It's been fun, Sup Forums. See you in a couple of months.
It's been fun, Sup Forums. See you in a couple of months
Have a spoiler on your way out.
We'll make it bro
turns out everyone were dinosaurs
I'm coming with you
Goodbye Sup Forums
That hardly counts as a spoiler, user. Come on.
Same fellow bro.
Someone got it already in Japan.
It's finally time, eh?
...I don't think I'm ready.
See ya on the other side.
fuck off marie
whatever floats your boat though
alright good bye
see you fucks in February
I gotta admit, I rather enjoy false spoilers. Wrong expecations are better thant high expectations.
What's even better is that you wouldn't be able to tell real spoilers from fake ones anyway, unless there are videos or screenshots posted that prove them to be real. It's easy to dodge those unless you're want to get spoiled on purpose.
If I remember correctly they just say it makes you have less stress while going through the story. However that feeling of stress and spending time outside of the game trying to make sense of the mysteries is why I like mystery games so much.
Leaving as well, senpai. Hope everyone (who wants to) makes it through unspoiled. See you cocksuckers in 5 months!
>want to leave to avoid spoilers
>don't know where else to go
>too addicted to this shithole to actually leave
Someone help.
But a-user, I don't want you to leave!
Being a newfags has it perks, I guess. I won't miss this place.
The story isn't gonna be good enough to make me avoid the internet for 5 months.
Blacklist Sup Forums so you don't come here on impulse/"accidentally". Find some other hobby, play more games, and focus on work/study if you're not a NEET. Enjoy your newfound free time! I know I will.
You may even meet a cute girl out there user. DO IT.
why are you kids so edgy and try to purposely spoil other becayse LELELE TOP MEME MUH SMT XDDD
actually fuck off and die
Can we all make it, Sup Forums? Wh-what if we can't do it?
if you focus on work you dont have the energy to play games and you´re so fucking tired on the weekends. maybe you get cash but is it worth it
>Oh no! My shitty weeb casual power of friendship garbage game for girls that I criticise normies for liking yet it's ok for me to like has spoilers
Fags like you are why mainline SMT is relegated to handhelds. Nocturne will never happen again.
May if you niggas actually bought SMT IV instead of pirating it...
>tfw you know japanese but you want to take turns playing with your bro like you did for the rest of the series so you don't import
It's rough, but I do what I do for the experience.
See you later user.
I like dungeon crawling with new HD demon models of my favorite demons. Story stuff is just a bonus and sometimes cool.
I bet you'll probably end up playing and liking it too which is the funny part.
That's kinda hearthwarming. Cheers.
Glad to see they're using the superior Titania design again. The one used in Devil Summoner/SMT IV is garbage.
>SMT finally joins current/last gen
shit dude this is exciting
why do we have to wait so long?
I like that negotiation has been shown to drag on quite a while which seems promising.
At first it seemed like a toned down version where demons just surrendered, but some in the latest videos have been shown to get pissed and attack you, along with taking party members hostage etc. Now as long as all have unique personalities.
If we get spoiled we'll just have to pray that the story is too shitty to care about in the first place.
There's no empty threats here. Get the fuck out.
Source on such videos ?
I know about where this pic comes from but I'd like to see it in action
Off to the gray havens for 5 months boys
From magazines so far, but there is a stream video where the host failed negotiating a pyro jack three times.
>tfw someone spoiled you Danganronpa 2 wrong and you played whole game with differents deaths and murders than you expected
that was really stressful for some reason
Im out m8s
See you in February
>caring about the story in a persona game
The story's the only thing that keeps me playing. It's not like the gameplay is particularly compelling.
What else is there to care about?
>playing video games for the story
Just go read a book nigga
Gameplay seems much better than 3/4. Social links add more to the battle system instead of just giving you bonus experience.
Bros, its over, we gotta go, they are spoliing EVERYTHING in the other thread, lets get out of this shithole for once, PLEASE COME WITH ME.
They aren't spoiling shit. Or worthwhile shit, actually. Also, don't fall in for the memes. Makoto is NOT the traitor.
I would agree with you for most games but it's a fucking JRPG, dude. Don't be an idiot.
Fuck off back to Tetris grandpa
the japanese spoilers look legit, a friend of mine is looking through them he says it could be for real, I dont really know about the Makoto thing though, but this image makes me believe something fishy happens with her Maybe ''take your heart out'' is something literal.
From what I could read at 2ch, the game makes it look that she is a traitor but actually she's not. In a dumb way, as far a the taiwanese are saying. Like, 'the killer is mitsuo' dumb. Then they just shitposted mitsuo banging yukiko pictures.
Just filter /Persona/ etc?
That won't work. You will be browsing Sup Forums or even other boards and suddenly, someone tells you that Kira gets killed by an ambulance. See?
can't filter pictures, senpai
PV02 song
Is this confirmed?
Pretty much, yeah. Read on 2ch that it chances further on but that may be bullshit. Even the chinks didn't get that far yet.