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What went wrong?

the Fact that it boasted as "Uncrackable"

and now 80% of the DRM games are now cracked and counting

Fun Fact: Devs of ABZU paid 100K to DRM their game and it got cracked in 3 days

expect lawsuits


>the Fact that it boasted as "Uncrackable"
I was going to tell you what a fucking idiot you are, but apparently this guy beat me to it.

Why are you people incapable of keeping track of basic facts of the industry, but still feel entirely justified to make big claims like this?

>Piracy on the ropes
>Sales window

well those failed since new DRM games get cracked in days

Anything else?

And i dont need to justify shit, i pirate because i can and nothing can stop me

>poorfags and degenerate thieves will never play this game

Where did i heard that line before?

DOOM perhaps?

>Fun Fact: Devs of ABZU paid 100K to DRM their game and it got cracked in 3 days expect lawsuits

Why though? Denuvo was never actually cracked at that point, but rather it was Steam's own incompetence that allowed it to happen.

it's not worth until they release the full game

>Damage control

Look it up lad

>doom finally cracked after 6 months
>piratefags are going to be checking their torrent sites everyday until then

Denuvo isn't DRM. It's anti-tamper that prevents DRM from being cracked. DRM like Steam.

Denuvo failed to detect Steam being fucked with. Its one job and it failed.

Saved money to buy better games

now what's your next rebuttal Goldberg

>saved his monthly allowance to buy better games :^)

The only game for which Denuvo failed to secure the sales window is ABZU, and that was just because of extremely unlucky timing.

And no one gives a shit whether you pirate or not, you should just stop acting smug over your own illiterate account of events.

Yet you create Denuvoshill threads 24/7

He was so young.

The fuck are you talking about?

Reminder that you latecomers don't matter, and that the industry only cares about the early sales, which you are never a part of to begin with. Games and movies live or die on the early intake.

>We have gone through basically every studio and asked for financing, and they are not interested. I think that the first movie made its budget back, and a little bit of profit, but then it was very very big on video and DVD. The story repeated itself with the second already, it made its money back at the box office, but a small margin of profit in the release of the theatrical print, but was very very big on DVD and video. Sadly now from a business point of view all the studios view the project as dangerous.

Try making better games and then maybe you wont get such shitty sales f4om your "projects".

>he unironically says this on Sup Forums, while all of Sup Forums's favorite games are japanese games that barely sell or are irrelevant compared to all the highest selling games that Sup Forums hates

>Sup Forums is sales
>Sup Forums matters at all
Top cuck

>anime poster is a delusional retard

only Sup Forums bitch about piracy while Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums don't give two shits if anyone pirates get over this it's like watching who dick ride what company now


>playing pump and dump games
>any year

jesus fuck, why not just buy a console then if people are going to be that fucking casual

Really makes you think

Those industries don't have DRM programs attached to their products.

Sup Forums doesn't bitch cause it a niche market that is overpriced
Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums don't bitch about it cause it has normies and nerds buying that shit
Sup Forums bitches about it cause the industry and #4theplayers are a bunch a fags
Video game community is just sorry as fuck state, I wish it would just die already


DRM Cause nothing but shitposts and bullshit

of course thats because the movie/tv/music industries don't put extremely draconian and invasive DRM on their products

probably because their old enough to now it doesn't work and they already make enough money anyway

basically the video game industry is just fucked

>CPY cracked Battlefield Hardline, Lords of the Fallen, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Doom
>Reloaded hasn't crack anything in a year

CPY are truly legends of our time uh?

The faster this shit dies out completely the better

Fuck anything that limits modding capabilities and potentially prevents a legitimate game from being played in the future if servers are down


Damn Straight

I remember several years ago when some record company (might've been Sony) tried putting anty-piracy protection on their CDs, but were called out for installing hidden files when you played them on your computer.

People freaked out because music is more mainstream, but nobody cares enough to make game companies stop because it's still a nerd hobby.

I don't understand why some of you guys still justify Piracy when PC games are cheap and you can easily refund them?


Lords of the Fallen (CRACKED)
Dragon Age: Inquisition (CRACKED)


Battlefield: Hardline (CRACKED)
Batman: Arkham Knight (CRACKED)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (CRACKED)
FIFA 16 (Workaround)
Anno 2205 (CRACKED)
Star Wars Battlefront
Just Cause 3


Rise of the Tomb Raider (CRACKED)
Far Cry Primal (CRACKED)
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
EVE: Gunjack
The Climb
Edge of Nowhere
Homefront: The Revolution
Need for Speed
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
Total War: Warhammer
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
The Division
Friday the 13th: The Game
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Star Citizen
Battlefield 1
Dishonored 2
Titanfall 2
Dead Island 2
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3
F1 2016
Champions of Anteria
Planet Coaster
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
Fernbus Simulator

>Playing the game 5 months after it was released

>Homefront 2 was a flop
>Mankind Divided underperformed
>Far Cry Primal flopped
>Mirrors Edge 2 flopped
>BF Hardline flopped
>Hitman flopped

Those poor things.

What for?
To put up with the performance issues that all games nowadays have?
For the bugs?
For the DLC that would make me pay twice the amount of the game?

GOTY version on G2A, that's the most I can give, sorry.

5 months after release is the ideal time to play a game because it has all DLC and already received several patches that increase performance, fix bugs and add Vulkan or DirectX12 functionality which means the player can enjoy the game to the fullest at smooth 60 fps.

>Not staying behind on purpose to avoid bugs, bullshit DLC and falling for hype

nigga the crack will come in less than 1-2 months

>playing a game after everything has been discovered or spoiled, and there is no longer any discussion of it to be had anywhere

They are missing dat performance, dat abrupt, sequel and DLC-bait ending.

Very glad it's underperforming, bad jobs, bad ports and bad videogames deserve bad reception.

doom took 6 months. What makes you think that Deus Ex will take less than that?

>there is no longer any discussion of it to be had anywhere

I play videogames, talking about them is a waste of time.

CPY are on a fucking roll. So far it has been every two weeks then they randomly crack a game.


>sour grapes

y-y-y-yeah i-i dont w-w-want this game e-e-e-e-either

You are missing out this kinogame, goys.

basically it's already cracked, but they are not releasing it yet for some reason, same for the other games.

Then why are you here?

This anons, it's obvious you just wish to play this great videogame.

To shitpost.

There's no legitimate discussion to be had in Sup Forums
I mean, look at this, we have a bunch of fat virgins spamming threads about a DRM.

There's nothing of value in here, and there will never be.
It's the internet equivalent of popping a GTA game and shooting and destroying everything you find in your way for 30 minutes.

>more sourgrapes

you def won't be pposting in the crack thread, right?

Every 15 days they release a new crack. 1st Rise of Tomb Raider, 2nd Inside, 3rd Doom.

It's only a matter of time until Mankind Divided. CPY has an automated process to disable all Denuvo triggers, they can essentially crack any Denuvo game they want.

>They think there isn't DRM on DVDs/Bluray/streaming sites such as Netflix

A crack for Deus Ex when?

No because Deus Ex has always been baby's first philosophy class, where it pretends to be something more than it is, but in the end you are just fighting evil illuminatis.

It's a horrible franchise, just like all story focused videogames.

steam reviews are actually less informed than posts here which is incredible

What the fuck is ABZU? Never heard of this shit

Wow Blows my mind!!!

The game is unfinished and it's a terrible PC port, both of which are true.

yeah well on Netflix you don't pay 60 bucks for a movie either...

yeah and who told you that? the uninformed steam reviews? i take back my previous post.

>Ethernet cable dies
>Okay fine, while I wait for my new one to ship in, I'll play Deus Ex Mankind Divided
>Steam is offline, cause, duh
>Game is installed
>I have launched it multiple times
>You need to be online to play this game
>I paid for this game

Fuck Denuvo. Fuck anybody that defends Denuvo.

Piracy has been justified.

Anything on Netflix has already been ripped and torrented, or will be soon if it's a new series.

How are they uninformed?
Because you don't like the truths they say?
It's a bad videogame, simple as that.

Meh, they can do whatever they want, it's been a long while since I bought something from the Steam store instead of G2A or Instant Gaming.

I'm happy knowing that my money goes towards getting 3 bottles of Vodka to some random slav bro.

>piratefags are this delusional and desperate

Steam reviews simply ride the bandwagon just like this place.

if you think a game is uncrackable youre fucking retarded and probably love consoles.

They wouldn't be all saying the same if it wasn't truth, which it is.
It's a bad videogame, and an even worse port.

The sales have slowed down to a crawl at 300k, which is more than it deserves, but i'm glad it's getting a bad reception.


>what is the playdate

>basically it's already cracked
>Game crashes after Dubai intro
Literal cuck


Jesus christ. Source?

Whatever DRM Ubisoft had that they used with AC2 and HAWX 2 managed to make those two games last uncracked far longer than any game with the ''uncrackable'' DRM.

I won't respect a scam designed to steal money from developers by scaremongering em.
Steam already solved piracy as best as it can be solved at a ridiculous point they got BRS to buy games.
That's something absolutely impossible, like running Crysis on a 3DO, yet the madman did it.

>Its bad

Even your stupid images disprove that

so like other attempts it bashed it's head continuously against that immeasurable immovable wall that is piracy and died

rather than undermining it and making owning games literally more convenient than the alternative

boy can't wait for the next attempt because these fuckers never learn

No shit. But "It's been pirated" is different from "Movie and music companies don't care about piracy and don't use DRM, information should be free, install Gentoo". They absolutely do care. TV show and movie producers are also the most on the ball for chasing down pirated copies and knocking them on the head, and everyone knows how litigious music labels can be when it comes to piracy.

In the first week, on steam alone. lol.


Hey, if you buy it, you may get to Prague without crashing.

Respect the rightful opinions of the consumers.

I'm not saying it's uncrackable. Obviously given enough time, any denuvo game can be cracked, but to say that it will be cracked within the next 2 weeks is fuckin delusional and laughable. All these recent cracks have been 6 months after release.

What do you mean by, unfinished user? I've been living under a rock

>in the first week
Sorry, I think the game came out about 3 weeks ago.

Anyway, it should have sold far less.
It's obvious this videogame it's made by people who have no idea of what they are doing, and thus, they don't deserve money.

>They wouldn't be all saying the same if it wasn't truth, which it is.

>implying people dont just parrot what they see on youtube

at this stage I'm beginning to wonder what you're getting out of this

Literally in the image you posted right here they said the game is good.

Rest in piss.

I used to come here ten years ago because I enjoyed it, now I'm just here to watch it burn and post in CRPG threads.

Talking to neo-Sup Forums about video games is a gigantic waste of time.

So, your entire arguments rely on a theory?

If it was good, he would have given it a positive review though.
Put down like an ill dog.

Maybe by 2017 it will surpass the sales of that smartphone Deus Ex port.

jesus is warhammer really not cracked yet? wtf

>The sales have slowed down to a crawl at 300k
Wishful thinking

I live in Australia. Nothing is cheap. Only idiots pay money for media here.

>Respect the rightful opinions of the consumers.

So Call of Duty Clack Ops is a better game than Dark Souls 3