Do you hold any hope for FPS genre?

Do you hold any hope for FPS genre?

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yes, im making a FPS right now

Sreenshot and timestamp or GTFO
god damn it

Oh well. There's also Spire and Strafe coming out so it's not 100% dead yet.

FPS as a genre is a catch 22

Everyone says they want a classic old school shooter, then the guys at splash damage who made Wolf: ET (a fucking amazing shooter) make a spiritual successor called Dirty Bomb and nobody plays it because it's not CS:GO, TF2 or Overwatch.

thats it, whether you think its shit or not,

Which one?
You've clearly never heard of an NDA pal

>literally quake in an atrocious neon area
sorry, it's doomed

I love the aesthetic. UE4?

A. Dirty Bomb isn't a "classic old school shooter", nor is it a "spiritual successor". It's more like a spiritual successor to Brink more than anything else.
B. Dirty Bomb was pretty immensely popular for a while there. Sup Forums had thread about it 24/7 for a good month or two.

Spire and Strafe have procedurally generated levels. It's a red card in my book.

But TF or CS are mods from the 90's, at least name CoD if you want to have a point

Yeah, because I love every different type of FPS, old, new, realistic, wacky, I just fucking love FPS

So whatever FPSes come out, I'm happy

Can't wait for pic related to release

>immensely popular
The game has a regular playerbase of 2-3k players, and peaked at 12k. That's absolutely nothing in terms of what the big names pull.

I'll give you that it plays more like brink than wolf:ET but there are elements ripped directly from that game, like the blishliok


pretty mad they pushed it back to Q1 2017
>dat ac-130
>sks and m14
I'm fucking ready

careful guys you can't say you're anticipating this game without someone posting a smug anime face and meme arrowing "Tripwire"

Yeah, sure, it never had true "mass market" appeal but who gives a shit. It was popular among the people who actually matter. Comparing games to the Twitch titans of ASSFAGGOTS or CS:GO is pointless.

Sure, but it's not being developed by tripwire

I can't wait to plant Tripwires all over the jungle

It's just sad that it only manages a 3k playerbase when IMO it deserves to be a titan.

I attribute that to two reasons: absolutely ZERO marketing, and the game is just too skill based for the average person. I hate to quote dunkey, but he says something along the lines of "if you're coming from league of legends this game will tear your ass a new one, you'll die thousands of times, it's so skill based" in reference to CS:GO. Imagine his outlook on something actually skill based like DB.

Just because no game has yet done 3D random level gen well doesn't mean it CAN'T be done. I would have thought the same thing about 2D random level gen before I played Spelunky. Go check the article Team Hitbox has on their blog about it. Any concept can be done well if the developers are smart enough. I could mention some other FPS coming out but they either don't have enough chain guns and machine pistols to fit your presumably narrow definition of "FPS" (quake) or they're not ultra fast paced enough (quake).

Made me kek

Spelunky's fucking garbage and is more repetitive than static games because of how simplistic all the encounters end up being

Explain yourself

Every single possible scenario in the game is simple, there are no intricate platforming sections, there are no interesting enemy match ups that really test you, there only challenge is consistency (even then more like don't do anything retarded or get unlucky) and that's not even getting into situations where you get lucky and can breeze through levels without putting any effort because the game's proc gen is garbage

That's bait.

The last two online FPS I played were siege and overwatch, made by devs who never made fps and it showed so no I have no hopes.

So no I have 0 hopes for online fps. Solo fps can be good though because thye're less demanding

I played 2 bad games and the genre is shit


That's not how this works, if you're going to post such a buzz-out bonkers and rare opinion as that, you have to actually substantiate it with something longer and more thought. I can try to respond but, boy.
>Every single possible scenario in the game is simple,
This right here makes me think you haven't played the game much. Every element in the game (a type of block, a type of enemy, a type of item) is simple and how they interact with each other create complex situations on the fly that the player must adapt to. This creates depth that demands the players learn its systems and try to achieve mastery.
>there are no intricate platforming sections,
They can get intricate in later levels but that they don't go full on trying to make platforming about inane precision is a good thing in a game where most things will cause you to die in one hit and you have to reset to new levels each time.
>there are no interesting enemy match ups that really test you, there(sic) only challenge is consistency
There definitely are. If you played the game you'd know this. How enemies change depending on what items you've accrued is interesting and can very much test you. Recognizing patterns and applying them to various increasingly difficult situations
>and that's not even getting into situations where you get lucky and can breeze through levels without putting any effort
This doesn't happen and you know it.

>with M16A2-profile barrel after gas block instead of pencil barrel
Into the trash it goes.

>This doesn't happen and you know it.
lmao you fucking tard watch any god damn speedrun of the game or even play it for more than 5 minutes and watch as people do 2-3 quick drops and trivialize even some of the final levels because they got lucky since the proc-gen cannot deliver consistent results at all thanks to how poorly thought out it is. As to the rest, the "complex situations" shit is a bunch of nonsense that's been pushed as a meme, there is nothing complex about the situations or choices you make in Spelunky unless you're doing something retarded like trying to get through the insanely boring levels quickly instead of taking your time and getting into dumb situations because you just want the garbage to be over with

the WR speedrun is a guy who got a teleporter on the first box immediately next to spawn

FPS is the worst genre in video games. It's for the worst types of casuals.
Just look at all the Overwatch threads.

Good game.

Now I'm inclined to believe because, really? You state that a player can get "get lucky and can breeze through levels without putting any effort" and your response when someone calls bull is to mention speed runners? People who have already mastered the game and play in a way to shave off milliseconds? No crap they're going to wait for a quick teleporter item, otherwise their run won't be close to world record. What a terrible argument. Now I know for sure you're a big pleb.

What's wrong with FPS? People like you are what's wrong with FPS.

The world record for solitare is 6 seconds

Does that make it a bad game?

>Gameplay loop based on RNG
>Criticised because speedrunners wait for good RNG


What bull, are you retarded? It's a clear example of the proc gen pushing out levels that can be cleared by 1-2 lucky falls. I can do it, you can do it, anyone can do it by simply playing the game no matter how good or bad you are. Idiot.

>FPS games never got better than this.

What went wrong?

Nostalgia, there are plenty of FPS games better than it before and after

Solitaire doesn't present itself as a skill based platformer

Christ this is good bait, but no thanks, fisherman

>People who have already mastered the game and play in a way to shave off milliseconds
A successful speed runner is going to have over a hundred hours in the game. I don't really see how that's a problem. Speed running is not how 99% of people play games so bringing it up is a pretty weak argument. Unless you want to start talking about how Mario 64 has a ridiculous difficulty curve when you try to play it without using the A button.