Just started playing Republic Commando for the first time. Seems good so far.
How long is it? And does it get more difficult?(its piss easy at the moment)
Just started playing Republic Commando for the first time. Seems good so far.
How long is it? And does it get more difficult?(its piss easy at the moment)
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Have you run into super battle droids yet? I forgot when exactly they show up, but that's when it starts getting difficult.
super battle droids were pretty easy tbhwy. I'm still on Geonosis though
What are you playing it on?
Oh boy, are you in for a treat
wrong game, I know
It's ok but extremely overrated on Sup Forums.
The missions are ok at best and the ai (teammates esp) are retarded and don't follow orders half the time. Still worth a play.
The coolest thing was hearing temuera Morrison doing the voice acting. Such a cool guy
Retconned. The entire franchise barring the 6 movies and Clone Wars were burned to the ground.
Delta Squad shows up in Clone Wars whole. So in the official canon, Sev's fine.
Incidentally, Dash managed to get through the retcon too because Lucas couldn't stop editing his movies.
>stands in the open
>millions of shots fired a him, none hit
>Star Wars
>Expecting grunts to be even half competent
Well, you will be encountering guys wielding heavy repeaters later. If you're playing on the highest difficulty, they could kill you before you could react.
Fun game, especially if you like star wars.
It does get harder as you go along, you should be playing on the hardest difficulty for most enjoyment.
Other than that the gunplay itself isn't all that great if you ask me.
>How long is it?
Not very.
>does it get more difficult
A bit in the third and second acts. Think of the first act as a tutorial.
Even shooting utterly blindly and in every conceivable direction, at least one bullet (blast) should have hit.
So the game only has 3 acts? Pretty sure I played through the kashyyk part in the demo years ago so most of that will be fimiliar
It get's really tedious near the end.
I never managed to complete it.
You're just swarmed with enemies, no new enemies, no new mechanics.
Yeah, Geonosis/Republic Assault Ship (my favorite)/Kashyyk.
It's called Plot armor.
disney adds ep7 and rebels to the canon so death planet and helicopter lightsabers are canon too. along with admiral thrawn
They didn't take the concept far enough.
It needed to be a straight up tactical shooter set in the Star Wars universe.
It really didn't. However, I would like it to be just a bit more complex.
The terrain, coupled with the limited ressources, is where the real change lies.
>That ghost ship mission
Spooked me real bad when I was younger.
>Incidentally, Dash managed to get through the retcon too because Lucas couldn't stop editing his movies
Fuck yeah, the lucky bastard lives.
Mara Jade never ever ;_;
Great game with great characters and a great soundtrack
what if Luke's waifu turns out to be Ahsoka?
So I know Mara becomes Luke's gf but I never really read any EU books and I'm just reading the Thrawn books right now. Is she suppose to be tsundere?
I don't get why wookies are xbox hueg in this game and why droids are chrome
Huge wookies are badass, makes the scenes with them tearing droids apart more believable.
>why droids are chrome
To be WITNESSED! Also maybe helps a bit vs. blasters.
Game over man, game over! Nuke it from orbit
>its piss easy at the moment
Isn't rebels adding a not-Kreia to the Canon?
Not like they'd get Sarah Kestelman back to do the voice.
>that force awakens special feature where Gwen Christie goes on about her Tin Can Phasma being a strong female villian
I'd kill for Sarah Kestelman to reprise her role in a dark Netflix series
How are they missing shots at under ten yards?
You weren't there man, you don't know what it was like
It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't a senator's clone yeah
UNDER. TEN. YARDS. If you can't hit shit with a gun at those ranges, you need to put the gun down, because clearly, fighting is not for you.
>not the space vietnam arc
wait I already watched this episode but this is the first time i realized the clones are in phase 1
Is there a better gun than the heavy repeater on hard?
I was in the spaceship level and I took cover behind a box while my squad was farther back
I threw a grenade and it somehow blew up in my face, I think the box had a bigger hitbox or something, Sev goes "boss you should let Scorch handle the explosives". I called someone up to revive me. then I threw another grenade and made sure it wasn't hitting anything and it still killed me and Scorch goes "there he goes again!". Third time I threw a grenade I still died and Scorch said "He's a menace to everyone!"
>playing on normal
Is there a better gun than a massive belt-fed diesel-punkish machinegun with a bayonet ever?
Just keep reading lad. Follow the Thrawn books with the Hand of Thrawn duology, which is the sequel to those books, and then Survivor's Quest followed by Outbound Flight. Those novels, all by Timothy "the Motherfucker" Zahn, are the best the old Star Wars EU had to offer.
Why is there no republic heavy weaponry in the game anyway? You get the grenade launcher, sure, but that's not an MG or a rocket launcher or you know, something that's not an attachment.
I just used the pistol most of the time since it never runs out of ammo. I only use the other guns when it's one of those horde/dispenser encounters
and I feel like a badass officer popping shots with it in the open while my squad takes cover
Because there are no republic non-attachment weapons in the game. You have pistol, universal blaster and the "exotic" slot for enemy weapons. Also 4 kinds of grenades. Thought it worked well.
Pistol is very strong, but is out of ammo in like 4-5 shots, and blaster rifle ammo is everywhere.
I think its because the Commandos were typically deployed deeper within enemy territory, and their blasters were modular to allow them to do different tasks.
Sure, but you're always deployed rather safely by dropship, nothing stops them from someone like Scorch carrying a rocket launcher or Sev packing a larger sniper rifle just in case.
This game really makes you appreciate how much of Halo managed to not be total garbage
Well from what we know in game, the Sniper Rifle addon seems to be pretty damn strong, and the AT Grenade attachment seems pretty powerful too.
But yeah, I wouldn't say no to anything bigger like a minigun or something.
No, it's called a shitty fucking show, and how any of your faggots ever enjoyed is beyond mortal comprehension.
The entirety of the Clone Wars cartoons/shows were utter and complete shit, especially the Tartakovsky wannabe magical weeaboo fighting jedi version.
That last level with the bridge was fucking bullshit
I want EYE to have Republic Commando's squad system but having the option to choose who to come and what specialty they have.
>squad of psykers for full cyber exorcism
Have you heard of spacehulk deathwing, user ?
It doesn't really get difficult until you hit the bug caves and one or two rooms on the star destroyer.
Both cases are when the enemies are highly vertical. In general it is an easy game, especially once you bait and strafe like a quake pro.
Don't leave Sev behind.
Is anyone surprised by how violent this is?
80s cartoons were pretty violent, but this takes the cake.
Kids need to learn that war is rough. Even space wars.
I served in Iraq. I don't have PTSD or anything because I was lucky, but damn, those troopers are D-E-D ded.
Do the Jedi even write letters to the cloning tube that they deeply regret to inform you?
>Do the Jedi even write letters to the cloning tube that they deeply regret to inform you?
That's why they use clones to counter the droids, man.
Same mass produced stuff in mind, but better
How the fuck is Thrawn canon
Imagine serving under a Jedi General. Their main tactic is to just charge headlong into the enemy formations. Tarkin even wrote a letter to Sheev telling him how shit the Jedi are at war.
>Do the Jedi even write letters to the cloning tube that they deeply regret to inform you?
Tarkin's military base has like a 500 ton rock from Geonosis and it has the name of ever Clone who died in the battle inscribed on it.
>Shitty Jedi government sends clones to pointless deaths
>they have no families, nobody objects to their loss
>the defect doesn't matter so nobody objects to the war's expense
It ain't me.
Realistic gameplay + unrealistic setting is the coolest shit and more games need to be about that.
He's going to be in Rebels.
Why CIS was so awesome ?
Wait what? When does Rebels take place? Thrawn is after the Empire is in tatters the good guys aren't "rebels" anymore
>Tarkin's military base has like a 500 ton rock from Geonosis and it has the name of ever Clone who died in the battle inscribed on it.
It's set a few years before ANH.
Just imagine being the Venator captain sent to retrieve a huge rock.
>It would be a shame if something were to happen to all of your reinforcements
AI was so shit at dealing with Droidikas, at least they threw grenades, but taking cover or use terrain was too much. The stairway railings on Naboo negated droidikas.
SBD are better in general because faster + wrist rockets + shotgun.
It ain't me, I ain't no family's son.
No one rejoiced at my birth.
No one mourned my doom.
Thrawn was kept a secret by the emperor because he didn't want anyone to know he had a non-human as a grand admiral, he's not even supposed to be in known space at all at that point
Not only does Lucas declare the EU non canon like a fucking butthurt little pissbaby child, he then proceeds to outright copy ideas from it and retcon and butcher previously established lore
I would fucking torture and murder Lucas if given the chance, even if it meant jail, not even kidding
Didn't Lucas lose all his artistic input when he sold to Disney?
Not that Disney is any better than the rest of nepotistic Hollywood.
Idk man, I fucking grew up with the Star Wars EU, seeing it killed hurt, but now watching them piss and spit on the corpse while millions of faux "le nerds xD" pretend they always loved star wars puts a really sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, I almost feel like vomiting sometimes when I see star wars mentioned
>he didn't want anyone to know he had a non-human as a grand admiral,
They've thrown out the whole Empire is anti-alien thing.
Wait...it takes Boss 4 fucking grenades, MULTIPLE clips of bladter ammo and five fucking shots with the sniper to drop a super but this guy takes them down with...one shot? Man why the fuck does the show and movies make everything look soo pisseasy to take down. And I know 'muh gameplay' but it's still pretty bullshit that you need multiple hits while they need only one.
Remember when R2-D2 took down two Super Battle Droids with a little oil and fire?
Is that true? I don't recall seeing any non-humans working for the Empire remnants in Episode 7
Think about it like the Star Trek reboots Just going a different direction with the new content.
I personally won't cry at the loss of any one bit of lore, but I would lament style changes that lead to shitty new content.
The one thing that FN-2187 did was truly made stormtroopers actual humans with the same white-knuckle fears as everyone else.
Tie-Fighter, Republic Commando and Battlefront have all done similar in making the Empire a very real organization rather than the Irredeemable Nazi organization that it was pigeonholed as.
How was tie-fighter? I never had a chance to play it.
Battlefront was symmetric in that SBD were equivalent to a clone trooper, they were just slightly more difficult to headshot because of the hitbox changes.
Personally I was surprised by Republic Commando's SBD much larger and tankier version because I expected the Battlefront version.
In the end, you just take cover, flank/strafe and shoot the weak spot.
Maximum difficulty = best difficulty.
There were a few aliens working for the ISB in the Tarkin novel. Some of the inquisitors are aliens. Hell the Grand Inquisitor in Rebels is one of those aliens from Utapa.
did anyone else not find the super droid spawners in time and run out of ammo? that got pretty dark for me
Have you played X-Wing VS TIE-Fighter? It played like that with the graphics and engine of X-Wing. (actually slightly better than X-Wing).
You fly glass canons, so straight lines are a no-no. The itchy-corkscrew is your standard evasion. Thatcher weaves actually work amazingly well in multiplayer (XvsTIE).
You do know you can melee and pistol SBD?
I know I died on that level, but you're never out of the game.
What they're doing with star wars is a million times worse than the star trek reboots, at least the star trek reboots didn't follow 90% of star trek lore being declared non-canon and then copying and changing a bunch of elements from it anyway
If they had just made up their own shit I could have lived with it, but they had to copy shit and ruin it at the same time
I actually liked episode 7, except for kylo being a shitty poor man's jacen solo and rey being the biggest mary sue in the history of cinema and any entertainment medium, also the original cast cameos were a nice nod to the source material but god damn do those people look like shit now, Ford is just fucking old, Fisher has been ruined by years of coke, and Hamil looked like he needed to be in a nursing home connected to an oxygen tank
The rest of the movie wasn't so bad, I didn't like how it's pretty much the original trilogy plot condensed into one movie but that's just Hollywood these days
ARC's etc have higher grades of armour. And can take blaster fire. Even standard clone trooper plate is several orders of magnitude better than stormtrooper plate. Hell. The entire reason the arc's have the carbine blaster raifu is to overcome armour and shielfs with mass fire. We see this even in the films with episode III. When obi goes after grievous and the clones attack to support him there's that one commando who runs up to that miniature dwarf spider droid jumps up on top and mag dumps blaster fire at point blank to get through the armour.
At least mark hamill has an actual reason for looking like a crash survivor. Since you know, that motorcycle crash extensive reconstructive surgery eventually let him walk away from in one piece
all they did when they said the EU isnt canon anymore was clean up the clutter. Im sure they will slowly be reintroducing stuff from the EU as the years go by, like Boba Fett surviving the Sarlac is now canon again, and Amiral Thrawn is now canon again
It's shit don't bother.
>yfw nuthrawn is an androgynous herm futa that went off to the outer rim to start a 'better' sjw empire.
oh, and the Republic Commandos are also canon again, cause they showed up in The Clone Wars series, and Darth Maul surviving is also canon
>implying they won't make boba fett hard gay.
Implying they won't happily bring katarn back as a 12 yr old babyface pansy who hates violence and never went to officer school etc