What are you excited for? What are you expecting?
I hope we get more JRPGs and FF7R news.
What are you excited for? What are you expecting?
I hope we get more JRPGs and FF7R news.
Disappointment since DMC 5 won't happen.
New Danganronpa V3 and NieR Automata release date.
Also interested in whatever Square's new Action game is.
Wild arms sequel
literally all I am hoping for. Won't get it.
An announcement of the new From and Japan Studio collaboration would be sensational, but realistically, it's probably too early at this point.
new ps vita
will never happen though
devil survivor 3
>What are you excited for
The Last Guardian
Do any other Sup Forumsirgins want to meet at the Tokyo Gameshow Saturday and become best friends after?
From the Sony preshow, really only Danganronpa V3.
From TGS in general, a new Shinji Mikami game, wouldn't even mind if it's TEW2 and some core RE7 gameplay that's not another tape, I want to see the combat.
Overall, I expect comfy times laughing at the poor translators as they audibly turn the pages and freak out.
What was announced last year? I can't remember so it must have been nothing but mobage.
What are some big reveals that happened at TGS? Can't help but think it'll be the same stuff we've already seen..
Chapter 3
Nioh for one. Gravity Rush 2.
Nioh's big public resurrection and the reveal of GR2 were probably the biggest things of TGS last year.
I want more From x Sony Japan. This combo is really good.
I hope all the rumours about it being sci-fi/horror akin to Alien (Which'd fit into Miyazaki saying one of From's three new projects is quite weird and out-there) turn out to be true.
Just waiting for daddy sony to shove some monster hunter in my ass. GIVE IT TO ME DADDY!! GIVE IT TO ME GOOD!!!
>monster hunter
Well with Nintendo dead, where else would monhun go?
Mobile, duh.
>Well with Nintendo dead
Didn't the MonHun family 4 sell better than the MonHun 3 family?
>Deep Down is still likely dead
We still have Lily Bergamo.
>Deep Down died
>Lily Bergamo might as well have died
Kojima likes taking people on ruse cruises. It's like he enjoys making trailers more than games. I expect to see some more Death Stranding.
Nintendo is alienating a lot of their console fanbase at the moment with their prioritization of the mobile market at the moment. Not only that, but last gen Sony was struggling. Now they have a very strong hold of the market, so developing for their console now is safer than it was a few years ago.
So why exactly did Sony let Capcom take MonHun and skip happily away into the sunset? Retaining that shit could've potentially turned the Vita's fortunes around.
Sony was bleeding money and Vita was a lost cause. Uncharted couldn't save it. Gravity Rush couldn't save it. Killzone: Mercenaries couldn't save it. Tearaway couldn't save it. Fucking CoD couldn't save it. The Vita had many big franchises on it along with its own new exclusive IPs like Freedom Wars and Soul Sacrifice, but non of them could save it. Sony wasn't going to waste money convincing Capcom it wasn't a failed product.
i dont really know what i want other than nioh release date/ more gameplay shown, FFXV, persona 5 stuff and probably some other stuff i am forgetting
My favourite time of the year. I want to see Ni No Kuni II and Dragon Quest XI (PS4 version) gameplay and of course lots of JRPG announcements.
The new FromSoftware exclusive IP