Is there any good immersive open world game where you basically build your own shelter, hunt to survive, etc?

Is there any good immersive open world game where you basically build your own shelter, hunt to survive, etc?

I played The Forest recently and it was pretty nice with the building system, but the mutant shit really ruined it for me.

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Wurm was pretty popular a few years ago here

here pussy

You can turn the mutants off, type "Veganmode" at the main menu


>and other hostilities like sharks or starving, etc.

That ruins it even worse.

minecraft with pixelmon mod u faggot

The mutants and cannibals aren't even that challenging, especailly once you have a base.

>i want to survive
>i don't want to deal with starvation or any threats at all

There's UnReal Word, but it's 2D and "turn-based".

> hunt to survive

I said the mutants were what ruined it for me. Not beasts and animals. And this also implies I want a food/drink system.

Veganmode tuns the game into a sorefest where all you do is build and then quit.

Do you have problems with reading comprehension, user?
It's ok, we won't laugh if you do.

Arma 3 with mods. Find a low pop server so people don't bully you. Avoid zombie mods unless you want to deal with hordes of niggers.


7 days to die?

Maybe stranded deep? I haven't played it but it looks like it could be good

I wouldn't recommend UnReal World. It's extremely tedious to play. Not worth the effort.

That looks pretty nice, shame the island looks super small tho. Gonna try that out I guess and maybe Unreal world.

Good luck man

If the game being in first person isn't a requirement then I recommend rimworld

OP explicitly said he didn't like the cannibals, you really think he would like the game breaking hordes that come every 7 days?


ARK is fun if your computer can handle it

Instead of mutants you get a variety of nice/bloodthirsty dinosaurs that will cuddle/murder you

Just make sure you find a server with some multipliers, the game takes some dedication, also look into Primitive+ and TheCenter map as they are both good official dlc

Primitive+ takes out all the late game bullshit that established clans have and adds in a whole new layer of end game stuff

>watch Frankie play arma 3 all the time
>tons of PvE adventures that look fun
>wish I could do it, but don't want to be by myself
>all my friends who own arma 3 only want to play Exile and do PvP

feels bad

Life is Feudal isn't... the worst.

the world in Stranded Deep is auto generationed with a seed so it's not always what you see in pics online.

Ark is currently the better one. Pirate it, since the devs love to fuck it's customers in the ass by releasing an expansion for a game that's not even out of early access.

Expansion? Pretty sure Primitive + and Center are free mods that got made official

What other shit is there?

Frankie is special, he gets the most cinematic and absolutely perfect gaming situations ever and records them for people

I dont know how he does it, it seems almost too perfect and it doesn't look staged

but the building is not very in depth at all

with no threat there's 0 point

Its staged partially, the server is private, and the people all have roles, then they just go do whatever, certain events are pre-ordaned, and the outcome is completely random, like battles will happen, but who wins is really just up to the people who were the best

Stranded Deep is OK if you like the ocean

Just play Terraria like everyone else