Are the two white guys on the right the evil bad guys? Would be the icing on the cake.
of course
The entire plot is that you're forming your own crew to push the Mafia out of New Orleans. So yes, those "white guys" (Italians) are the antagonists.
>all those literally who quotes
>one of them is from a tweet some youtube let'splayer posted
>this quote literally used as a description of Mafia 3 on Steam page
2K is doing everything for it to flop.
>we will never have a game like Mafia
>tfw Tommy Angelo is ded
>those quotes
am i supposed to know who the fuck ghostrobo is?
The one on the right is the protagonist of Mafia 2.
In this one he is supposedly helping you to kill all the other mafia, or he is like a mentor or something.
I'm glad widely acclaimed critics like theradbrad, open world games and ghostrobo have taken a liking to this game. I guess I better go pre-order this game now
Skip to 1:42 for gameplay
At least Tommy didn't have to suffer through Mafia 3 like Vito.
Even without those trusted sources praising the game, you should pre-order it anyway.
You will be racist otherwise
Salieri's son will take the world
This is the ugliest rain I've seen in games, honestly.
>it's great
>~complete nonames
I like where it's going :^)
Mafia II looked graphically better than this
>Tfw black so I'm hyped for this game and bf1 and many other games featuring white pro tags because I don't let skin color of MC determine my feelings towards a game
>kills guy, woman getting photographed sees
>runs away, photographer keeps on taking pictures anyway
I hate niggers and beaners so much. They're almost as bad as the kikes.
You have shit taste if you are hyped for this Did you like my (you)? I did my best, sweetie.
Hi Zyklon Ben.
some streamer or youtuber I think
The game looks very rough and buggy from that video. And the graphics looks subpar.
I don't think it will do that good with reviews, most likely a financial flop.
Day 1 patch will solve it :^)
This game looks like shit. Another American nigger pandering game about to flop.
closed immediately
san franciscans aren't americans. they've modeled themselves after yuropoors more than anything
does being infantilized and coddled not annoy you?
I don't think it's able to understand your sentence, m80
that's why i said skip to 1:42, couldn't find a video with no commentary, this is the best i could find
Reminder that this is what they killed the original Mafia developer for.
Okay legit question.
There's tons of Indians working in IT. Tons of outsourced doctors, engineers etc. as well.
How is it possible that they have such small average IQ? Brain drain?
what the fuck is this even? it's just sneaking around brutally murdering people? what the fucking fuck did they do, man?
No. San Francisco is the worst of Americans. Mafia 1-2 were European games and they didn't have SJW pandering.
Can't wait for this game to flop and have SJWs damage control the flop as racism.
Most of the population isn't in IT or a doctor. That's how. The US functions the same way, it just has better (read: actual) public education. Same goes for places in Europe. They have a public ed system that isn't complete shit.
Still shit, the US and Euro systems, but not complete.
There are different types of Indians living in different parts of the country, they're not all one homogenous race.
There's more than a billion of them so statistically many are bound to be geniuses.
Pretty sure they're just a minority
>There's tons of Indians working in IT. Tons of outsourced doctors, engineers etc. as well.
It doesn't mean that they're smart or doing a good job, you know. Plus, there's as much Indians as there are planets in NMS, you bound to find a couple of not-retards if you search long enough.
because there's literally more than a billion of them. so lets say a 10th of a percent of their people are really smart and capable. that's still more than a million people
Literally who?
Couldnt they just pay their regular shills?
Indians come in two flavors: Waste of space that barely remember to breath or Asian levels of effort to achieve success.
It's really fucking weird and I don't understand how there is such a stark contrast between the two. Like, what does it take for a country to produce both idiots who think toilets are miniature temples AND industry leading neurosurgeons?
The average indian has a below-average or average IQ, but there are so many of them that it would be impossible for smart ones not to exist.
So what's wrong with a black main character? In GTA San Andreas you played as a nigger and I don't remember people throwing a fit over that.
then why don't we see more top level brains coming from central Africa and such? Isn't the population there insanely large as well?
Not that guy, but I fucking hate it. People heaping praise onto shit just because a character or actress happens to be brown. Doesn't matter if the performance is shit or the character is literally pandering; if I say shit otherwise I'm an Uncle Tom to some.
because that game wasn't explicitly a black man vs white man game
this one is
This game would be good if you were an actual black vet making a black gang in New Orleans. That would be believable and fun like GTA SA was fun.
Making the protag a mudblood racemix who leads a multiculti gang of blacks, irish and italians is retarded. It would never happen in real life.
India has seen immense growth and in the upper crust of society you can get these people. But that's the upper class almost exclusively, so you have all the rest of the 99.9% getting fucked.
I'd have to check to make sure, but going off what I know about central Africa, it'd be infrastructure. Without it you can't build on innate potential or a drive to succeed. You're better off getting shipped off to a better country and being educated there.
If a billion people have a low IQ average, there will still be millions of very smart people among them.
it's actually because blacks are subhumans
It has. All three of those groups have worked together before. Go read up on the Mafia specifically. Black dudes can't be made men but they can sure as fuck be useful. Same went for the Irish.
It just wasn't very common.
I don't understand why devs keep pandering to blacks and women when they don't even play videogames.
Africa has almost no fucking infrastructure. Infrastructure is required to, you know, build schools and shit. Schools are required to bring out the genius in smart kids otherwise they just remain merely 'clever.'
That and dying due to bullshit (sometimes literally) is a real risk in Africa. Plus the culture is even more ass backwards than Poo in Loos in terms of rewarding intelligence or forward thinking. Even the most 'successful' Africans (that aren't hand-up-the-ass puppets for some other company/country) seem to have trouble thinking even five years down the line. Like that one guy who kicked all white people out of his country only for the infrastructure to fall to fucking pieces because his countrymen, for one reason or another, couldn't maintain the level of productivity the country had now that the white people running shit were gone.
Oh, and the classic: Anyone smart enough to improve their country takes one look at the shithole they were born in, and jump ship to almost anywhere else. That's not sarcasm; just about every legitimately African family I know comes from someone like an engineer or doctor who left their home country so their kids wouldn't have to grow up in a place without clean, running water. There is nothing for them in Africa except pride in their home, and there ain't much of that either.
it's not pandering. it's conditioning
Yes, I'm sure it is user.
They hope that all blacks and women will go and buy their game because they've made "their" protagonist.
He's right about blacks being subhumans, even if it's a gross simplification.
You are talking about some low level associates or gangs cooperating.
Sure that happened. You could have a small time irish gangster working for the italian mob. Gangs from different nationalities could and did cooperate a lot, but they were still separate gangs.
Alliance doesn't equal a federation. In this game you are literally making a multi-culti gang.
yep, every place they occupy is a shit hole no matter where they are in the world
They HOPE to bring in more black players and women.
At least that's my reasoning.
Not sure if that stuff worked out for Marvel or DC when they went full on SJW-mode. Any Sup Forums here to clarify?
Watch this, perfect example of how dumb and bad the AI is. You also have x-ray vision which makes zero sense in this game. This is Mafia, not Hitman. He also teleports into animations instead of transitioning into them.
Then look at 0:40 here. The AI is just standing there shooting with one hand, they don't move while shooting, they don't take cover. Then skip to 1:36, and listen to the NPC doing the same recorded lines over and over again "UGHHH UH UH", 3x in a row. Holds his belly after getting shot in the legs. Keep watching and listen to the cringeworthy voice acting.
Then there's this, the graphics are extremely bad, the game is too bright and the colors are washed out. The world feels empty, NPCs look like they belong in a different game.
Skip to 6:28, look at the ragdoll, it just looks lazy.
The located damage is worse than in Mafia 2.
He's using modern weapons in a game set in the 60s.
It says it's historically accurate, yet there is no racism in this game. The police calls your main character "colored male", but I'm sure in 60s New Orleans they'd call him a coon or something.
Look at the fight at 2:18, do you legit think that looked good or exciting?
Voice lines from NPCs sound like some weird loud noise and have no difference in volume depending on what theyre doing or how far away they are. Your footsteps are sometimes louder than the voice lines, which proves the game has terrible audio mastering and mixing.
There's clipping while you hit solid objects.
In India smart people rise to the top, get to emigrate and/or educate themselves.
In Africa everyone who isn't rich and/or powerful is fucked.
India has a caste system
>You also have x-ray vision which makes zero sense in this game.
Just don't use it? What is hard about that?
Fair point. Either way, I don't mind. It's a video game and outside the realm of reality based on what you're saying. Mafia 2 was fun, if this turns out any good I'll give it a whirl.
It failed miserably. Kinda. Some of it caught on, but both companies have started looking at their core again and attempted to get back on their old track.
10/10 fight
Okay.. that looks really fucking bad.
The fact that they implemented something like this in a Mafia game tells me they have no idea about game design, they probably just thought "ASSASSZINS CRED DOES IT! PEOPLE LIKE! LETS DO TOO"!
Mafia II was made by a different developer.
>chimping out in broad daylight with an AK
How does this make any sense?
Because that's what's "in" at the moment.
The publishers make these choices based on what generates the most profit for them. They hear a lot about how diverse the games have to be today, so they change them to make more money.
Fuck, look at that Assassin's Creed trailer that got blown apart because there wasn't any women in it. Shit like that might just hurt sales and publishers aren't gonna risk that.
Because the game is designed around being able to see everyone at once like all the other games that do it, turning it off would leave you extremely lost, look at MGSV compared to the previous games for example
And then they made an AssCreed with a woman and it sold less than the one with no woman in it.
>Mafia II was made by a different developer.
Didn't know that. Granted, I've only been just barely keeping up with this game.
Surprise, most devs have zero fucking idea what to do with their games nowadays. I've been playtesting the new Hitman games since early Absolution, and they insist on shoveling in this garbage so people won't get pissed off and turn off their shitty console after the first level.
It's social peer pressure, nothing more.
Which just shows how immature the average male gamer is! They refuse to support mature games!
The solution is even more mature games!!!
They made the girl an ugly ginger while the guy was 10/10 underwear model. Classic westernshit devs.
Mafia 2 was made by 2k Czech, some of them are now making Kingdom Come
I thought you were talking about Mafia and Mafia II, sorry family my mistake
All too often it seems like AAA games don't have a strict idea behind it.
It seems like they throw a lot of shit into the game, no matter if it fits the theme/gameplay or not.
Like with Fallout 4 and the town building. It's not needed in any way, it doesn't affect anything in any meaningful way, but the kids loves the minecrafts so we better include it so they'll buy it.
IT requires you to sit next to a telephone and read from wikihow, they outsource to poo in loos because they do it much cheaper than americans want to do it at home for.
poos do it cheaper and we allow outsourcing so why not?
who cares about quality when you can get quantity for pennies on the dollar?
>the 35th annual asscreed title didn't sell as well
>its not franchise fatigue or feature creep, it must be the GIRL in it!
Jesus, this looks so bad.
Not "It's different so it's bad" bad, but actually horrible piece of shit
Still Mafia 2 lost majority of M1 devs in development, including Vavra, who started a new studio that makes Kingdom Come now.
>damage control
He keeps delaying the fucking game.
Eh, at least Mafia II got the spirit of Mafia right.
Sounds like Mafia 2 then
Game looks good. You guys continue to be racist, while I enjoy the game. If it was a white protagonist you guys would be jerking off all over it. If you all want to be contrarian and the need to circle jerk each other to prove some arbitrary point go for it, you're wasting your time.
I mean he has a point. And somehow they're still profitable.
0,05$ has been deposited to your paypal account from George Soros foundation.