hi, Sup Forums
what is the killiest ranged weapon for a RAmar?
hi, Sup Forums
what is the killiest ranged weapon for a RAmar?
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Fuck I miss playing this game. Granted I only played Phantasy Star Offline, I still made it pretty high. I think I was 170ish HUcast.
You want the rappy fan and you also want to switch to a better class.
What's a better class? I suck with HUmar because I get hit too much, and I hate the casters.
Ayy, does Sup Forums still have a discord for the Ephinea server?
Don't worry, you weren't the only one. I don't think I ever bothered raising a char above whatever level you got to by finishing it twice, doe. 50 or so.
yeah but it's relatively dead desu, we didn't post it for a while and most of the guys got bored and left :(
I want to go back, but people are going to ask where I was
Spread needle duh
Thanks for weaponolas, Cyan.
You da illest broh.
you'll be fine!
Get charge vulcans and a god or heavenly battle. Thats ephinea right?
>TFW just played this on emulator with my brother last night when he was over
now only if I could be happy again
>on emulator
>when there is a PC native version that you could have played online
You're a twisted man.
local co-op, man
does pc support that?
heaven striker
Yeah. It's called a Local Area Network. Been a thing for a very long time, my friend.
Of course even easier than playing on a LAN is just playing online. If you wanna keep unknowns out of your game you can just put a password on it.
>1/30000000+ chance of dropping
What the fuck!
Someone just got a heaven striker FUCK
the rates aren't that low... its lowest rate is 1/3900
>better class
>than RAmar
Nice try Satan.
I can't speak for episode 4 but in 1&2 all you need is yasminkov9000, frozen shooter and spread needle. Charge Vulcans with hit for the dps if you want.
>no special attack
Shifta and Deband are all you need for solo.