>"Hey user, bring here those videogames you have, your little cousins want to play"
"Hey user, bring here those videogames you have, your little cousins want to play"
Everytime this happens that little spoiled shit doesn't give a single fuck about learning the games' mechanics and ends up passing me the controller when he has a hard time with some obstacles... when i was his age and visited my older cousin and played vidya with him i would always put effort in what i was doing, trying to learn how the game worked and adapting to it... nowadays this fuggin kid only plays pokemon on his 3ds (which his parents bought him as soon as it came out) complaying as soon as they can't get past a level...
"Here's Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball"
>being this buttmad
>on a saturday
take a chill pill, friendo
Pokemon is great. But yeah Oras and z and y were easy. Still fun games. Did he beat them?
Its Sunday niggnog
is he dead
What the fuck
My answer always was "Buy your own god damn games"
Their parents agreed and started going on about working hard and bullshit like that.
Real reason I didn't want o let them play was because majority of the games are questionable weeb games.
This is why I will never get a job
wtf I hate jobs now
What the fuck even happened there? What is this?
And is it wrong to laugh at it? Not evebn edgy, I just find it kinda hilarious how humans, the most intelligent species on earth, fucks itself up with weird shit like that.
Nice thread guys
wearing loose clothing around machinery you edgy faggot
Jesus christ
Delete this.
>little 7&8 year old cousins come over
>obnoxious little shits
>mom let's them play with my gamecube to distract them
>they start playing smash bros
>one of them loses a bunch and gets really fucking mad
>he runs over and picks up the system
>fucking throws it while screaming random 8 year old profanities
>crashes through the dry wall before falling and breaking the tile on the floor
>kid immediately realizes what he's done
>runs into the other room to tell his mommy that I was the one who threw the console and that I attacked them
>she doesn't have that shit because she's a rational human being; she pays for the damages and grounds the little shit because thats what responsible people do and my gamecube still worked totally fine because it's made of Nintendo in.
did he died?
I want this in hd and slow motion faggot. There's so much to inspect
industrial lathe accidents aren't new
I still have a Game Gear and Ecco the Dolphin lying around somewhere.
>I spend all day in Le Rekt threads on Sup Forums look how special I am!