Playing online game

>playing online game
>hear american accent

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No wonder foreign people never shut the fuck up in games

>shitty mud mouth can't speak good English
>strong American accent makes them quiver and mute

Feels good to be me

>Play fantasy game
>Hear southern accent.


Nice try, third-worlder. You're the ones with the accent.

>playing online game
>hear american accent
>instantly type SHART IN MART
>listen to amerifat butthurt

>call someone a faggot or a nigger and start a shitstorm
>alot of people join in and shittalk
>stop talking and listen to the chaos

Its an amazing feeling.

>playing online game
>Hear herman the german speaking
>Sounds of shitting increase in volume alongside moans of pleasure
>Tell him his mic is wigging out
>Begins shouting random gibberish at me
this is why people need to speak american

You don't actually believe this right? Everyone has an accent

>join game
>another midwestern accent
Nothing like vidya with friendly folks after getting drinks and snacks from Hy-vee

American is not an accent because we can actually speak English correctly.

> playing overwatch compedetive
> "pick X come on" in brittish accent
> disconnect and take the loss to save time

>He saves all his images he wants to post

American accents can't differentiate between D's and T's. Also you pronounce Squirrel as 'Skwerl'

>shitskin detected

>playing online game
>some Europe fag gets on and yells SHARTE IN MARTE
>ask what the fuck is commie breath is trying to say
>some commie starts yelling
>tell him to stop being a faggot
>some Canadian gets pussy
>tell him to fuck off to Australia
>all the euros start breathing hard
>original guy forgot to mute his mic and starts fapping loudly to pledge of allegiance
>leave the server


to be fair that's how it's pronounced in ireland n scotland too

English without an accent is called "received pronunciation" and a small number of people from the south of England speak it. If you're American you do not speak in RP so yes you do have an accent. An incredibly annoying and obnoxious one no doubt, especially if you're a female.

Water - Wadder


It sounds like you're the one who has a hard time pronouncing things correctly, by the looks of your post..

you can fuck off back to fucking goats muhammad

Not every female speaks like a bimbo here. Only the mentally retarded do.

>living in a third world country like the usa

>text and speech are the same thing.

Look at this ameritard.

Even the nice and not huehuehue spewing brazilians are awful to listen to, such a trash accent when speaking english

>playing online game
>hear ANY voice

90% of the faggots using mic are attention seeking retards, 9% are tryhards, usually raging, and the last 1% is alright

>playing online game
>hear eurocuck accent

>play fps
>hear kid with british accent

>be American
>in game
>bunch of British guys on mics
>i just call out some enemy positions and shit, they don't seem to mind, get "thanks".
>french guy comes in
>rabid shittalking between them begins

Holy shit. I thought the British hated Americans, but they hate the French so much more.

>be irish
>hear an irish accent over voice
>immediately begin trolling them as soon as possible because all irish people on comms are fucking retarded

They've been killing each other since the Roman times of course the Bongistanians hate the Baguettes.

Nigger if you've ever taken european history you'd understand their hatred.

British hate of the French is just banter, hate of Americans is actually genuine though.

I'm still angry about 1066 tbf

If you mute yourself you're still gonna hear them

I mean i get that, but that was a while ago.
But then again i still hate the south so i guess i can understand

Why do Americans pronounce British as Briddish?

Im curious how you pronounce squirrel user

>hear irish accent
>they spout shit
>ususally form DUBLIN
>they keep going on
>and on

just talk shit about ireland and great about uk most of the time they shut up

why would aspies playing videogames hold a grudge hundreds of years old

not even american niggers really held the slavery grudge until recently

>pronouncing British as British
>not Bri-ish

poncey southerner scum

If you're talking about words like "water" and "butter", that's actually an avleolar tap, not a stop. /t/ and /d/ are a minimal pair in General American and we do distinguish them. The tap only occurs between vowels, similar to how Cockney accents just omit the sound altogether.


What triggers americans? Everytime I shittalk them they just say "nice" or "muted"
I don't get a chance to bant them to hell

Actually we do, just think about how you're talking, most of us default vowels to the "uh" sound in the middle of your throat. We also have a double GG sound replacing a normal G.

>My keys are dangling from my lanyard.
>"Mye keehz err dang-gling frum mye lahn-yerd."

Burgerclap here - honestly, I don't even fucking know. Chances are if you weren't being constructive in voice chat I'd just mute you.

School shootings maybe?

Playing video games isn't a requirement; we have an entire board of people roleplaying as countries and arguing over dumb shit from centuries ago 24/7.

9/11 mostly

Unlike most uncivilized nations, we don't overreact to such petty insults.

>mic setting for game is push to talk
>fart over the mic

why do brits pronounce it bri-ish?

>thinking a country as large as the US only has one accent

>play online games
>hear ANY voices at all in public games/randoms

fuck you faggots

>be in New Zealand
>have to play on Australian servers because corporations are cucks and dont realize NZ has better internet that Fucking Abbott's Australia
>on any F2P game every game is filled to the brim with fucking Filipinos
>instant mute

>go play on USwest server, and try to ignore the ping
>"ay gringo Get the wards"
i guess brown people are idiots wherever you go

what does american accent mean
thats like saying european accent, there are too many to generalize it

Gee i dunno maybe the years of online gaming and the countless shitters that bleed into American servers make me want to auto mute any person who's accent i dont understand