What does Sup Forums think about this game?

What does Sup Forums think about this game?

I think its pretty fun. Kinda gimmicky sometimes, but engaging overall. Not terrible for an anime fighter.

But Im interested in other people thoughs about it.

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Better than Eyes of Heaven at least

Never played, mostly because I dont have the PS4. How is Eyes of Heaven worse than its actual prequel?

Forced team combat. NO LOCAL VS AT ALL. DIO has no road roller. They tried to just paint over a Naruto game with jojo paint. They would be better off making ASB2 with more side characters even if they need to take a few liberties in making them work within the game. Make the game either stable 60fps or unlocked and make costumes not require some dumb rng bullshit to unlock (Maybe have them unlocked in a survival mode or something).

fun fanservice game, mediocre fighting game
If you want a better jojo fighter just play Heritage for the Future.

I have never played it.
Is it fun?

I just watched the anime to the end of Battle Tendency, and found myself very endeared by the series.
Gotta start watching Stardust Crusaders soon.

do not play the games if you mind spoilers, also remember to read the manga too

Read the manga, loser. The animation is hit-and-miss as fuck in the anime.

Watching all of the GHA special attacks on Youtube is the most fun you'll get out of the game.


I got no interest in the manga. Too expensive and I don't read comic books & manga that much either.

The games have at least 1 major hero or villan from each part excluding 8 since it was so early in the story only the jojo of the part made it in. All their awesome moments are spoiled in their special attacks. If you dont care play it. Its pretty fun.

>paying for Jojo
It's all free online, nigger


Well, I don't want spoilers, so I guess that I'll avoid it.

Its free online if you want to read it. It can be jarring going from full animation to b/w scans. Some parts have color but it is up to you how you want to read. Just know people will try to spoil the fuck out of you because they cant handle people wanting to just watch the shit.

>too expensive

bato.to/search?name=jojo's bizarre adventure&name_cond=c



jojo game tier list

>God tier
Heritage for the future

>Great tier
The 7th Stand user

>Good tier
Vento Aureo ps2
All Star Battle
Eyes Of Heaven

>Meh tier
Phantom Blood ps2

>Shit tier
Stardust Crusaders SNES

No online play

>But it does!
No, it doesn't. JJABs netcode was so fucking terrible it didn't exist. You could play someone across the street from you and have a slideshow. Never seen worse online in my life

It's the lack of the awesome soundtrack that'll probably jar me the most.
The music in the series has thus far, been fantastic.



Reminder that Johnny is the cutest strongest coolest and best jojo

This might blow your mind, user, but it's possible to listen to music whilst reading the manga. Even the soundtracks to the anime adaptation.


>Not terrible for an anime fighter
have you never played an anime fighter in your life..? Melty Blood and Guilty Gear are far superior to this garbo.

It's not the same as having the perfect track kick in at just the perfect moment while watching a series.

Listening to music while reading makes the music just something that goes on on the background, whereas in an anime, cartoon, tv series etc, the soundtrack can become a key element of the tone of a scene, and enhance the action tenfold.

Post rare "Read the manga"s

Get used to silence, then. Watching the anime as when you've already read the manga is nice, since you can see your favourite parts in motion and have them be shown to you in a different light.



It's basically Jump Allstars with a Jojo skin, it sucks

also be prepared to wait a minimum of 2 years between parts and being in the uncertainty if the next part is going to happen at all. or even more if you are the type of guys who waits for the blue rays to avoid censorship and "quality" moments.

Wait not VS?.


Shitty fighting game but quite possibly one of the best fanwank games in existence.

Honestly I like HftF's Hol Horse super better, with the screen shooting effect



that's real cool, think we'll get part 6 anime?

both are cool in their own way, like i appreciate ASB for sticking so close to the manga panels, but the way HFTF uses its 2d context to enhance the super by breaking the screen is brilliant, also dem sprites.

I agree, always loved how terrifying Hanged Man felt, same with his victory pose.

I fucking love Bite the Dust.

Part 5 will sell like hotcakes because fujoshit, so is just matter of when.

They HAVE to go to at least part 6. If you have seen/read 3 you know they could have ended the series there. No other part until 6 has the same sort of ending potential but if they ended it at 6 people would be pissed.

Depends how well the DIU blurays sell

hopefully though it would probably end up being released around 2019 or even later than that.

How differently is Hol Horse & Boingo played from normal Hol Horse
I only know both are scummy as fuck but I've only played the latter

>Tfw discovering bite za dusto can reverse MiH

Part 5 is practically guaranteed 6 has a high chance 7 and 8 NEVER EVER

is a bit worse than normal Hol Horse due lack of Hangman, but good players can really take advantage of the pipe super to set up pressure and force opponents to be aggresive, that combined with a command grab super gives him a bit of tools to compensate his weaknesses.
Regardless which Hol you are playing his main tool is always the ceiling glass, you can notice someone who knows what he is doing with Hol instantly by noticing how often he does the glass move.

It's a meh fighter but almost perfect game if you're a Jojo fan.

Also the soundtrack is fucking underrated holy shit. Every damn theme fits every damn character so fucking well it's ridiculous.

I'm caught up on both and I honestly think the anime is better. The use of colours and the excellent music just lend so well to Jojo. Not only that but the poses and energy of the series just work better in motion. I think it's the only series I can think of that I'd absolutely recommend the anime of the manga 100%
Part 4 anime isn't quite as good though, admittedly.

Hol Horse!

Parallel reading at the moment.
Phantom Blood and Battle Tendaency were spot on for the most part.

Stardust Crusaders messed up some lines and slightly censored a couple of things (Loli shower scene) but took some small parts from the OVAs that add some small improvements.

Sadly so far Egyptian arc is a fucking trainwreck with some ofthe most stupid stands

part 3 maybe the most well known part but it has never been Araki's best work by a long shot.


It dragged on far too long. It almost feels like they got to Egypt and he got told to keep it going longer just to keep the sales going.

Would explain how they burned through all the Tarot cards and had to find a new naming conventions for the others.

pic unrelated, not got much Jojo material

In fairness I read the black and white Bazooka Joe looking art. Really shows the series age. I've heard recently the series has gotten colour and what not? Might close the gap. Either way though I feel like the energy and fun of the series are better in animation. It's also more fun to watch with friends.

As they get further in the series it'll probably even out and maybe even pull ahead. It's mostly that Phantom Blood was so much fucking better than the manga that set my expectations, then Battle Tendency was just as, if not better as the first season.

Is it true Jojo makes anything better?

So thats it.
Thats all you have to say?.

I agree. Part 3 was fun but it was also just a monster of the week series at its core. Once they got much closer to DIO it was better but the pacing has a lot of problems and you lose focus on why they're even doing any of this a lot.

There's never been a bad part though, just weaker ones.

I like fighting games and I like Jojo but i couldn't muster the strength to play that game anymore after one sitting, i can't even pinpoint what it is i don't like about the game....

The music and energy in the anime is so bloody great.
I especially love how they change the color palette in some scenes. It makes those scenes so much more dramatic, and sometimes even surreal.


parts 1 to mid-4 have some shit art at times but dont tell me you honestly expect the anime will come anywhere near touching scenes like this in either presentation or style
no, i'll also say the anime looks like shit from parts 1-3. as of the new episodes it's finally finding a nice artistic style that doesnt try too hard to mimic the manga's style 1:1, though

well the game was clearly made by people who is new to the genre
Grabs were useless during the original release and they had to actually and they were a fuck ton of infinites that they had to patch too, but even after the patch the game still doesn't run at 60 fps which is death sentence for a fighting game and even worse it has framerate issues (try doing a match of Zeppeli vs Abdul and fill the screen with projectiles and the game will literally start dying in front of your eyes).
Which is sad because you can notice true love for the subject matter like how ridiculously convoluted Pucci is just so that he can have a proper way to transform Whitesnake into C-Moon and MIH, they clearly had priorities to the fanservice over depth and mechanics.

>those vocals

The introduction of Joseph was bloody perfect.

There are unfortunately no instrumental versions of those songs on jewtube.

fuck i meant the grabs were useless at first until the fixed them

>mfw finding out GER isn't effected by MiH

The anime adaptations of the first two parts were as good as if not better than the original manga, but 3 and 4 were/are a lot better in the manga.

I think the future parts will be in the same boat, too.

Why would Giorno be affected, anyway? MiH doesn't affect living things.

i hated the controls

how does MIH work in game? pucci just moves really fucking fast?


>Part 5 anime getting closer every day

pucci speeds up AND the enemy slows down
clock speeds up too

Its fucking great because its got BAOH

Any Pucci webms?

In ASB when MiH is active Pucci speeds up while the opponent is slowed down dramatically. If Giorno has GER he won't be slowed down

Can't wait. Then Part 6 is right after.

I really hope they do Part 7 and Part 8.

The game is shit just like the Jojo anime and manga.

>part 3 anime part deux

call me when 6 or 7 is out

Oh, I thought you meant in the manga itself.

What's he do in EoH? Does he just fly around the map super fast?


art style reminds me of a more flamboyant kazuma kaneko

Ok, narufag.

Because it's a bad... I don't even know what genre to call it, game. Instead of building on ASB they just made some completely different garbage.

Holy shit that's depressing. Not that user but I wasn't aware of this either. Why not just tweak and add onto ASB? That would be cheaper as well right?

That's not even the worst part of the game. The story is fucking stupid, too.

Don't forget that if your teammate dies you can't use a solo special attack

I would honestly feel 100% better if they just made ASB run better, add a half dozen or so characters and a couple new stages and called it a new game.

i hope they explain why the first time GE gets pierced by the arrow doesn't turn him into requiem but a second time does it, when for Polnareff it worked the first time.

dead do not speak

>the first time GE gets pierced by the arrow doesn't turn him into requiem but a second time does it
What do you mean first time? Are you talking about Black Sabatha because if so that wasn't the right stand arrow, that was an arrow that gives people stands not requiem.

>mfw I planned on getting it alongside some few other games when I get Pro
>first Nier now this
>only have Gust games to sell me on this system now
Guess I'll just pirate the PS3 version and stick to that.

Me too, ASB had a few hiccups that needed to be polished but that's it really. I honestly thought this game was exactly that. o-oh well.

Have some fan theory or like said

it was never mention that they are different types of arrow, all arrows are made of the same meteor and it was established in part 4 piercing yourself when you already have a stands gives you a new ability and in part 6 Polnareff establish piercing a stand makes it a requiem.

>tfw you figure out how to play Diavolo well

This theory is retarded. Araki is inconsistent, and BtD happened.