What's Sup Forums's take on dark souls 2?

What's Sup Forums's take on dark souls 2?

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>Sup Forums is one person

tbf most things on Sup Forums are agreed with as a whole.

Dark souls 2 scholar of the first sin is the best dark souls ever released.

>I'm too lazy to type 3 extra words when I post on the internet
>I don't pay enough attention to anything to notice that the reason this board argues about everything all the time is because people don't agree

>most things on Sup Forums are agreed with as a whole
I don't even know where to begin with this statement

It's shit and I hate it.

it felt like it was a good example of what not to do with a souls game
Everything felt too cryptic, more than it was suppost to do, didnt feel anything from anything or anyone besides 'Wheel Deal! and The sexy voiced cat'
This may make no sense, but every level felt the same, open, bland, like eating those natural bars for my eyes
But, im also im glad it exist so I can point out what not to do
sorry for the long tl;dr have a funny

>I heard it's shit so I hate it fuck this game fuck soul memory gayyy
I like it, top 10 games ever personally

When would you guys guess it will go on sale on steam? I'm rarely hyped to play video games in general, but Dark Souls blew me away and i am just replaying it instead of playing something else until i buy the sequel
I'm by no means an expert when it comes to video games and mostly play american games so Dark Souls blew me away and made me realize the potential of video games and made a case for it as a legitimate art form for me (MGSV also kind of did this)
Like this big sort of realization you can have on acid or something where the possibilities seem endless you know?
Are japanese games like this is general? The only japanese games I have played are DaS, MGSV and Pokemon Gold/Yellow and they share this certain quality/simmilarity that I can't put my finger on
Sorry for getting off topic and being pleb/clueless in general when it comes to video games

mediocre game
top tier unintentional comedy goldmine

Dark Souls is in my opinion one of the best games ever made, so don't think that it's some standard for Japan.

I'm playing through it right now and it really picks up after the first couple of stages. That smelter demon was some unnecessary bullshit, though, the hitboxes are all fucked up during that fight. I also didn't like how most areas ended in bonfire, instead of interconnecting with each other like the first one, it made the whole game feel like the Duke's archives and the crystal cave.
Overall it's still a good action RPG with tons of cool weapons and armor and I'm enjoying it thoroughly.

You're a nonce, we hardly ever agree on anything.
This sounds like you got to majula and stopped playing.

>MGSV also kind of did this
Stopped reading there, you are very obviously a numpty.

Na I beat it tons of times, DS2 blight town and spider pit was one of my favorite parts
But did lose hope on the DLC, got fucking sacked


A good sequel to Demons Souls. Seriously, all the complaints people had, I also had when I made the switch from Demons to Dark Souls
>these bonfires are too close together
>the levels feel too small
>why does my potion regenerate? It makes things too easy
>this boss is a rehash of the last games boss
>Solaire? Is this supposed to the Oscar of this game?
>my health doesn't even go down anymore when I die
>multiplayer is weird now
>this game sucks
People who hates it probably started with Dark Souls




Those animations look atrocious, like some shitty korean MMO. They need to get oatmeal cookie back on the team.

Best PvP in the series.

Worst everything else.

But i still excuse it because there's hundreds of hours of PvP to be had, if only because theres a million items and spells.


>das2 raped my family and my dog

not as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be, but definitly the low point in the series.

i started with demon's souls and still prefered dark souls. although i do agree with some hing you said. my biggest complain with DS 1 however the lack of a maiden. yeah, there was the firekeeper, but it wasn't the same.


that said, all of them are pretty good. i was allready a pretty big fan of lovecraft by the time bb launched (and old horror/weird fiction in general) so that probably influenced my choices

ds2 impregnated my sister. She later gave birth to E.T for the nes

>BB at the top
Not even you believe that. The combat system is casualized shit.

Just bought both dark souls 2 and 3, and 2 seems to have tons of ambushes and weird enemy placements around the areas. Arrows fly at you from every direction and behind every door is a squad of multiple mobs. Bosses have been easy though, but then I haven't progressed that far yet.

>Best PvP in the series

shit game, the directors had no idea what made dark souls and demon's souls good, i doubt they even played it, dark souls 2 is focused only on being ''hard'' and nothing else.


It's a shit game.
Not just a bad Souls game.

Level design is fucking retarded, movement system is worse than in the previous games, art direction and environment design is all over the place..
It has quantity but every area basically feel rushed as fuck. It's the worse parts of DS1 but stretched as an entire game.

This is explained by the chaotic development so I don't blame FROM for it.

What I don't understand is people defending this game as a good one when the devs themselves admitted they had to rebuild the game from scrap mid-way into development.

PS: Don't let retards fool you, the DLCs are garbage too, they contain interesting ideas but also have some terribly designed parts, probably some of the worse in the entire series.


>best pvp
>best (combat) mechanics
>best weapons and variety
>worst world design
>too many healing items make the game not stressful or hard enough on your first playthrough
>I-Frames tied to a stat is kinda shitty and not explained clearly enough ingame
>soul memory
>no unlimited invasion item

if you like souls for multiplayer it's the best one, otherwise it's probably the worst, excluding the DLC areas which are fantastic in my opinion.

I thought it was the very best Souls game to date. A lot of haters around babbling on how it was an unworthy sequel or whatever.

Ironically enough, though, I experienced a disappointment similar to theirs with DaS3.


holy shit these animations
looks like he's moving slower than what the animation is doing

this is some indie shit-tier quality.

>best pvp

yeah this is true, half of the people on my friends list that are turbo souls autists have gone back to 2 for their pvp, and I don't blame them. DS3's pvp is garbage.

best pvp for 1v1 honorfags who didn't care about covenants
worse pvp for literally anyone else

>What I don't understand is people defending this game as a good one
these guys came with prepare to die but they discovered another world with the rest of the community with DaS2, that's why they can't accept it to be inferior to the rest of the series

also they got their asses backstabbed in das1 pvp, so they like das2 pvp where you can be shit and still win with the right equipments

I recognise this shitty default photoshop filter
still looks like shit in a video game yeah

but ds2 had the best covenants?

half of them didnt worked or were useless too

just a few days ago i started replaying it and i love it.

favorite build is powerstanced greatsword and smelter hammer for that ridiculous damage, but i'm currently experimenting with santiers and yorghs spear and having a blast.

>hurrr durrr babys first dark souls
i have ~1400h in das1 and ~400h in des, wanted to post it just so i don't have to reply to nostalgiafags.

yeah, i totally get your drift senpai also miss the other half of ds1, the one after anor londo. :(

>champions is challenge hardmode
>rats is just a fun way to torture people
>bellbongers is a great way to get upgrade materials and are generally well designed pvp areas
>red and blue are typical red and blue shit
>sunbros are sunbros
>dragons are dragons, but get actual somewhat useful armor this time around
>way of blue is for people who want to stay online but are shit
>pilgrims of dark is a fun side area that let you get bonfire ascetics which are also useful, and you get to fight a fun boss

I don't think any of them really ever became useless except for maybe the rat areas because they became pretty underpopulated except for a few soul memory ranges later in the game's life, but everything else was always active and useful.

DS1/3 are the culprits with actual useless covenants, like what is the point of having the blue sentinels and the DMB, when they are the same shit, watchdoges and aldritch become underpopulated extremely because you can't invade people who beat bosses unlike DS2, and DS1 had like 3 useless covenants as well.

DS2 spiced up the mix in a creative way and also gave you some pretty useful rewards for doing the covenants, not to mention actually having a working arena

the blue one never worked. no one is ever summoned in your world and you are never summoned if you are blue.

No it was shit.

In Dark Souls 1 PvP and PvE blended together seamlessly through covenants, for example Darkmoon having tons of lore around it and even story element and a big twist with a leader you can fight and kill, while Darkwraith was the secret covenant linked to the part of the story most players would miss, it was like the other side of the coin, felt like you were part of something when you joined these.
Basically the covenants were well implemented in the game's world, you truly felt like you were part of a family when you joined these, boosting a little the immersion/rp factor and making you more passionate about defending your values.

In Dark Souls 2 covenants seem to simply there to be used mechanically, there is nothing interesting about them it's just talk to this guy, now you have the right to do this and this, and that's it.
It's a HUGE step backward from Dark Souls 1 covenants in terms of design, when you compare the blue and reds in DS2 to the Darkwraith and Darkmoon in DS1 you realize how shit the design of DS2 covenants are.

Not all covenants worked well mechanically in DS1 but in Dark Souls 2 covenants were terribly designed, even on paper.

For me something was just off with dark souls 2. It was good but playing it just felt completely different compared to play ds1/3/bb. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Like the attacks and moves had no weight to it? Idk how to describe it

Dark Souls 1 PvP:
You're not fucking safe anywhere, people can invade you and rape your ass, makes you wonder where these people found that power? Also if you can see past the game's illusions you can find a covenant to punish these invaders.
Want to invade people where or when you want? Sure but you have to deserve it, find the hidden covenant.
Want to twink? Well you'll have to do the whole game at your twink level, so you better git gud.
Want to be an honorfag? Well you still can, here are some arenas.

Dark Souls 2 PvP:
Be an honorfag(arena) so you can sometimes be an honorfag(blue sentinels)
Be an honorfag(arena) so you can sometimes invade people a few times(darkwraith)

Wow these Dark Souls 2 PvP covenants really felt unique and well designed, totally not the same thing with a different color.


Why even pit BB in there with the others? It doesn't even play like normal souls.

I did play it first which was a big mistake. After beating it DaS1 was too easy, only the DLC area became challenging. I don't belong to the people who love Soulsgames just because they are hard but I do enjoy it if I have to concentrate to win and much of the magic in 2 for me came from going slow, appreciating every detail and being conscious of my environment, which I didn't in 1, simply because I was able to sweep through without giving much of a fuck. DaS1 was better in every regard yet I couldn't cherish it like I was able in 2.

I just wish 1 would have been my first. And that 2 would have been my last (not considering Bloodborne).

>u say anything bad about game it means ur bait XD
Kindly fuck off Soulfag, and this comes from a fucking huge Team Ninja fan.

It turns out that people like different things than you. Shocking I know.

Why didn't they rush him while reloading doe ¯\(°_o)/¯

the animation is really shitty, they used a technique to capture movement of actors instead of making the animations manually like the other souls games.
demon's souls and bb have the best animations.

>so they like das2 pvp where you can be shit and still win with the right equipments

You forgot about me again user.

This... is The Mimic's World!
The frame-rate flows again!

>Clunkiest Souls game besides 1
>Terrible base game bosses despite having 40 or more they all suck ass to different degrees
>Level design fucking sucks
>Everything feels like you're playing in a lifeless world of garbage
>Graphically sucks
>Weapon variety is just 10 small moveset weapons reskinned 100 different times so just use the best stated ones.

It sucks. The Ice/Ending/2/3rds of the Ice DLC , Sunken and last DLC were alright and had a few decent bosses. Otherwise its crap. You have to be a real contrarian cunt to say you like this shit. And i don't mean compared to other Souls games. I think the series is mediocre in general besides BB if you count that and even then just the DLC and first half of BB. DaS2 is a bad game in general.

>It's a shit game.
Stopped reading there, you're retarded.

because they're retarded

>what is parry

Maybe BB, I don't know who you think you're kidding with Demon's Souls having the best animation.


No shit Einstein.
Oh by the way, people having different opinions is a good things, it leads to discussion.

But what you're doing right there, stating the obvious, is no different from shitposting.

>felt like you were part of something when you joined these

Full blown delusion. I don't know how you can fool yourself into believing this shit.

Demon's Souls has nice gestures and some decent attack animations but everything else is morrowind tier.

Congrats you parried! You have now done 1/5 of his health in damage.

Unless you're talking about fight clubs where you have your build complete as well. I'm talking about invasions.

how am i supposed to get hidden weapon and sunlight spear in this stupid dead as fuck game
it's literally all i have left to do until i can get the dark soul and call it quits forever

a meme build anyone half decent would rollstab into oblivion
only das2babbies think it's good

youd have to be a real contrarian cunt to say all of what you said

>Finally, some true variety, also dual weilding!! Can't wait to see the builds people came up with! This gonna be goo..
>During the first month, literally 95% of PvP is against Santier's Spear or dual Avelyn

A truly great community

>it's shit it's shit it's shit
Some real nice discussion you started too. The only people that think DS2 is unbelievably shit are the people that deluded themselves into thinking Souls games are some beacon of quality. It's a mediocre series that fills a particular niche well.

In DS2 covenants NPCs just feel empty inside, their area is literally "Covenant base area" and is completely independent from the rest of the game. This goes against the design of Souls game, it's just functional.

it's considered to be the worst game of the souls series

people who say that SotFS fixes everything is a liar

It's called shitty animations and imprecise character control.

I provided my point of view on many aspects of the game, while mentioning some background about the game development and why I think the game turned out this way and you.. literally brought nothing on the table apart from shitposting and complaining about me having an opinion.
You'll fit well on this website, have fun.

cheat engine

and you can get softbanned if you use that fix

It suffers from poor level design and enemy placement.
Yes, even SotFS.

It's pretty good. Had some good devs, had some bad devs. Sometimes the heart shines through, sometimes the shit shines through.

DS3 proved to me that a lot of DS2 haters are genuine shit taste retards who don't understand what the fuck they're talking about when they use words like "level design", "artificial difficulty" or my personal favorite: "true sequel".
DS3 is a DS1/BB abortion that manages to be worse than both parent games it rips off and the black sheep of the series.

I have strong doubts the DLC will fix it, but I have hope.

it's much easier to shit on someone else's post rather than exposing your own opinion right?
I noticed this is a regular pattern with DS2fags, I rarely hear why they find the game good.

>the gameplay is shit the story is shit the writing is shit
That's not exactly an argument. You're a retard because you don't understand how people could like a game and simultaneously realize that it's flawed and went through development hell.

Maybe you should mention how the dead zones are only that way on the very basic walk speed, and how even a slightly faster walking speed will allow you to spin freely.

I enjoyed DS2 the mos, 3 is the best game but I din't enjoy it as much as 2.

You can farm hidden weapon off a phantom that has a small % chance to invade in the Bell Covenant in the IK. There's like a guide for it or some shit. He also drops pieces of his sick predator armor.

Sunlight medals drop of falconiers, go into NG+ to make this easier.

Anything good that came out of that game is overshadowed by all the garbage.

>small % chance to invade
That faggot invaded me loads of times, even after I killed him several times.

>Maybe you should mention how the dead zones are only that way on the very basic walk speed, and how even a slightly faster walking speed will allow you to spin freely.
But that would be lying.

the mad warrior, right ? i've read about that
for the falconiers, don't they despawn after a while like all the other enemies in the game ?
seems like that would make farming them annoying as fuck

But it wouldn't. You could easily replicate the results yourself, but you won't because your b8 always grants you a (You) or two.

so, you didn't play it then?

If you're in the Covenant of Champions, enemies stop despawning. It's a lazy fix to a stupid problem, but that's all you have for single player.

Champ Covenant stops despawn.

Keep in mind it took nearly a year to patch this into the game.

>DS3 is a DS1/BB abortion that manages to be worse than both parent games it rips off and the black sheep of the series
only das2babbies believe that, it may not be as good as the two first games but it sure as hell is better than das2
>my personal favorite: "true sequel"
because it is, it builds directly on das1's events and goes beyond, it doesn't try to be its own thing but at the same time throw vague callbacks to das1 to get a semblance of credibility like das2

Literally just beat it, like just this second.

I liked it. Never played a souls game before moving onto 1 now.

oh yeah, fuck, i forgot about that covenant's effect
god, this is so stupid