Who hype for the 1.1 update?
Holy shit I can't wait to start on that lake farm.
Who hype for the 1.1 update?
Holy shit I can't wait to start on that lake farm.
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Comfiest game ever.
I cant get into this game like other farming simulators.
Is there something to do other than just plant Parsnips all day long ?
Who comfy genderswaps here?
I kind of like the idea of the new farms but I also struggle to see the point.
You can be done with this game in one year and only have to catch the spring and summer rare fish that you'll most certainly have missed plus ship some crops you can't get in year one, maybe grind out whatever artifacts you didn't find but that hardly counts as content.
Past year two there's literally fuck all to do, I have 303 ancient fruit plants growing and turning it all into wine and every week is just sleep till the fruits spawn, put them all into kegs and repeat.
Apparently the game adds some new and expensive buildings, but the mill just seems utterly pointless unless they decide to make wheat and sugar WAY more expensive to buy in shops.
Also whoever calls this a comfy game is a fucking liar, game is fucking stressful minmaxing your energy and time per day to get everything done, and small mistakes can be the difference between a full 5 floors in the mine or a bunch of fucking wasted time.
If only...
>Plays football
I mean... it just doesn't fucking work.
Is that censoring?
I like the game so much that I'm tempted to buy it and take a break from my pirated version...but Chucklefuck will also get that cash. Quite a dilemma.
>Also whoever calls this a comfy game is a fucking liar, game is fucking stressful minmaxing your energy and time per day to get everything done, and small mistakes can be the difference between a full 5 floors in the mine or a bunch of fucking wasted time.
You're choosing to stress yourself out over self-imposed time limits by being anal over min-maxing. There's no actual limit, so you're free to do things at your own pace.
I enjoy min-maxing profits and stuff too, but you have to realize that it's you as the player making it stressful, not the game itself.
>excusing your personal greed as "i don't want to support le publishers"
doesn't matter either way because ape is a multimillionaire by now, but you're just deluding yourself sempai
What's coming?
I stopped keeping up with the game shortly before Ape made wines/jams less cost-efficient and harder to produce
I literally dropped this meme game not even one year completed.
I saw literally no reason to expand my farm beyond my initial setup. Which was quite literally a 3x4 "farm".
Why even play the game, its like a life simulator. I live with the bare minimum.
Is there a polygamy mod yet?
I'm excited. It's nothing game changing, but it gives me a reason to go through it again. Once I got all of my sprinklers set up and got married the game's draw wore off really fast. I made it to the third year and got the statue from the grandfather's ghost, but I basically dropped the game right after. I'm actually more excited for the multiplayer that hopefully will come out at some point. I have no idea how it will work, but the idea of doing chores and getting a farm going with another person sounds fun. Especially since the plot of land they give you is massive. Even with a fuck ton of crops and all of the buildings I still had a giant spot of land where someone else could've easily lived/worked.
Anyone know when the update will be released? Also, any word on what the late game stuff the developer mentioned will be? The end-game really loses steam fast, so new stuff to work towards would be cool.
You're a fucking dumbass if you haven't found anything but farming to do
>wanting to support schemeing, swindling, lying and incompetent cunts at Chucklefuck
It isn't about my "personal greed". It's knowing that instead of that money going to just the one developer for his hard work a cut goes to those assholes. No fucking way do I want them to continue after the shitshow called Starbound happened for the past four years. Fuck Chucklefuck.
My highschool had a girl's team
They were fucking shit, obviously, but they had a lot of fun so it's not all bad.
>lake farm
My nigga.
Probably put the cat over the faces that were so cute he wanted you to see them in game
why not user?
isn't this game basically Undertale 2? I've not heard much I'll admit.
You do realise they helped him advertise and fund the game before it was released right?
Without Chucklefuck it may have taken many more years, or not come out at all.
Whats new? Will I be able to marry best girl?
What mods are absolutely necessary if I want to play this? What are some you recommend?
u wot
adventure into the mines
pickaxe rocks
acquire valuable ores
craft sweet-ass sprinkler system
farm runs itself
build barns
fill them with animal girls
frolic in the fields with them
>There's no actual limit
There was until casual trash whined about it so they nerfed the ending requirements and let you get re-evaluated later like some bitch.
The game imposes a time constraint and limits your resources, it's by definition a stressful experience simply due to those elements and while you can cover your eyes and plug your ears and pretend that nothing matters, that doesn't make the actual game 'comfy'
>isn't this game basically Undertale 2?
I don't know how it would be. The only similarities between the two is that they both are indie, pixel art games that try to replicate a feeling older games provided (Earthbound and Harvest Moon).
Otherwise they aren't really anything alike. Stardew Valley is basically just an indie Harvest Moon with a couple added mechanics (basic combat, leveling stats, crafting items, etc). It's pretty good despite a few issues. For like a fifteen dollar game I got 80 hours out of it.
>Marrying someone with the "I have daddy issues" hairstyle
There's a reason Nature has dangerous things in bright and unnatural colours like that.
Did he say anything about Multiplayer?
Something to change the tumblr art style, choose any portrait mod of your choice
Honestly none, there's some like a mod that shows you villager locations so you don't have to run around town blindly hoping you'll run into them, and a mod that adds villagers favorite gifts at their birthday icon on the calendar.
I also liked the mod that shows you how far you are towards the next skill level.
Best Jew farm is going to be the mining farm and going full Joja to get the Greenhouse in summer 1.
She has nice personality but the way she looks is offputting. Animu girl in non-animu setting like.
I wot?
was really waiting on this game until they pandered to sjw instead
I think I remember in a recent interview that he hopes to get multiplayer out next year. So who knows. I'm mostly curious about how it will work since tons of things pause time in the game like talking to people.
It would be kinda shit if it's only multiplayer while on the farm. I want to be able to see other people interacting with villagers or go to festivals.
This is a game user, not real life.
Not until next year, also I completely fail to see why you'd even want multiplayer, there's barely enough to do for one player let alone a second.
>tfw no mod to NTR Caroline away from that shopcuck
And when was this? This is perhaps the most SJW unfriendly game in recent memory, the only thing they did which you could possibly construe as pandering is that butchering got cut from the game.
Their dialogue is so fucking confusing. Caroline mentions that Abigail was born before she met Pierre, then Pierre says he's 'not sure' Abigail is his daughter... how the fuck does that even work?
The only one getting NTR here is you, she is having sex every night.
>Also whoever calls this a comfy game is a fucking liar, game is fucking stressful minmaxing your energy and time per day to get everything done
Yeah, if you try to finish it in one year.
I was excited about 6 months ago
Am I the only one who thinks that Jodi wants you to hit on her? I totally would. Although I wouldn't want to NTR that soldier dude.
Anybody that dyes their hair non-natural attention seeking hair colours like blue, purple, pink is a sign they have some fucked issues.
>Not until next year, also I completely fail to see why you'd even want multiplayer, there's barely enough to do for one player let alone a second.
Not that guy but:
>Exploring the mine with another person
>Entering the fishing competition and actually having to beat a player
>Racing to get to the prize during the halloween festival
>Fishing at the beach while talking
>Competing to marry a character first
>Syncing up crops so that you can split them up and ship more types
>One person raises ducks, one person raises rabbits
>Looking over your field to see your friend and his wife outside their house
Sure, the content wouldn't last very long with two people going at it, but it'd still be fun. My first playthrough of the game took 80 hours, so even if having another person split the time in half that'd still be like 40 hours.
co-op when?
>Although I wouldn't want to NTR that soldier dude.
>That one letter he sends you saying he found this in his shed and thought you might like it
>It's a fucking bomb
>The game imposes a time constraint and limits your resources
And all of this can only ever create stress in the context of *your* own goals and aspirations.
>tfw sharing the farm
>tfw fighting over who plants where
What are they adding in the new update?
No, Pierre is literally a cuck as it's all but explicitly stated that Abigail is the Wizard's daughter.
You get to rim Linus.
He sensed my impure thoughts about his wifey.
Check the blog. Basic gist of it is:
>New farm types that focus on skills, such as a farm with lots of rivers or a farm that gets invaded by monsters at night
>Two new romance possibilities, the one lazy Joja worker and that blue haired chick
>New buildings
>New villager scenes
>New married stuff
>More expensive late game stuff
Why does no one ever talk about the developer? This dude used to rip tickets and over the course of 4 years he made this game, and it made 30+ million dollars what the ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff............
Wait what? where?
Fuck off, underage idiot.
I heard he clubs baby seals
I don't want to think about him because he makes me jelly as fuck.
>and it made 30+ million dollars
Source? I'd be happy to hear it was successful since I loved it, but that's a pretty crazy number.
And I think it's cool. Guy made a good game that tapped into the stuff I adored about older Harvest Moon games. And on top of it he's working on big updates for an already released product. So the developer is cool in my book.
no, that's hilarious that your blood pressure rose from that. like i affected your heart bro
>Exploring the mine together
Literally the only thing that seems appealing, though I might as well play Terraria for something like that
>Fishing competition
>Aka who gets the best RNG wins!
Sounds shit
>Racing to get the prize
Why? You share the farm so it really doesn't fucking matter, you could do literally the same shit in any multiplayer game and have some arbitrary race from point to point.
>Fishing at the beach while talking
Why would I need to share a game with someone to do this? It'll need to be voice chat as well so that makes sharing the medium even less needed.
>Competing to marry a character first
That's a pretty specific and frankly odd idea, you'd need two people trying to marry the same person and somehow secure better gifts than the other, but considering the means to acquire them is so set you'd almost always end in a draw.
honestly man that's just a lot of stupid shit that the game really doesn't need, and there's just better games for it.
The game sold over a million copies. That's all I know for sure.
Right and by that logic not a single game ever made isn't comfy, they're all comfy as stress is only ever self induced.
No, a game with a strict time constraint, even just the daily timer to get your shit done before the end of the day is something that utterly rejects the idea that this game is comfy. Journey is comfy, this game is charming/entertaining/fun or whatever, but it's hardly comfy.
>I hate fun
TL;DR me on this update.
don't get me wrong man its incredible, i look up to the guy. he has an interview floating around somewhere and they ask him how did you keep it up for so long? and hes like "i just knew i was destined for greatness."
what the fffffffffffffffffffffffffff.................. kek
Hey, opinions man. What can I say, I think it'd be fun to do that shit with another person. The game certainly isn't balanced around it, but I think it could be neat. Yeah, all of that stuff could be done in another game or through some other medium. But if it's coming to Stardew Valley already then there's no reason not to try it if you want that kind of experience.
It's already in the works, and I'm sure it's just an optional feature. So it's not like the game is hurt by its inclusion.
Caroline mentions something about her an Abigail before she met Pierre, the Wizard has a rare line about having a child with one of the villagers, and Abigail tells you that since she dyed her hair purple it stayed that way and she can't even remember when she last dyed it.
The game is full of shit like this, like one of Penny's events if you choose specific options Vincent will basically say some shit that implies he saw Penny and Sam having sex (or rather, it's Penny's response to what he says that really gives it away)
>Having sex
He said he saw them in a tree.
>>Two new romance possibilities, the one lazy Joja worker and that blue haired chick
All I want is to bone Caroline and NTR her husband for the second time
>He doesn't have any friends to play with
>he fell for the meme
He also saw her sneaking into his room late.
Someone needs to make a mod of this
It's pretty hilarious considering this game's outcome was fantastic yet that FF sprite stealing piece of shit's game with the same timeframe and an even bigger budget is still a turd but polished a bit. There needs to be more comfy farm games like this.
>Right and by that logic not a single game ever made isn't comfy, they're all comfy as stress is only ever self induced.
Bullshit. The game is "comfy" specifically because you get to set your own goals. This is not a characteristic of every game.
>No, a game with a strict time constraint,
There is none. As you said yourself earlier, the ultimate time limit doesn't exist anymore.
>even just the daily timer to get your shit done before the end of the day is something that utterly rejects the idea that this game is comfy.
That's nonsense too. You can let the days pass by, just like in the Sims or Terraria. Getting your shit done is a self-imposed ambition, not a restriction by the game. "Daily timers" in general are in no way an *inherent* rejection of relaxing gameplay.
Have you ever tried having sex in a tree?
Sam was 'holding her' while she was 'climbing a tree' and her response is to immediately blush and nuke the conversation.
But sure user, it was nothing at all :^)
why would she shut down the conversation then
what was the last game you played for fun user? you seem like the kind of person who needs to optimize everything in order to live, kinda what i used to be a few years ago. games are supposed to be hobbies, not stressful situations
>Nothing at all
I didn't say that. I said they were climbing a tree. Which is clearly not sex.
Try having sex in a tree sometime
Look man, I could see this work in multiplayer if you could have like two competing farms, or one person being the community and the other being Joja and somehow struggling for dominance. I just don't think this game has the content for multiplayer, as I said initially there is barely enough shit to do by yourself.
If you double jew co-op you'd be richer than the pope before the end of the first year.
you think these man children enjoy things? only while they're playing it maybe, when they're on the chan it's comment time!!! NEGATIVITY NEGATIVITY NEGATIVITY
i like talking to game devs cause they're so damn positive and energetic for the most part
Can I marry all the girls at once?
Eh, I don't know about Penny actually fucking Sam. I think the game kind of set up these default romances and then you swoop in to steal one of them.
They wouldn't be screwing outdoors in a tree, man. They're probably on a date, getting close, and Penny got embarrassed about it because you, the player, who she likes right now are right there listening to it.
Because you're there and she likes you, girls do this in real life too even if nothing happened.
Not that guy, but who says it has to last a long time? It'd be fun to just dominate the game and create a massive farm with a friend even if it means the content runs out quickly. All that means is that you'll just get a shorter, but still fun, multiplayer experience.
I got my 80 hours out of the game. I'm fine with it not lasting for another 80 hours with a friend. Besides, I doubt I could keep a friend interested that long anyway. Just being able to plow through content with a buddy is enough to be fun.
Answer the question faggot. They weren't 'in a tree' they Sam was holding Penny up as she was 'climbing a tree' I.e Sam was fucking her up against a Tree and she was bracing against the trunk.
Are you legitimately autistic or just socially retarded to be so utterly incapable of catching blatantly obvious cues.
>multiplayer implemented
>you can romance other player's spouse
>you can destroy competitor's crops
make it happen
Even if they didn't have sex they probably made out or did something raunchy. She cheated on you
Why are you so against it, Ape isn't the one working on the MP so the extra content isn't fucked because of it, not only that, it is 100% optional if you don't want to use it, go right ahead, doesn't mean you have to act like it's the devil or some shit.
Also I am pretty sure it isn't meant for the people who min/max everything in the game, more a casual experience to have fun__ with
Stardew Valley: Meet 'N Fuck when??
i can't wait to marry my depressed alcoholic husbando
Unironically Stardew Valley just this week user, I had quite a lot of fun actually, but I don't derive fun from being 'comfy' and your cliche'd tripe has little to do with the arguments I've raised. A game that ties objectives to a strict time-frame is just not comfy, HM games aren't comfy either unless you're literally just dicking around, but you can ignore the objective in ANY game and just get comfortable.
Can you hire him as a farm hand yet?
You just watch too much porn.