Scare the shit out of me Sup Forums with the scariest games u know
>i just barely completed amnesia
Scare the shit out of me Sup Forums with the scariest games u know
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My favorites and recommendations:
-Silent Hill 1-4 (PS2, PC)
-Scratches (PC)
-Fatal Frame -games (PS2, Wii)
-Penumbra: Overture & Black Plague (PC)
-Afraid Of Monsters: Director's Cut (PC, HL1 mod)
-Cry Of Fear (PC, HL1 & standalone)
-Condemned: Criminal Origins (PC, PS3/360)
-Resident Evil REMAKE (GC, Wii, PC/PS3/360)
-Underhell: Chapter 1 (PC, Source mod)
Honorable mentions: STALKER trilogy, FEAR 1 + Expansions.
>-Silent Hill 1-4
This. Not everything's constantly as brick-shitting and aggressive in them, but boy are they just marvelous experiences with superb atmosphere.
You can play them all on your PC. Here's a neat SH PC Guide + the DL links:
SH2 torrent:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!
In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
SH2-4 do not support Xinput gamepads. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
here's the recommended emulator settings for SH1. Works great on all other games too.
The plugins used are:
-Pete's OpenGL 1.78; (more options & better performance than 2.x version)
-Eternal's SPU Engine.
alternatively just use a software renderer for very 1:1 PS1-like graphics, including 240p only.
...OR just buy the game from PSN Store for few bucks.
You could also try the new PGXP emulator, that adds Perspective Correction to PS1 textures.
>general protips
Never play below Normal difficulties.
Adjust down the in-game brightness setting.
Crank up volume.
Do not try to kill everything that moves. Just turn off your flashlight, and run / quietly sneak past foes whenever possible!
Replaying all of the games is very recommended, for multiple endings, unlockables and numerous small details' sake.
Good thread.
Planning on playing a lot of horror games during this winter.
Too bad the atmosphere is scarier than the actual monsters.
It was a well-paced walking simulator with some tense moments, but I never found myself scared enough to stop advancing.
This. Penumbra games were much scarier and enjoyable to play. Partly because the enemies did not just spawn and un-spawn at set locations, but actually roamed areas.
Oh man. I made the mistake of wanting to see one of those up close.
I haven't touched the game in 2-3 years
Alien: Isolation
Dead Space
STALKER CoP if you use a mod that increases enemy spawns and go out at night with shit equipment/no night vision. Much scarier than any actual horror game I've played.
SoC's better game, with better spooks and missions than CoP.
Only the scripted spooks are better and maybe some of the shit that goes on in Wild Territory. CoP's map design really lends itself well to A-Life shenanigans especially with something like MSO
could she really be in this town?
Five Nights at Freddy's
The X-Labs alone are far better than anything in CoP.
Emily wants to play was good for $5 until I realized how to cheat it. Plus the last level is stupidly hard so I had to give up.
shbro, i've played all the main sh games now
i'm thinking about playing the western ones even though i know they won't compare
i did play the psp ones though
what you think?
I like the concept of that game and how vague the story seems to be because that makes it creepier, but it just does not look fun to play at all.
Yes problem is that they completely lose their effectiveness after one playthrough, while the A-Life stuff will always make you tense even if you can play the games in your sleep normally.
>I did play the PSP ones though
there's only one such thing, and that's Origins, and it's mega shit.
Only western SH I would recommend is the Shattered Memories, and the Wii original version to be precise. The PS2 and PSP ports had major visual downgrades, that do ruin certain scenes completely.
some X thousand hours into all STALKER games, the labs still chill my spine in a delicious way.
SoC + AMK also unleashes the A-Life into all new levels, and in general provides arguably the definitive STALKER experience
>but it just does not look fun to play at all
Well.. it's a horror game.
i did play origins and shattered memories on the psp
i thought origins was decent enough
i like travis but like the game itself, he's pretty unnecessary
legit don't remember shattered memories aside from the fact you're heather talking to a psychologist
>completed amnesia
Absolute madman.
can't even do that since I immerse myself too much in that game.
I had better experiences with SoC + MSO than I did with SoC's AMK when it comes to the spooky factor but either way both are fucking amazing and have the potential to provide some great, unpredictable scares
I hate Origins with passion for being such a clunky, nonsensical lore-rape towards SH1, and thus the entire series in whole. It also is the first game to show clear The Movie -influences, that ended up being a common trait in most western SH sequels.
I was pleasantly surprised by SM though.
I was sure I'd hate it, as SH1 is still my favorite game in the series, and this "remake" seemed to piss all over it.
However, once I started playing it, I couldn't put it down, and actually replayed it 3 times in a row soon after. The atmosphere and urban exploration things are damn well done, and the way the entire experience, from the world to the characters, can significantly change depending on how you play, really kept the game fresh nand interesting.
Bit shame you played it on PSP, but fortunately that is the better one of the Sony's ports, as weird as it sounds.
Play penumbra, made by same people. Silent hill 1 is also excellent
Scariest game I know?
i think i played origins years after playing 1 so i don't really know what happened to rape the lore
and i agree about SM, they at least tried to do their own thing with the IP and not just "remake" it
what do you think about homecoming, downfall, and the Evil Within?
>i think i played origins years after playing 1 so i don't really know what happened to rape the lore
I replay SH1 and 2 almost annually, so I can't exactly just "forget" things.
If you're interested in how terribly Origins (and the other sequels) fucked up, look up TwinPerfect's TRSHE videos on Youtube.
>and i agree about SM, they at least tried to do their own thing with the IP and not just "remake" it
True that. It is not a perfect game, but it is a very nice experience. It also cleverly utilizes they player's prior knowledge and expectations of SH titles "against" them.
>what do you think about homecoming,
terrible, but more playable than the other shit-sequels.
the what now?
>and the Evil Within?
I really enjoyed Lone Survivor back then.
Not exactly scaring the shit out of anybody (except weak people like me), but it offers a consistent feeling of uneasiness.
The pixelshit looks somewhat better ingame.
Would you survive an entire week in SIlent Hill, forced to confront your inner demons and accept yourself for what you truly are?
no man's sky
SOMA because of its staying power. People say it's scary at first then it goes into existential horror, but even knowing this I wasn't prepared for how heavy the game gets. Shit stays with you,
>tfw that ending
I know it isn't horror by any means, but Rust really did it for me, I was playing with some Pakistani guys who could only play early morning with me, so I had to hold down the base while they were gone through the night. So when I played, I was alone in this fortified bunker that known to have goodies inside. Just knowing that you could be being watched as you play the game took a huge psychological toll on me, I was always tense when I played. There were nights where groups of 5 players would just walk by the base, and the footsteps alone were enough to get my heart racing. I binged played Rust for like 120 hours within 10 days, and eventually I had a nightmare that people stormed my actual IRL home and gutted my family before my eyes.
I haven't played Rust since.
shit i meant the rain one, downpour
How has no one mentioned Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth? By far, one of the best horror games I've ever played. Makes you feel actually helpless at points. And for some reason, the save points feel like they anticipate your click. Weird.
i hear five nights at freddys is pretty spooky u faggot
Broken, fugly, clunky, and terribly written and acted. Avoid at all costs, and laugh / cry at the TP's video review of it.
You know that one doujin that always gets posted? It would be that effectively.
I wouldn't want to leave
youd probably really like soma then
I'm still pissed that you can't buy Silent Hill on the PSN store for the PS4, only the PSP and PS3.
That said, would you recommend Silent Hill 1?
I jsut stated playing it last night on my Nvidia Shield.
which doujin?
sauce of it?
>That said, would you recommend Silent Hill 1?
It is the best and most important game in the series. Period.
Take a wild guess.
>on Nvidia Shield
that thing's still alive?? Sheesh...
I'd rather play these games on a big screen + on good audio devices / headphones, but whatever floats your boat...
>that thing's still alive??
Yessir! Very much so, they stopped making them and the price has gone up a lot. I bought mine new for $200 but can sell it used for $650.
I too prefer playing on the big screen, which is why I use my Shield since I can just take it wherever and hook it up to any of my TV's and use a wireless PS3 controller from my couch/bed.
>It is the best and most important game in the series
This is pretty exciting then, thanks m8.
I usually replay Silent Hill 1-3 every October, it's always a blast.
Shame I lost all of my savegames when upgrading my computer, I'll never get 100% savegames and those sweet unlockables at this pace...
>This is pretty exciting then, thanks m8.
np mate.
you can only experience the OG Silent Hill games for the first time once, so let it all sink, don't rush.
I hope you're playing on at least Normal difficulty, and have adjusted the in-game Brightness setting to instructed levels. Really helps the mood and challenge.
I would recommend replaying all of the SH games multiple times. Besides stuff like multiple endings and unlockables, there's also tons of small details people tend to miss on their first runs; all the nuances and details of the plot and lore may also not open up to everyone with a single playthrough.
Finally, don't try to kill everything that moves! Especially if you can just turn off the flashlight and leg it.
Outlast is pretty scary but very cliche
Yeah I sat down and played a bit and was immediately taught not to attack everything via method of dying soon after / wasting ammo.
I'll have to be sure to mess with the brightness settings. Would you say that playing on Normal is the way to go? That's what I chose but then someone else mentioned that the atmosphere is so amazing in this game that they recommended Easy, so that way the atmosphere won't be broken or interrupted while trying to beat something.
What do you think about that?
Literally just google silent hill doujin
>Would you say that playing on Normal is the way to go?
Yes, for all the games on the first run.
SH1 is still relatively oldschool with its difficulty, but Easy is still worth its name. The sequels treat you like literal babby on the Easy / Beginner difficulties, so don't do that.
The atmosphere is rock solid and brilliant no matter what you do, but I'd say that there being an actual danger in enemy encounters only enhances that. Fuck people saying that death in vidya should not have any consequences!
Ever since I started taking Lexapro, nothing scares me any more. Either the games and movies I'm playing/watching aren't as scary as people claim or I've become numb to horror. I have fatal Frame 5 on my backlog, anyone know if it'll quell my itch?
why is it so fucking difficult to play these god damn games
No idea they just refuse to do something simple.
Emulation is pretty simple, even fucking doom wad makers do the same shit, multiple folders and "CD's" for a fucking wad.
it really is not. Unless you're on W10, in which case you're a bit more fucked, in the head and in general.
You just gotta understand that besides SH1, which is piss easy to emulate, these games are ~15 years old PC ports we're talking about, made during DirectX 7 times, before Xinput was a thing.
Luckily, you only need to drag & drop sh2proxy fix's files to SH2's root to get that working smoothly on modern PCs.
SH3 should work just fine out of the box, and the only "fix" you need is the FOV Tool to eliminate stretched image in widescreen.
SH4 used to be a bit more problematic, but those new fixes are breddy gud.
>I know jack shit about computers or vidya, so I'm gonna bitch and whine like a typical Apple-fagging generation Z moron, who's never had to type a single line in DOS
Not a scary game as such but to this day the most spooked I've ever been was playing Bioshock pitch black at 2am whilst absolutely buzzing off of caffeine. The Fort Frolic section made me so jumpy
Honourable mention for the first 2 hours of Alien Isolation when the Alien was genuinely scary and dangerous then it became annoying
>I'm going to be a cunt
Who ever said I didn't get them to work you fucking retard?
You definitely didn't even imply otherwise, bitch nigger. If you're such a tech-wizard, then please do me a neat 64-bit OS compatible HD remaster of SH1 and up by the end of this month, thanks!
silent hill 2 isn't necessarily the scariest game ever made, but holy shit it gets under your skin. after playing that game for more than two hours I feel gross, like somebody dipped my brain in tar.
>jump scares: the game
>Tfw I didn't see it coming
You're welcome dipshit.
Got a better come back for being a retard than an anime face?
Didn't think so.
idk but this image makes me feel good
amazing atmosphere desu
the multiplayer was fun af too
made me think of silent hill so much playing this game
10/10 would recommend to anyone who loves horror
free too :+)
That fucking filename I get the reference here goddamn good one.
>le CoF is a jump-scare fest maymay
If you'd played more than 5 minutes, you'd know that it's mostly atmospheric horror with creepy enemies.
Dead Space is way more jump-scare filled than this.
>Got a better come back for being a retard than an anime face?
What's the matter? Is it triggering you?
>no mention of the cradle
gave me the hibbie jibbies cap'n
otherwise penumbra black plague was weird and fucking creepy, i still can't complete it even today and i bought it on launch. penumbra series in general except requiem
you can call me red
oh right it's about whole games not levels, i'm an idiot
Has this game become a running joke in horror threads?
It should be. The game is fucking trash.