Tfw every kickstarter you've backed ended up being a complete scam

>tfw every kickstarter you've backed ended up being a complete scam
i wish i never fell for the meme

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw every last one I've done has turned out decent

For those curious:
>Freedom Planet
>Shovel Knight
>Divinity: Original Sin
>Shadowrun Returns
>Sunless Sea
>Pillars of Eternity
>Hyper Light Drifter
>Massive Chalice

Currently have Psychonauts 2, Yooka Laylee, Bloodstained, Drift Stage, and Indivisible all ticking over and waiting for their release.

You just gotta know how to smell a scam when you see one.

>post yfw there are people browsing this board RIGHT NOW who backed mighty no. 9


>Only backed Shantae
>At the very least I get more sexy genie hi jinks

Couldn't lose with that one

I've never backed a game but I backed the Hotline Miami Jacket figure. I got two copies of HM2 for $25 but the wallpapers sucked.

>tfw never backed anything
Paying for promises is retarded.

user, the meme is that it is filled with scammers.

STILL more respectable than funding a lazy hentai artist that never updates.

only game i've backed was yooka laylee and it looks promising

what happened with paying for project costs with your own pocket change?

do they lost the passion, or is just a bunch of scammers who pretend to be developers?


Backed mostly non-vidya. Only vidya I did do was Star Citizen and Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

things I have backed

>running with rifles

I liked it

Who has millions of dollars in pocket change?






I did some EA stuff, all of which I've enjoyed. Only one I haven't really played is Kenshin. Best one was War for the Overworld.

TFW I actually backed HIveswap.
I'm a fucking moron.

extremely well memed friend

>Psychonauts 2
Are you sure you're not retarded?

>MFW I never baked anything because i can barley afford two meals a day

I've had fairly decent luck with mine.

Good to Great:
Shadows of Brimstone
Kingdom Death Monster (Although it looks like the Lantern Festival is delayed indefinitely which sucks.)
Galaxy Defenders
Galaxy Defenders expansions.
Xia:Legend of the Drift System
Lost Valley
Savage Rifts RPG (Although the pledge amount is a little too high for what you get. If I didn't care about getting the pdf supplements I could probably buy the books online for 30% less than I paid once they go to print.)

Relic Knights (Partnership between Ninja Theory and CMON, CMON screwed them over with the manufacturing, models that were supposed to be plastic are now restic with poor detail.)
Robotech Tactics (I pledged because I thought the game was going to be 90% Ninja Theory with just license support from Palladium. Kevin Siembedia took over the Kickstarter and drove it into the ground. Excessive parts per model and fucked up missile rules. Wave 2 still hasn't come out yet which has most of the minis I wanted.)
Drake - (Wave 2 with a lot of the stretch goals will probably never happen, but I only did base pledge which was still a lot of pewter minis.)

The Mandate
Mekton Zero (Cyberpunk 2077 better cure cancer at this point.)

So my take-away from Kickstarter is that boardgames turn out well, videogames you might as well buy at release, minis wargames are bad since even if they release you'll never find other players, Cool-Mini-Or-Not screw over anyone that works with them, and if you do an RPG make sure the guy kickstarting it doesn't suddenly sell another game to videogame devs and waste all his time giving them lore advice.

forgot pic

kill yourself

what did he mean by this?

I backed Shenmue 3. Hopefully there is alot of love put into it.

It might be okay. Unpolished as shit, but okay. I like the art so far.

Dumb animu poster is right for the first time ever.

>Akabur actually had subscribers increase after the contentless mess that is Witch Trainer released.

>Backed Shemue 3
>"Coming in 2017"
>Know that because they want to polish it up it will release in 2019

>tfw I backed Shovel Knight, FTL, Undertale and the fucking homestuck kickstarter
Well, 3/4 aint so bad, I guess.
Still mad that Toby didn't deliver on any of the Stretch Goals for Undertale, but at least the game turned out semi-decent, despite all the glaring issues.

Well if you baked shit you could just buy ingredients and save money

I backed TFH and am cautiously optimistic

>Backed the homestuck kickstarter

Wow that sucks

Even early games were sponsored by companies who likes the ideas and think it'd make them money to be involved.

Now, the sponsors are communities, and the law is so shoddy it's completely legal to fuck people over now.

maybe then i can afford lunch

Just to remember, In the court of the Crimson King is pure meme



>backed LWA2
>it was good
>now a TV series is being made

feels gud

Rate my autism

Why's that, user?

Wasn't he going to get around to working on the stretch goals sometime this month or next?

I remember something along the lines of a tweet saying he's gonna take a break from undertale related stuff for 6 months

He said in a backers-only update sometime in November or so that he didn't know when he's coming back to it, that the secret boss stretch goal is "In the game" Which is bullshit, since there's absolutely not a secret non-backer boss, that the comic stretch goal would be non-canon joke shit, and that he hasn't even made a prototype of the alarm clock.

Basically, the dog is a hack.


Name one kickstarter game that actually got completed with everything the developer promised and is fun

We're probably not missing out on anything. Undertale was probably a flash in the pan and Toby's already pulling a Notch by fucking off indefinitely as soon as he made money.



>tfw supported the only promising game out of the sea of shit out there
I can't wait for LaMulana2.

>putting faith in complete strangers
>blindly handing them wads of cash

In real life this would be considered extremely reckless behavior. It's essentially gambling. In fact it's even worse than gambling, because at least with gambling you know the house is generally trustworthy.

>You just gotta know how to smell a scam when you see one.
>Psychonauts 2


Shovel Knight doesn't have 2 out of the 3 extra campaigns they've promised, but they've proven that they're working on them and will complete them relatively soon, seeing how well the Plague Knight campaign turned out.

>I backed the homestuck game

pic related it's the hiveswap development team

>backed yooka laylee

Things I have backed:


Neither games were delivered and I ended up pirating them a while afterwards. They were meh.

I backed Shantae and Yooka. Two games real cheap that will give me a good time. No regrets.

Plus I get to play as that slick n sexy blue Shantae.

Backed a game called Doko Roko, hope it's not shit when it's finished

I backed way too many kickstarters to be healthy, but most of the ones that weren't vidya turned out ok with only one outright scam. The vidya ones have been really hit or miss. Here's my catalog of wasted cash.
>Barkley 2
Was looking good for a while, but Tales of Games has been worryingly silent for a while. Not a scam, but I don't feel good about its chances of actually coming out.
>Radio the Universe
A one man show that's over two years late. Progress is still being made, but not much. I'll be pleasantly surprised if it ever comes out.
>A Hat in Time
Looks good, despite being hideously late. I'm still excited for it.
>Warmachine Tactics
Was only ok. I enjoyed it, but I probably spent way too much money on it. At least I got some physical models out of the deal.
>Soul Saga
Supposedly releasing someday. Honestly, it looks like it will actually come out, but I've lost any hype I had for the game at this point.
>Megatokyo VN
I don't know why I backed this. Glacially slow updates was the reason I stopped reading Megatokyo many years ago, but it was so long ago I had forgotten. Never gonna happen.
It released. I got my $10 worth of enjoyment out of it and then some. It wasn't literally the devil, or literally the savior of gaming. It was merely good.
>Legend of Iya
I want to believe in it so bad, but the lack of visible progress really doesn't help. I believe the creator when he says he's working on it, but I just can't see it being released any time in the foreseeable future.
>Barter Empire
It did come out, close to on time even. I got my copy of the game and never ended up playing it. By the time it came out, I just didn't care and forgot why it looked interesting in the first place. Thankfully it was cheap.
It's late, but I see no reason to doubt Wayforward at this point. Looks good, and I can't wait.
>Retro gaming magazine
It was only ok. I hoped it was going to get better, but it didn't really.

HLD left me feeling burned but looks too good


I've only backed D:OS2.
Pretty confident after the first game, and since we bought a 4 pack with my friends, it's a pretty big saving.

I demand reddit to leave

we need more people like you


>Skullgirls Encore
Delivered. No complaints.
>Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Collected Works Book
It was everything I hoped for. Amazing in every way.
>Girl and the Robot
Forgot this actually came out after being two years late. Just downloaded mine and I'm going to play it tonight.
>Project Swordsmith
Deader than Disco. At least I was only in for $5.
Supposedly almost done, which would make it only a year late if it releases by november. Wish there were more frequent updates.
>RETRO Magazine Year Two
At least it's over and I'm off of Mike Kennedy's Wild Ride. I should have known it was trouble when a magazine had to kickstart their second year of publication. God I'm dumb.
Fingers crossed.
>Power Drive 2000
I'm so worried. It looked so good, but never gets any updates.
>Boma Naraka Sura
Supposedly coming out soon. Don't know if it'll be actually any good, but I have hope.
I trust them to deliver, but We'll see if they can make a decent game that isn't a fighter.
>Saber Rider
Looks like progress is being made, but not much and they're not very transparent. Worrying.

I'm sticking to board games from now on, I've yet to have one of those fail to deliver.

You're a meme


How does King Crimson work?


I will tell you.


It just works

I backed Insomnia too.
Completely forgot about it.
Hows it looking?

Also backed
Wasteland 2
Divinity OS2
Kingdom Come

I almost backed Divinity OS but sadly reality got in the way and drained me of money. Atleast I got the CE.
Kinda worried about OS2, fucking memory stat. It's going to hit my hybrids hard.


>Almost back project scissors, I'm thirsty for horror
>Dont for some reason
>Hear it released
>Apparently it's shit and for mobile or something
It's appropriate a genre called horror can continue to make you despair and crush what little hope you have.
>Only upcoming horror games are Agony and Scorn
>Look like walking sims
This is true horror.

Woooo baby what a scam.

I've only ever backed 2 games:
>La-mulana 2: Still being made.
>Andromeda: It didn't get funded.


You're not a faggot for being a furry, you're a faggot for supporting a campaign book splat book.

The premise is that kickstarter gives enough funds for a project to start when they have no backing before that.

Obviously the hope is now that the kickstarter will triple the expected budget and the project dies because the devs go on a power trip.

>Knocking Arthur Brown.

Does he refuse the wisdom to burn?
