What steam name do you use, Sup Forums?
How did you come up with it?
Extra Points if it's clever
What steam name do you use, Sup Forums?
How did you come up with it?
Extra Points if it's clever
Just "codpod"
Been using it since split screening Red Faction with my best friend. Not clever but I like it
Trump_Is_Swell_Now_Tell_Me_To_Go_Back_To_Sup Forums_You_Know_You_Want_To
>Used to play Fable 2 with my little bro
>he wanted all the cool looking armor, so when I played in his game I would wear the pajamas
>would call myself pajama man, like a fuckig super hero, because I was further ahead than he was
>when I was thinking of what to change my online handles to, remembered this and looked up pajamaman
>saw it was a an actual character
Loved it ever since
My IRL first name
I use "Noun". It came to me in a dream.
>tfw InteriorCrocodileAlligator is too long for most sites
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums memes outside of Sup Forums
Anime Dad
same as this dude
good thing its obscure so i don't look like a fucking tool
Human Cheesecake
I use "terry"
nvidia chlamydia
I just like them.
>no MisterListerTheSisterFister
It's not even my name but I'm the most boring average idiot you can find on steam so I just picked a name I liked
You're a cunt, Noun, you know that? I don't remember why now though, but I'm sure of it.
I play a lot of rl
change it quite often, but right now its "Cha'Keel of Ne'Al". i dont know why i chose it, i think i was thinking about shaq and i love desert/egyptian shit, and it just sounded kinda cool. this is my profile pic
My initials spell Arb and when I was 11 I thought Arbinator sounded cool.
That's quite possible the most intentionally smug anime girl I have ever seen.
Katy Perry
the number of times someone thinks I'm actually Katy Perry is surprising high.
Cus it's short for my username. I'd prefer for people to remember a name if they needed me for anything.
"Trust", i like simple, fairly unique one syllable words for games where communication is key, i.e. Arma, Squad, Left 4 Dead, etc. Plus I just like how it sounds.
Not a Wizard.
I usually play wizards and give them wizard names. When playing Dungeon Defenders I eventually tried out the squire, but couldn't think of a name for him so I just named him 'not a wizard' because it was accurate. For some reason that turned into the mental image of a wizard putting in a minimal amount of effort into going incognito, and it just sort of stuck, especially since I continue to play pretty much exclusively as magic classes.
>I will now traumatize my dog to make an epin 9gag picture
Not 100% sure why, it's short, easy to type and young me thought it was cool
I think that I thought it related to Rube Goldberg machines
I took that name because I use to listen to the artist all the time like 10 years ago now its been stuck with me ever since. lowercase to look cooler
My brother named our steam account "It's product!"
No context or anything, and it doesn't make any sense at all. But I think it's a great name.
My gamertag on ps4 is tactical sitting
Dick cutula
First it was dick suckula, and my tagline was "vlah vlah, I want to suck your dick"
Then I switched it to dick cutula because it was less explicit and I started to add rl acquaintences to steam
ayyy dungeon defenders is awesome
Its my lastname and it sounds cool, I guess. I don't like the constant BANE?! jokes though.
Attacked by Snakes
it's a song by a novelty ska band
Sam Hyde (´ー`)
"The Hackerman".
pic related.
The Dapper Mr.Skellybones
Lick my nostril Onii-chan.
I try to find some weird doujins and take some quotes from them.
I thought it sounded cool
>little brother and mom add me on steam
>just use first name now
good thing I don't have any friends
*raises paw*
dont know how i came up with it
>little brother
be nice, high school fegit
Who won that game?
Did Chicago pull through?
Black Cap Dan the Scat Fap Man.
Saw it on one of those class photos for a handicapped class. One of the kids had that as his name. I couldn't contain my laughter, and now it is mine.
Gets kinda confusing, people think Cap means captain instead of a black fedora, and people call me Dan.
Worth it
Dook Nookem,
BAZINGA, add me faggots and we play game
gid oud
What steam name do you use, Sup Forums?
Ludwig von Butthole
How did you come up with it?
playing new super mario bros u with my friend, you have to fight ludwig von koopa, some kid posted on miiverse "I HATE LUDWIG VON BUTTHOLE!"
scat is a terrible fetish and you should feel terrible every time you wake up
drop the "the" and its bretty gud
IRL first name. Starting with a capital letter.
Like, "Name".
Latin for dark night
I was thinking about bane at the time.
"DieForDarkseid". It's a comic book reference because i made it 3 years ago when i was more into comics and haven't felt the need to change it despite how shit it is. I'm really uncreative when coming up with usernames
I always sound like I have a cold so I named myself Cough Syrup on Steam.
My real first name.
I'm not very imaginative when it comes to names.
I like mine a lot but I'm too paranoid to post it in a thread like this because I feel like others will start taking it.
>implying I actually have a scat fetish and don't just think the name is hilarious
Absolute madman
Soitsu because of this hunk of a man also it apparently means "That Guy" which is neat if im wrong please correct me tho
My name is
Boko Harambe
Came up with it myself but others did beat me to the punch. Never met any of them in game though.
I literally misspelled a one-off Simpsons character's name and now people think I'm a fan of a sci-fi show I've never watched.
No joke, I used to say that to people except I'd call myself Count Dickula
Hi, I'm Jessica / The "Jazz"
I'm shy and cute, I like to play Dota 2 and [YOUR FAVOURITE GAME]. Oh, you like [YOUR FAVOURITE ANIME]??? Me too, how weird haha! My boyfriend just left me and I'm going through a really hard time right now. You can always gift me games, items and amazon gift cards tho :)))
What is it?
'player' or 'user'.
That's the only thing I could come up with. I'm not a very creative person.
Can somebody give me some suggestions?
Fag Faggoty
Adolf Critler when I played a lot of TF2.
>this is an actual card
Dr. Diesel
It's from the last stage play I was in. It's some loser who pretends to be cool on forums, so i thought it fit
just smash words together or do a simple name like a fruit, or veggie
ex mango, peach, strawberry
or igunanation shitems, shamentos
First name I got from Sailor Moon and last name I got from a MvC game.
steam is Gromchan, just some nonsense I suppose
Xbox gt is SituationNormal because I like how it sounds
I don't change my name ever because I'm not a meme
MC No Fun Allowed
at some point I was pretty gud at video games enough that people would say something along the lines "wow, no fun allowed" , then I just thought the abbreviation of Mic Controller sounded cool I guess.
I've been using the name Dragline outside of steam recently, thinking about switching it to that, based on the character from Cool Hand Luke. again, just sounds cool to me.
It's a fusion monster. There's 2 more useless ones. Forget what it does if you fuse it.
Dongfang Shuo.
I was randomly looking up Chinese scholars and shit on wikipedia, as you do, and I came upon this guy called Dongfang, and I just like him. So I changed my steam name and avatar to him for kicks, just to have for a day or two before I change back to my regular one. Then it just kinda stuck with me and I never felt like changing it. Had it for almost 2 years now I think.
kek, my steam id actually is Bazinga2 and steam name is Vlidmir Putan
Wasn't that kung fury?
Safron. Nordic baby name book
Which Nordic country? Never heard any name like it, and I'm Scandinavian.
Not sure but I think it was Norwegian. It was an online list ages ago so it might not even be real
I'd let Doitsu fuck me in the ass.
I came up with it when Mass Effect 2 came out. Legion always called Shepard "Shepard-Commander" and I always called Legion my favorite toaster. Two and two together, eventually I got to my name.
I always pick vidya names based on archaic words for negative personality traits.
I've been Gadfly for the last few months, will probably be Akrasia next time I switch.
Dig Bigger Nick
every time this topic comes up,this image gets more and more appropriate
Who is this dog? Why is he so charismatic? Don't people dislike debbie downers, why is the guy with an anime avatar so popular? Why does anything happen socially?
i dont know
i stole it from a warhammer novel