>Bethesda is good at environmental storytelling
Please name a game that actually does this right.
Environmental storytelling
Other urls found in this thread:
>sign inside bathroom says "please wash hands"
>look in sink
>there's a pair of skeletal hands
What story is that telling?
hl1/2 did it best
lol randumb plungers in the toilet bro xD
One of sexual adventures.
Pic related is the all-time king.
dark souls
Dark Souls :o)
100% positive you have no idea what OP is talking about.
>be wasteland wanderer from a vault
>explore the ruins of some brewery
>look for shit to scavenge
>find teddy bears fucking each other on a conveyor belt
>all those teddy bears
>teddy bear in glasses on the toilet reading a newspaper
>gambling teddy bears
>teddy bear performing surgery on another
>he doesn't get it
Kek typical Sup Forums user. Doesn't even get the joke and yet you still hatin.
No you
God damn it don't do this to me, I already replayed Myst 3 earlier this week, I don't need riven on my plate too.
What's going on in this thread?
>Bethesda is good at environmental storytelling
Actually, the ONLY time Bethesda was good at it was with Morrowind.
Half-life 2, Bastion, and in most recent memory The Witcher 3 excelled at environmental storytelling.
Give ONE example of HL2 environmental storytelling, besides the initial train station/surveillance bot
Fallout 3 was fantastic at environmental story telling. That's why you get people arguing
Every F3 vs NV thread.
Mankind Divided
whats with the plungers?
Not that user, and I was skeptical too, but HL2 does have a fair bit of it now that I think about it. There's stuff like that abandoned house by the shore where you can see that a headcrab shell landed and that's how it got destroyed/infected. Nothing super amazing but they did design some of the environments with an "okay, what happened to this place?" touch.
read the thread retard it's like 20 fucking posts long
It's the same shit as the OP image.
>Fallout 3
I played hours and hours of that game and I don't remember much other than occasionally finding skellingtons in poses, like the OP. Sometimes in a tub or sometimes with drugs around them. In general I thought FO3's assets were way too copy-pasted to suggest much of anything other than "someone died here".
the original deus ex had cooperate shilling juxtaposed with hordes of homeless people
wait a minute
the exposition comes at the end, what are you on about.
But none of the replies were real. The only thing I can come up with was they were trapped in there and tried to make a way out with plunger stairs
That's just a nitpicked example that's suppose to show "le wacky meme, doesn't even make any sense" but most of the story telling, atleast in 3 wasn't like that.
>loss of fluidity.jpg
I don't fucking get it
Kill yourself.
>Give ONE example of HL2 environmental storytelling, besides the initial train station/surveillance bot
The ENTIRE setup of that game. The decision to set it up in eastern Europe and the juxtapositioning of the worn-out east european aesthetics with the extremely well designed combine architecture. Virtually every location (with perhaps the exception of Ravenholm) actually communicated the idea of the subdued and totalitarian world perfectly.
>Fallout 3 was fantastic at environmental story telling. That's why you get people arguing
No, it did not. RETARDS think that is a good environmental storytelling because, well, they are retards.
Environments of Fallout 3 are actually the worst thing about it, even worse than the writing and the non-sensical story. It has some of the worst environmental design I've ever seen in an RPG - it was largely rooted in the fact absolutely no thought was even put into the actual settings in the first place.
The fuck are you talking about? Do you even understand what the fuck does "envionmental storytelling" mean?
You must have played in a rush then, since that's the only thing I think Fallout 3 did the best. and the game would have been way too dull to play if there weren't those "now, what happened here" moments everywhere
How many skellingtons in bathtubs with a toaster
maybe upload a bigger image next time
the image is already pretty big
I'm finally getting around to playing Myst V, since I've played all the others and I need to upgrade my comp before Obduction (+ wait for patches).
V hasn't hooked me yet, pretty aimless and talky so far, but the environments are nice.
that the narrator spells everything out for you.
>hit a statue
>the guy is a police
>meet a big enemy
>he is the gang leader
System shock 2 has a lot of dead bodies with a blood spatter and pistol next to them
I really liked it in Skyrim.
>Frostflow lighthouse murder mystery
>frozen camp where people froze to death by the dwemer ruins
>ravaged caravans
Dank memes :)
>Door with fuck you behind it
>Bathroom with all the garden gnomes
Yeah it's pretty simple but it can be effective if done right. I remember finding a couple on their bed with med-x lying all around them, stuff like this is environmental story telling. And like I said if people knew more about game design thats what theyd say instead of 'muh immersion'.
>No, it did not. RETARDS think that is a good environmental storytelling because, well, they are retards.
Kek. The irony.
>Environments of Fallout 3 are actually the worst thing about it,
In your opinion.
>even worse than the writing and the non-sensical story.
In your opinion
>It has some of the worst environmental design I've ever seen in an RPG
In your opinion.
>it was largely rooted in the fact absolutely no thought was even put into the actual settings in the first place.
In your opinion.
Maybe a blog would be more your thing user?
>they gave me (You)s, gotta respond
Kill yourself right now facebook frog fuckface
>Frostflow lighthouse murder mystery
that was quite spooky
i heartily chuckled
I would say dark souls.
It can't tell an actual story for shit, but the levels feel like they had some sort of function before the collapse of whatever society kept all of it together.
>atleast in 3 wasn't like that
Think again.
it's one of the few good things about Beth games, but I feel like FO4 heavily overused the "skeletons/teddy bears in funny positions" thing
Not nearly everything. And environmental storytelling is not just about telling events, it's about establishing the atmosphere and sense of the place, making it feel plausible and belivable.
Yes give me more (you)s
Oh sweet summer child
what happened to this guy?
What you described is artistic direction and aestetic, it has nothing to do with story telling, none of it feels lived in at all, the streets are blocked in every direction it makes no sense how these people get around without resorting to water tunnels and roof parkour
Wouldn't be so big if you owned a 1440p monitor.
100% you have no idea what Op is talking about. and probably has never played HL 2
>spiritual-type (you)
Holy shit, that's some high quality (you)!
Thanks, user!
Seriously just kill yourself and browse facebook in heaven
that one teddy bear in 3 getting sucked off in the factory was pretty unexpected
Why would one cubicle have so many plungers?
>Brickwall (you)
Stop it, you're making me blush
HL2 is fucking filled with environmental storytelling
Idk man, idk. By the way, that facebook frog poster needs to commit suicide as soon as possible, wouldn't you agree?
He had to keep moving.
He got stuck in the stall and had to scale it with plungers
>That feel when Bethesda used the same "Luke stuck in ice" easter egg in both Morrowind and Skyrim.
>2nd-person (you)
Y-You're not hitting on me, are you?
That is some of the most pathetic shit I've read on this board in a good while. Throwing in skeletons arranged perfectly in the position of what they were doing before their death is the equivalent of a writer having consistently having his character flat out state how they feel instead of conveying their emotions through their action or other more subtle ques. And that is literally all that Fallout 3 did: arranged a whole bunch of skeletons in an obvious "LOOK WHAT HAPPENED HERE" fashion.
Meanwhile, nothing in the environments actually made any fucking sense. Even half of the skeleton museums were nonsensical, like having a couple of them arranged on chairs on the overlook of the nuclear blast, somehow kinda forgetting that the wooden chairs would give in to the blast sooner than the people would be killed.
Fallout 3 is a game that had a metro station next to a barn and a farmhouse surrounded on all sides by giant boulders. It was fucking idiotic.
>it has nothing to do with story telling,
It has everything to do with storytelling you fucking moron. How does the choice in which the environments are depicted, choice of details, decors etc... NOT play into telling the player what kind of environment he is in?
Jesus fucking Christ you people are god damn idiots.
And "blocked streets?" WHAT? Are we talking about that game where all you see are fragments of streets of a shattered world hovering in the air?
More like 1-2 and 3. Everything else is cock.
There's some, here and there. But that faggot didn't say that, he said it AND HALF-LIFE 1 did it best, which is fucking retarded.
Why can't he just review videogames?
Re: Y-You're not hitting on me, are you?
I will cum in your ass,
Love, a post ending in 6
The gameplay was shit, and the main story was boring for the first two thirds of the game, but you have to admit the environmental storytelling was pretty spot on throughout.
Oh my~
Why didn't you just type 1-3, instead of 1-2 and 3?
The gameplay wasn't too special but it definitely wasn't shit
Sorry babe, I meant this 6
This represents how my love for you turned my world upside down :)
He took a giant redpill thanks to Sup Forums
The Witcher 3. The hand crafted attention to detail in constructing the world is coherent and logical. Even the dumb Ubisoft-like "blow up monster nest" quests are at the very least placed in locations that are contextually relevant (abandoned war sites, scortched earth, places of conflict, ruined villages, etc). The art and writing team did a really good job of giving everything within the world a sense of presence and history, giving strong and believable visual clues as to how battles played and what is happening across the landscape.
I don't like a lot of things in the game but the environment and art design relative to narrative is pretty goddamn amazing, and quite an accomplishment for a huge open world team to work together with such coherency, given it would have been built fragmented.
Because he meant to call out his 3 as opposed to this 5
Because the third shouldn't be near the first ones. But it's far less cock than the fourth or the 'murican ones.
I would say Dishonored and all the Bioshock games had pretty good environmental storytelling
the plungers = dicks thing doesnt even make sense. she couldnt even reach half of them in that picture
Yeah, when it comes to environmental storytelling, The Witcher games have been always good, but TW3 really nailed it. Especially in Velen, where you can quaite literally reconstruct the entire history of the last few months, down to army movement, time-line of skirmishes and attacks before the last final battle, and the positions and role of the refugee's in all of that just by looking around the terrain. It's absolutely amazing and goes largely unnoticed, sadly.
But you placed them all in the same category "not cock".
>That is some of the most pathetic shit I've read on this board in a good while.
The hyperbole it hurts.
>And that is literally all that Fallout 3 did: arranged a whole bunch of skeletons in an obvious "LOOK WHAT HAPPENED HERE" fashion.
Some of the only exposition for the raiders was the placement of set pieces and gear in F3. Finding hideouts and caches such as that radio distress call were throughout the wasteland. And despite what your opinion was they were super effective. You ignored my point being that that is why the 'muh immersion' argument is so strong among F3 apologists.
>Meanwhile, nothing in the environments actually made any fucking sense.
Your arguing taht the environmental storytelling has to be a cohesive whole,thats not corrects at all. I't one way to do it however Bethesda almost always uses it to tell small stories in a big world. The bigger lore stuff is expanded upon in other ways such as books or dialogue.
Dishonored is deserted cities everywhere. Everywhere. Somehow every living man, child and woman makes their living as a guard.
Bioshock while pretty only serves its purpose of being an FPS. Business locations don't make sense. You never feel you're in a city. Just a game level.