
What the fuck was her problem?

Granted, I only watched the anime but there's literally no reason for her to kill the entire student council and lobotomize people.

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>Granted, I only watched the anime
get out


She doesn't value life. And everything bores her. Thus she wants to fuck up the world super bad and make everyone as miserable as possible.

This is the only way she can be truly happy.

Women am I right fellas

She gets a hard on from it. What else does she need?

Yeah, I also think, her motivation to do this, is dumb.

To be honest, even playing the games and reading 0, it doesn't exactly make her goals any clearer.

She really is a "Doing it for the lulz" kind of villain. She basically just liked the feeling she got when people felt despair, so decided that must make her Ultimate Despair and so took everything to an extreme measure just so she could get off.

Why Mukuro is going along for the ride is explained even more poorly.


so my roommate played this game last month. I had to listen to it as I was in the room, he also told me about it as he played through it. I can say, without a doubt that this game series is one of the worst ever fucking made if not THE worst game of the 2010s. everything about it is fucking awful. I wish it had never ever been translated. The plot is garbage, the tropey characters are nonsensical and terrible, the edgiest villian/jap joker rip-off of all fucking time, the extremely purple prose and unnecessarily verbose fucking horseshit trials, that stupid fucking bear, the completely autistic gameplay mechanics, the music is crappy, the shitty fucking tumblr fanbase, all of it, ALL OF IT IS GARBAGE. Nothing tops it for how absolutely terrible it is.

wtf why is hope man dead I thought that he'll survive

I find it funny how it had to be a girl fucking things up because if it was a man they would have to actually write out a good reason

>the music is crappy
See, everything else is just your opinion and you're entitled to that, but if you even hate the music you might actually just have shit taste

>Hating DR music
Nice bait famalam

the whole reason is despair. its that dumb, yes dont overthink it

Mukuro does it out of sisterly love

It's just because the creators wanted a sexy villain

>Granted, I only watched the anime
kys secondary faggot

Kind of. It more plays into the fact that her analytical talent makes her able to predict most things perfectly in a normal stable society, and she can't stand that. She wants chaos and emotional damage because that makes people's behavior more unpredictable.

not bait, the music is awful, and I like the music from the Neverhood.


its japan, when don't they make a sexy female anything.

The moral of the story is that ultimate analyst is the wort talent to have, imagine living through life never being excited by anything because you analyzed every single possibility.

it's so that forever alone neckbeard virgins will this it's "edgy and kewl" and go online to places like this one to ask stupid questions pretending this character is deep or something.

She's a mary sue whose entire motivation is invalidated by her methods

>but only if you memory wipe them, black mail them, or threaten them with death unless they do


I enjoy the franchise but Junko is literally the most retarded character in the entire thing

The more they show of her the more retarded she becomes as a character, Danganronpa 3 has made her even more of a fuckup

>My reasons are for despair. It's not supposed to make sense. I genuinelylove my sister and my classmates. Seeing them die causes me even more despair. There is no logic, no reason, nothing. It just is.

>LOL! I'm BORED of this world xDDD I hate everyone and im so super smart and RANDOM!!!!!!! LMAO!!! *Tries killing everything for the sake of DESPURRR XD*

God DR3 ruined her character so much

>watching an anime or playing the spinn offs
>they are all fuckin terrible
>he hasn't played the maingames which are actually good
Fuck off OP

Danganronpa is shit.

That was fucking dumb in dr3.
In dr1 & 2 it's established that Junko is all about pushing people's buttons and providing motives for despair.
But in dr3 she has to resort to an anime she couldn't even have made without Mitarai? Fuck off with that bullshit.

She's a mary sue. None of her actions are supposed to have reason other than "despair". DR 3 pretty much proves she's a hypocrite in her own ideals anyways

The whole plot is fucking terrible, but I like murder mystery aspect of the game. Even then, DR1 cases were easy as hell.

After the first game, I never expect Danganronpa to have a good ending. DR2 ending was dumb and I can expect the same from the anime.

I do like some character, the character development it has and some twists cases were really great. But the story appears more like an afterthought to make sense of why the story happens.

Holy shit this thread is cancer, shit opinions and wrong facts are all over the place. Jesus H. christ.

>A bad entry or bad reveal in a series somehow retroactively ruins what came before
>As if the stuff you liked before no longer exists or is no longer allowed to be good
The most disgusting viewpoint in any fandom ever. Every time I see it, I weep for mankind.


Happy 9/11!

Komaeda did nothing wrong.

What the fuck was his problem?