playing some halo 5 on pc slayer
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playing some halo 5 on pc slayer
add me if you want to join
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another bump
You're not bumping right.
what do you mean?
Gotta make people want to play, not just say that you're playing.
I-is that Sandtrap?
>playing shitlo
Is Blood Gulch back? What's it called now and is it any good?
Upgrading to Botnet 10 has never looked so appealing...
Altar, a shitty remake of Sandtrap. If you look at the file browser for the more popular maps, you will find a more accurate recreation of Sandtrap, but it lacks the minefield.
Someone last night completed prefabs for Elephants, so they'll be added, too.
how is anyone playing this game without it being a massive stutterfest at a silky smooth 5 fps? i get terrible performance
Works fine for others, even while recording.
You gonna get Rise of Iron, Mongoose?
Do you need a Microsoft account to play? I'm on Windows 10.
I am not Mongoose, but I already got it with my free Microsoft funbucks.
you also need the anniversary update
Yes, but you don't need a gold account.
Anyone playing right now?
I love how the screen goes all shockwavy
Also, anyone hosting? What can I add you at to plsy?
Anyone hosting should post their gamertag. Then, anyone who wants to join adds them, turns the game on, click Friends, clicks the player, OPENS THEIR GAMERCARD, then clicks Join.
Also, anyone hosting, beware. Maps with the same backgrounds as Breakout Arena and Alpine in the map select are not really usable for basic gamemodes, with the exception of Guillotine which is just Headlong from Halo 2.
damn your aim is fucking terrible
When did they say we're getting the server browser?
Sometime next/this week.
i'm in your second video lol.
also, it's easy to get good aim on the controller. lower your sensitivity by one notch and increase aim acceleration by one notch to make up for the lower sensitivity.
>Get a level editor
>So I'm playing Halo 5 on PC
You're playing a level editor, bro, no need to look even more desperate than you already are.
Well the game runs like a dream, I guess after being stuck to Xbone they actually wanted to use the power they have, I'm maxed 60 on a 970 at 1440p.
Nah it's got multiplayer too
Like I said, you're playing a level editor. A test feature doesn't make it a game.
You're just digging the hole deeper dude.
>it's this guy again
It has full multiplayer dude I don't know what to say. You don't just join a forge session and decide to dick around, it's actual, bona fide MP
>You're playing a level editor
>Actually It's the level editor + multiplayer
What are you trying to prove?
But when can play multiplayer. Why would you want to even play the fucking singleplayer since it sucked so bad? Are you mad you lost an exclusive or aomething?
Actually the Xbone players are happy, because the levels in the level editor can be used on Xbone, too.
He either doesn't have an Xbone or a PC that can run it.
I keep getting this. Any ideas how to fix it?
Is the Xbox version as cool as the PC version? The ability to change shaders and stuff is really cool and the stuff you can do is pretty wicked.
>Sup Forums likes halo 5 now
What happened?
Sup Forums always liked the multiplayer. It's not like the original Halo games, but it's still fun.
It's a AAA multiplayer experience that is also free. Hell I'm downloading it because Halo multiplayer is pretty fun
Forge is the same, yeah. But the settings on PC obviously go higher. The extra key binds supposedly make it easier to use, but I barely use forge so I couldn't really say what else it adds. Loading is WAY faster, though.
add me
Because you don't have all the updates installed
Sup Forums has always begrudgingly admitted that halo 5's MP and forge are actually good.
You obviously have the 50% of people who say it's shit on principle, but every game no matter what has that on Sup Forums
Are you hosting?
I might as well post this, too.
Do you have the anniversary update? If you do then try the bundle.
nice wallpaper
Halo 5 isn't on PC, wat is thid
>Hey, that's cool, is that minimalist or something
>No, it's actually the Halo 5 error screen
nice hax faggot
They added forge mode + custom games.
As of now the only way to play with other people is to add them and then join their games, but 343 has said they will be releasing a server browser.
it's on PC now
when Halo 5 sp is coming out on PC ?
When did Halo start making everything look like plastic?
Never, and you don't want it. It's a bad squad-based shooter with one of the worst plots in gaming, and the worst friendly AI ever.
It has two really good levels, but there are 15 levels total and three of those are walking and talking.
>Can't even switch to Spartan view in the forge tutorial
Oh well, back to playing on the xbone it is, I guess.
But you can are you blind
Press ~
>he fell for the xbone meme
Also, this anime was trash. I dropped it halfway through.
Scratch that I'm retarded
I didn't read the "tutorial" part
Is OP still hosting?
Good luck doing that on a British keyboard
Oh shit then. I loved Halo 2 SP on xbox (only Halo game i've played).
Is there a reason why they don't want to release Halo 5 sp to PC otherwise, since they are doing this with a lot of microsoft title like the new forza ?
Maybe because they know its shit and ppl won't buy it ?
Can you add NPCs in it?
Can you make co-op maps?
Can you adjust FOV?
I already have Win10 but I have bad experience with the Anniversary update.
Is it on W7?
Is there a torrent for this anywhere? I want to download this but I also don't want to sign in to the shitty Microsoft Store and tie my fucking MS account to Windows.
Halo IS the Xbone seller. That's probably one of the only reasons why.
seconding this
Maybe people won't install a 85-90 gb game for a sub par campaign that people won't play more than once at most
just got on
Add me DerekNorton
im hosting
It was $200 with a Kinect I sold for $50, so I didn't lose that much money on it.
The anime was okay, got trashier the further it went on though. Still one of the more enjoyable shoujo bullshit out there.
third on this
Who is hostinf? How do I join the games of people in my company?
Mods already have you down for that. They also uncovered two unreleased weapons that are fully functioning, the Reach grenade launcher and a sentinel beam.
how many people here wanna play some ffa slayer? if there's a bunch of people i can host but if there's only like 3 people then fuck it
You still have to tie your ms account to the game and the xbox app to play
Installing now.
not yet, but they have confirmed that they are adding an FOV slider.
Forge mode doesn't have any ai in it, so it's purely mp.
There's no point in torrenting it, since you won't be able to play online.
Will we EVER get a Halo game that has something as cool as the prototype?
If there's only 3 not counting yourself, that's a decent amount for FFA. Just play on Mercy or Molten.
Did gamecheat and co actually release the mods, though?
Him and the other halo modders he does stuff with typically don't release their stuff publically
added. add me back so i can join you
You should go watch the Wars 2 trailer.
I'll wait for it to hit Steam then, and if it never does, not much of a loss for me anyway.
There's a FoV filter in map settings, pic related
Wait, is that actually happening?
Pic related. It's you.
fuck you
I'm so jealous right now
It never will, this is xbox/Microsoft's baby
Don't even get your hopes up, it will always be tied to the Windows store
How do I open the Xbox thing to join my friends? Never played a windows 10 game before.
Where do i find halo 5 on pc. i dont see it on steam
>not yet, but they have confirmed that they are adding an FOV slider.
I hope it comes soon. Shame about the AI. It doesn't support any custom content either, like textures/models and scripts, I presume?
>It's another ungrateful PC users hate on a game while telling people who bought a Microsoft console are retarded as they play on their Microsoft computer episode
Enjoy Recore and Forza Horizons 3 you ungrateful fucks. One of the best inspired by Zelda games in over a decade and the pinnacle of arcade open world racing.
Here's a challenge for you guys. If you ever play CTF or Assault (Grifball counts), try to use the flag or ball to get an assassination.
I added you, now how the fuck do I join you?
Yeah, they announced that halo wars 2 would be on pc.
But you can't really change that on the fly in a mp game right?
I'm still really impressed at how good this port was for a console only company. They're even acknowledging the shortcomings by adding an fov slider and ultrawide support.
It's free. Why don't you just get it?
After you've downloaded the game you need to go into the xbox app which comes installed with windows 10. Make an account and then add whoever you want to.
see Don't think so, but trust me. Forge mode has always lead to game modes that you wouldn't have been able to imagine were possible from it.
Because all PC users wanted was Halo MCC with an FOV slider and we get a F2P demo of a game that noone wanted to happen in the first place instead. It's even more of a slap in the face than F6: Apex.