesterday i said i was disappointed with this game but it becomes really good in the next episodes, with all the new enemies and weapons. also that song is great: youtube.com/watch?v=svzMK33PMUk

I always get bored of backtracking and play Heretic instead

Some quakelive from time to time.
I'm trying to get into dueling a bit even though my aim and movement is garbage. Now practicing timing just the mega with bots.

No, it was a thing with Deus Ex way before HR was even a possibility. That's why there was a bunch of whining about HR's bosses and "muh stealth build" because people expected it.


Homefront the revolution.
Its supposedly "fixed" now after some major patch and its on free weekend because of it. I have to say, Im actually kind of enjoying it. It has its problems, but its oddly entertaining and fun. Gives me a similar vibe that red faction guerilla gave me.
I might actually buy it with the refund money I got from no mans meme.

TNT Eviliution

not the guy you replied to, but i just read the moddb summary and some of the added shit sounds absolutely retarded.
Kicking has a chance to spawn dark orbs?

Also not such a fan of bullet-time, didn't use it in f.e.a.r. either.

At least the first was a bit better about it(As in they don't give you more EXP for knocking someone out as opposed to just shooting him)

It's completely customizable through the console. You can disable bullet time, kick, red orchestra style aiming, etc.

Doomguy always looks way too young in that image. It looks great but his face seriously reminds me of Tetsuo.

The best.

What class did you play as?

Dying Light.

It's one of my top 10 in the last several years.

I got bored of Quake 1 at the third episode because the guns feel weak and enemies are too bulletspongy, still gotta finish it. Had more fun in Q4's campaign to be honest.

Playing the new doom now. It's ok but doesnt seem like anything special.

why does the fighter have pepperoni nipples

Went with the fighter, can't go wrong with strength and speed. Might try the mage next

Does new doom really force you to do EPIC finishers on enemies when they're stunned or they get back up?

Why all the sudden interest in Blood on Sup Forums lately? Its a great game, just curious why is on here so often suddenly.

Build engine games brought back into the spotlight after the new duke nukem announcement. Only natural the best one pops up.

Doom(2016), looking forward to play Bioshock Remastered next week

I played through They are Alive a couple of days ago. Saw it on gamersgate and bought it on a whim. The game is short and the enemies are stone dumb but it had some charm to it and was well worth the dollar or two i spent on it.

Shadow warrior was also being given out for free.

Age is fun, very different feel to him compared to the fighter. His weapons have more specialized uses and require more effort to get the most out of them, but they're cool as fuck and powerful when used correctly.

It seems we will have a modern client or two next year, so oldfags are shilling the game.

In addition, it's a brilliant FPS

>How was the second one?
alright, worse than the first one but not terrible

it's exactly what you said, there isn't enough variety in the gameplay to justify it being any longer, and yet they made a bigger, longer, """open world""" sequel


It doesn't. You do it at your own convenience. Glory kills also dont give bonus health or ammo, those things drop at random when enemies die regardless of method, so it has no real advantages either. Its only good for saving ammo if you dont want to waste it on killing a staggered enemy, or wasting it on the cannon fodder zombiemen.

Enemies get staggered when you shoot them enough, signaling that you can do a Glory kill on them. Makes it kinda easy to deal with them since it leaves them open for attacks, but Im Playing on nightmare and Its a considerable chalenge.

Honestly, the Glory kills do fit the doom theme. Theyre refreshing when you get bored of shoting and want to do a fancy "gran finale" with your last victim after a big fight, and Theyre brief emough not to hinder you, but only if you dont do them on every single enemy.

Tl;dr entirely optional.

Also if you dont kill off staggered enemies in time, they recover and go back to attacking you.

Well, level design just isn't important for some people.

I thought it was a big improvement over Dead Island but the story was pretty shit and it got repetitive later on. Would have been better with less cutscenes.

Even that one picture gives me the feeling that I should throw another 10 hours to it even though I have played all of them countless hours

Does nuDoom still use mememega textures?

Because Halo 5 just came to PC

Objective based XP worked great in Deus Ex. I like getting rewarded for exploration too with augmentation canisters.

Gonna be on the move with a crappy laptop for a bit, so far I have planned Quake 1-2. .RTCW. Hexen 2 and No one lives forever 1-2.